
Suitable GUI for sorting rows at database level and/or WYSIWYG level?

Consider an Explorer-like list view with a number of columns. The data is fetched from a database, and the rows can be sorted by clicking the column headers. When you click column A, you expect the fetched data to be sorted by A - at the database level ("ORDER BY" at the selected column). However, sometimes it is desirable to sort the d...

DoubleBuffering in Java

Hello there, I'm having some trouble implementing DoubleBuffer into my program. Before you faint from the wall of text, you should know that a lot of it is there just in case you need to know. The actual place where I think I'm having problems is in one method. I've recently looked up a tutorial on the gpwiki about double buffering, and...

Is editable grid available in yahoo UI..

Is editable grid available in yahoo UI.. please give me link... ...

Fitts Law, applying it to touch screens

Been reading a lot into UI design lately and Fitt's Law keeps popping up. Now from what I gather its basically the larger an item is, and the closer it is to your cursor, the easier it is to click on. So what about touch screen devices where the input comes from multiple touches or just single touches. What are the fundamentals to tak...

How to switch between different applications(mxml file with Application as the root tag) in a big Flex application?

Hi guys, I'm new to flex. Now I'm writing an flex application. I plan to split my application into some MXML files(Application as the root tag). How can I switch from one mxml to another? BTW, what is the best practice for design large flex application? Just one MXML Application and many MXML component or many MXML Application? Thanks...

How can I fix the scroll bug when using Windows rich edit controls in wxpython?

When using wx.TextCtl with the wx.TE_RICH2 option in windows, I get this strange bug with the auto-scroll when using the AppendText function. It scrolls so that all the text is above the visible area, which isn't very useful behaviour. I tried just adding a call to ScrollLines(-1) after appending the text - which does scroll it to the c...

Ladder word-like game GUI problems

Ok so I've written my own version of game which should look like this : but mine looks like that : How can I fix this ? Is there a way to do the layout completely differently ? Here's the code : : import java.util.Scann...

GUI system architecture?

I'm designing GUI (graphical user interface) system for a game engine (C++). Idea is to create a heirarchy of GUI controllers like Focusable, Hoverable, Dragable etc. Every GUI component can attach multiple controllers, they modify component's behaviour. I think it gives flexible system and protects from code duplication. Different ins...

Android app: custom listview with image

Hi, I am relatively new to development of Android apps. I have bought some books on Android development which got me started in developing simple apps. Now, I want to start building an app that has more functionality. Part of this app consists of a ListView containing about 100 rows. Each row should contain a little image (from remote ...

Ruby GUI (non-complex layouts)

I've done quite a bit of research on Ruby GUI design, and it appears to be the one area where Ruby tends to be behind the curve. I've explored the options of MonkeyBars, wxRuby, fxRuby, Shoes, etc. and was just wanted to get some input from the Ruby community. While they're definitely usable, the development on each seems to have falle...

Creating terminal based installer/wizard

I would like to create a terminal based installer/wizard. Ideally, it'd be like the Ubuntu server installer, or the Arch Linux installer - a ncurses (?) heavy GUI with lots of form and arrow key goodness. Second best would be a simpler question/answer type thing, similar to the "adduser" command prompting for password, username, etc. ...

Problems with GUI in Matlab

Hi everyone, I have such code: a=5; b=a; c=10; u = (0:0.05*pi:2*pi)'; %' v = [0:0.05*pi:2*pi]; X = a*sin(u)*cos(v); Y = a*sin(u)*sin(v); Z = c*cos(u)*ones(size(v)); Z(Z>0)=0; % cut upper V1=4/3*pi*a*b*c; d=1/2; e=2^d; a2=a/e; b2=a/e; c2=c; V2=4/3*pi*a2*b2*c2; X2 = a2*sin(u)*cos(v);%-2.5; Y2 = b2*sin(u)*sin(v); Z2 = c2*cos(u)*ones(size(v...

How to @Inject into existing object hierarchy using Guice?

I have an existing object hierarchy where some objects have fields that need to be injected. Also there are some other objects that are constructed using Google Guice and need to be injected with references to some objects from previously described object hierarchy. How do I do such kind of injection with Guice? The problem is that obje...

C# UserControl factory

Let's say you have two classes that extend UserControl. Each of the controls provides a custom event (this could be done by using an interface). You want to display one of the controls in the odd days and the other in the even days. You also want to be able to drag&drop (Visual Studio) the UserControl on your form without knowing what ...

BlackBerry-how to change Manager background image?

I am trying to create a tool bar with background color different from the screen background, i am using the following code getMainManager().add(mToolbarManager = new HorizontalFieldManager()); mToolbarManager.add(mBtn = new BitmapButtonField(mBmpNor, mBmpFoc, mBmpAct)); Background bg = BackgroundFactory.cre...

Positioning new editors side by side

Hi there... I'm working on an eclipse rcp application and want to avoid this effect when opening a new editor: and want to achieve this effect programmatically: Has anyone an idea how this can be achieved? Thanks! :...

Can we change the text/background color of an individual property in PropertyGrid

I have a .NET PropertyGrid control which displays properties of some class. I want to change the color or font or background color(it doesn't matter just that they look different from the other displayed properties) of some property. I can do with writing custom editor but I was wondering If an easier method exists? If I use custom e...

Formatting Text in C# with XNA

Hello, I'm currently trying to make a TextBox for my GUI with XNA, and I was wondering how could I find tagged text in a string. For instanceI have this kind of text: Hey there, I was <r>going to</r> the <b>Mall</b> today! So the <r> tag would represent red text and the <b> tag would represent blue text. And I want to know exactly whe...

How can I create a GUI on top of a Python APP so it can do either GUI or CLI?

Hello, I am trying to write an app in python to control a motor using serial. This all works in a CLI situation fine and is generally stable. but I was wondering how simple it was to add a GUI on top of this code base? I assume there will be more code, but is there a simple way of detecting something like GTK, so it only applied the co...

CVS tools for repo monitoring on windows?

I sometime use the very simple but effective svncommitmonitor, to monitor activity. It's easy to see in the sys tray on a windows box and I've become used to it by now. So, is there a similar/identical tool for CVS. Some googling and to my surprise I couldn't find one. Any tips? ...