
playing a pixelview tv capture card video in Csharp

Hi. I'm working on my final year engineering project which involves capturing a video through a TV card and playing it in a custom made GUI. The GUI has been made in C# using the library. The player that comes with the library successfully captures video feeds through a USB webcam. However, the problem arises when the camera ...

Grouping swing objects

Hey. I want to make an object I can add to my java swing application. The object when instantiated would contain an image and 2 labels - is there a way to do this using java swing? If there is - can you point me at an example. I.e i want Myobj icon = new MyObj(pic, label , label); window.addComponent(icon); Cheers Andy ...

Console Application GUIs

How are GUIs like this made, but in console applications? There are many examples, such as alsamixer: ...

Can I use Blender to create 3D wall image viewer application under Linux?

Hi, Is that possible to use Blender to create Cooliris-like 3D wall image viewer application under Linux? I don't see many people use Blender (BGE) to create desktop application, so I am wondering if this is possible. People normally use Blender for modeling/movie and game engine. I can not find a good way to create 3D application in L...

C++ Grid Controls For Desktop Applications

Is there a c++ library like Extjs that can be used in desktop applications written in c++?. ...

JLabel not displaying all the characters even after dynamically changing font size

Hi all, I am trying to fit a sentence that changes often, in to a few jlabels. Widths of my 3 jlabels stay unchanged all the time. What I am doing is changing the font size so all the characters can fit with out non being out of the display range of the labels. What I do is call below code snippet when ever sentence is changed. Here is...

How can we create iPhone-like spinners in android?

Default spinners on the iPhone look a lot better than on Android. It looks like at least one Android app (UrbanSpoon) has been able to replicate this control, and it's awesome: Anyone have any ideas on how to create this? Code would be helpful. Thanks, -g ...

How to resize font on the GUI buttons in MFC

I have a GUI written in MFC for a Windows CE device. However I need to resize some of the buttons and their corresponding text. I can't figure out how to change font size. The following code fragments did not help: Trial 1: *CFont fnt2; fnt2.CreateFont(10, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLI...

[C#] WinForms Buttons in relative positions when form resized

I've searched for two days trying to find a solution to this. My problem in which I need to solve is this: I have a WinForms Application written in C#. It's designed pretty much how I want it to be with two columns (SplitContainer - setup like Windows Explorer, sidebar, et al). The non-sidebar panel will be setup with an image of our co...

Recognition source of event in PyQT

Hi, I`m starting with PyQt4 and right now I have a problem with events. I have one main class let say MainWindow. MainWindow has a list of buttons of type ButtonX (inherence form QPushButton). I would like to achieve one of 2 solutions (depends which is easier). 1) After click one of the button from the list I would like to run a one m...

Why won't this TextArea return to non-Bold format, or is Font.PLAIN just like an "add-on"?

I am trying to Create a Simple Notepad in Java, i would post the full code but i didnt think it would be necessary since the problem is here(i think). Please Help. if(cb.getSelectedItem().equals("Plain")){ MainText.setFont(new Font(getFontName(MainText),Font.PLAIN,getFontSize(MainText)));} here are the above used methods pu...

Tree Menu? In JS?

I need a tree menu. But instead of a listview where you expand/collapse i need a dropdown box with the list and when you click on a element i need the box to update (with the first entry being 'Back') so the menu stays in a neat little dialog. Does this menu have a name? Does anyone know where i can get code to do this? ...

Making GUI applications on Linux/Windows. What languages/tools to use?

My student group and I are trying to continue working on a project we worked on this semester over the summer to become a professional, deployable app. We originally did it in Adobe AIR but it seems now that the computers this program will be running on will be very slow, maybe 600mhz and 128-256mb ram so flash just isn't going to cut it...

Positioning the dialog box in the centre of the screen

I have a dialog box developed in mfc for a Windows CE device and want it to occupy the entire screen. I used the following code to center my dialog box on the lcd screen of the device: CWnd* pWnd = GetDesktopWindow(); CenterWindow(pWnd); However, I still get a tiny sliver of space on the left side of the dialog box, resizing the dia...

Creating Java Dialogs

What would be the easiest way for creating a dialog: - in one window I'm giving data for envelope addressing, also set font type from list of sizes - when clicked OK, in the same window or in next window I get preview of how the envelope would look like with the given names, and used selected font size It should look similarly to this :...

How do I display a file or directory browser dialog using MATLAB

I have created a blank GUI and now I want to program a push button to display a file or directory browser dialog. ...

Center current record in DataGridView

When programmatically changing the current record in the DataGridView is it possible to make it in such way that this record would be centered (vertically) in the grid? When I change the current record it is shown either as the top row or as the bottom row. I'd like it to be in the middle. Would this be possible/simpler in WPF? ...

Assign a value to a static text in GUI MATLAB

hi, how to Assign a value to a static text in GUI MATLAB. ...

Dispalay image using GUI MATLAB in a specific region

Hi, I'm looking for how can I display an image in my GUI in a specific region of my interface. ...

Type-aware rendering (and editing) of tabular data in pyqt4

I would like to have a very short / minimal example of how to create some tabular widget with different types of item in it. In the first round let's say I'd like to render [["Hello", 12, True], ["World", 13, False]] (Hello as string, 12 as number (right-align), True as a checkbox for eg.), but it would be nice to have Dates, Colors, an...