
GUI development in JAVA

Hi All To build a java-based GUI using jsp and servlets, what are the different factors that go into selection of frameworks like AJAX, JSF, Struts 1/Struts 2 etc. Also for each of the above pls throw some light on, what are the libraries, toolkits and IDE which are available? Thanks. ...

Howto retain checkbox selections in pageable gridpanel

I have a use case that requires a data table that is pageable, has a checkbox selection per row, and needs to maintain the checkbox selections when paging. The best solution I could find so far is: Does anyone know a simpler solution? ...

Custom Brush - I want two gradients chaining them together.

I am making a bar chart and I want two separate gradients for each bar. First I want a gradient to go from top to bottom solid red to transparent red. I want to paint over the top of that a gradient that goes from right to left, black to opaque. So - In the bottom left we should have; Bottom left - Alpha 0 Bottom right - Alpha 0 Top l...

How do I synchronize GUI-Elements?

Hello, I have a little problem with my java-program. I wanna use Observer, to synchronize two GUIs. But I can't synchronize the JComponent / JButton elements. For example: I have a GUI-Class which implements the Observer-Class: public class GUI extends JFrame implements Observer I have a second "GUI"-Class which extends the JButton-C...

SWT for Windows Mobile: UI Architecture

I have a Windows Mobile application written in Java that uses AWT for the user interface. I am looking at porting the UI to SWT. I got a hold of the SWT libraries for windows mobile and I started looking at what work will be involved in actually porting it over. I think the first thing I have to decide is how to handle a large number ...

How to display matrix in a scrollable edit control?

Hi, I have tried to display the matrix values in edit controls the following way: LrOut = num2str(Lr(:, :, currentPosition)); LqOut = num2str(Lq(:, :, currentPosition)); set(handles.txtLr, 'String', LrOut); set(handles.txtLq, 'String', LqOut); where txtLq and txtLr are edit controls: When the code above is executed th...

swing gui improving

hi all , i am looking for some methods to improve swing gui for example i want to know about new components libraries , new methods to enhance swing performance , new methods to add special effect to swing gui and new plaf for swing . please i want to know how to use this topics and where to find some tutorials about it . thanks. ...

ASP.NET (AJAX) UI Design Tools for Artistically Challenged?

I'm building an application but I'm artistically challenged and I'd rather not spend my time writing widgets (e.g. ability to collapse/expand/close/drag-drop) if there is already controls available. I've worked with the Microsoft AJAX Control Toolkit - but these tools still require a lot of work to get a working widget (which in my case,...

How do I create a black-bordered bubble window in Cocoa?

I'm talking specifically about the kind you get if you click and hold on an app in the dock, or a folder if list view is enabled. Is it a menu style, or a window flag I can set like the brushed metal-style? Lots of little free apps seem to use it. is a good example. ...

Google analytics-style custom report builder UI

I'm looking for a reporting engine/UI that can be integrated into a product, which has a UI along the lines of Google Analytics' Custom Reports builder. Is anyone aware of such a thing? The data is in our case is not page views/visitors/etc, but is similar in nature, in that there are limited entities or types of data, but each entity h...

HTML Slider element?

I'm coding an app (temporarily up here), and I want to make its parameters modifiable. I feel the best way to do this would be with your standard GUI slider elements (a la this, but not so ugly). I just noticed that the DOM doesn't provide these, however... What's the best way to introduce sliders to a webpage? Is there a standard libr...

How to use yahoo UI in my page.

I need to include any dll in my project?.Is that good to use in web page my page.. ...

What should go in each MVVM triad?

OK, let's say I am creating a program that will list users contacts in a ListBox on the left side of the screen. When a user clicks on the contact, a bunch of messages or whatever appears in the main part of the window. Now my question is: how should the MVVM triads look? I have two models: Contact, and Message. The Contact model co...

How to make an edit box disapper at runtime (NOT gray) in MSVC 2008 using MFC ?

I want to make an EditBox disappear completely when the user selects a particular iption, instead of just graying it out. I tried using EnableWindow(false), but that just grays it out. I want the user to not see the control at all...can anyone help, or is this not possible in MSVC 2008 ? ...

problem with QMainWindow setCentralWidget and stackedWidget

Hello i have gui the i created in the designer , simple one . QMainWIndow that contains stackedWidget , the application starts with stackedWidget index 0 that contains qwebkit widget and after some user flow ,it changes to stackedWidget index 1 that contains QTree widget , to center the first widget i use in the QMainWindow constracto...

looking for examples on how to set/build Good looking GUI's in QT

are there some tricks on the subject any thing that will give good looking gui maybe like skype? beyond the OT reference ...

creating BeanInfo objects in NetBeans 6.1 does not work for some objects

I have recently learned about BeanInfo classes in Java, and have successfully used them to add icons to my custom GUI components which extend swing components such as JTextField, however i have a more specialized GUI component which extends from another one of my GUI components, which then extends from JTextField. Ie. the class hierarch...

How Linux programmers create GUI application without using IDE?

Hi, I have read some comments in some forums saying that Linux programmers usually do not use any IDE. They prefer to use Vim and Emacs to do their programming. If I'm not mistaken, Vim and Emacs are just text editors, similar to notepad, but with syntax highlighting. I just want to know how Linux programmers create complicated GUI ap...

How to add an extra button to the window title bar ?

I've seen that some apps (maybe not .NET apps) that have an extra button on the left from the minimize button on the form's title bar? How can I achieve this in C#? ...

Show camera inputs at different axes - MATLAB

I have 3 web cameras and 3 axes in MATLAB's GUI. How can I place webcaminput1 to axes1, webcaminput2 to axes2 and webcaminput3 to axes3 ? ...