
Problem when calling local variable in GUI MATLAB

I'm getting this error: Error in ==> APP>pushbutton2_Callback at 109 img=imread(FileName) When I try to use FileName in pushbutton2_Callback I'm getting the error mentioned FileName is variable in pushbutton1_Callback. ...

C# How to output to GUI when data is coming via an interface via MarshalByRefObject?

Hey, can someone please show me how i can write the output of OnCreateFile to a GUI? I thought the GUI would have to be declared at the bottom in the main function, so how do i then refer to it within OnCreateFile? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.Remoting; using System.Text; using System.Diagnostics;...

JOptionPane opening another JFrame

So I'm continuing my fight with this : task. Now my JOptionPane opens new window with envelope overfiew, but I can't change size of this window. Also I wanted to have sender's data in upper left corner, and receiver's data in bottom right. How can I achieve that ? T...

VB 6.0 Transparent checkbox

We could not make the VB6.0 checkbox as a transparent one. Can you suggest me how to make check box as a transparent? I searched internet and many sources indicates that checkbox cannot be made as transparent. ...

What's the simplest way to make a scrollable list of controls with labels?

Using C++/CLI and Windows Forms, I'm trying to make a simple scrollable list of labelled text controls as a way of displaying some data fields. I'm having trouble making a TableLayoutPanel scrollable - every combination of properties I've tried seems to result in some really peculiar side effects. So I have two questions: Is this the ...

C# Why does this code not show a GUI properly?

class Program { static String ChannelName = null; static Form1 f; static void Main() { f = new Form1(); f.Show(); try { MY CODE WHICH CALLS INTO ANOTHER CLASS BUT CANNOT PASS THE GUI INSTANCE AS IT USES REMOTING } } } I know this isnt the best/normal w...

How do you get the selected character position in a JTextArea?

Hi! Here is a challenging question! Let me first tell you my scenario how am i implementing a solution to a problem. I am reading a log file and displaying it on the JTextArea. Log file is cp037 character coded. I was reading each file as a byte stream or byte array from the log file & displaying it. Anyways, i managed to display the t...

Web application UI examples

I am currently prototyping a line of business application for the company I work for. It will be web based written in ASP.Net. I am looking for some web application UI examples to give me some creative ideas to jump start the UI design and layout. More info... Case management, task management with work flow, basic accounting features ...

What are the limitations of assembler? (NASM)

Is there a technical limitation of what kind of programs I can write with assembler (NASM)? For now I've only seem some program that do arithmetic operations, like adding two numbers. Is it possible to write complex assembler programs, that provide a GUI, access the file system, plays sounds et cetera? I know I wouldn't write such pr...

WPF: Sort of inconsistence in the visual appearence of WPF controls derived by Selector class

Hello, focused items == selected items but selected items != focused items. Have you ever wondered about that? Do you specially style the backcolor of a focused/selected item ? I ask this question because a user has an enabled button because some customer items are selected. The user is wondering now "why the heck can I delete this ...

Getting rid of the gradient at the top of an Activity (Android)

How can I get rid of the gradient at the top of my screen (the very top of the blue in the screenshot below... below the notification bar)? ...

How to display panels with component in frame

Why my JFrame 'frame' is diplaying empty window, when it should give me 3 menu buttons and my own painted JComponent below ? What am I missing here ? import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Eyes extends JFrame { public static void main(String[] args) { final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Eyes");

How the JOptionPane works

How can I control what happens with window after clicking JOPtionPane buttons ? I'm trying to implement simple file chooser. In my frame I have 3 buttons (OK, Cancel, Browse). Browse button opens file search window, and after picking files should return to main frame. Clicking OK will open a frame with the content of the file. Now porble...

Is using a GUI worse than using bash and other text interface tools?

As a freelancer, and previous Adobe trainer, I get a look-in at many development workflows and alternate styles of programming and design and therefore quite open to different workflows. But a recent post I had, I needed to use SQL - so I whipped out navicat and wrote a nice join statement. I had sniggering comments and sideways glance...

Line underneath my menu bar!

When you create a menu bar, a funny line appears underneath (for XP and Win7 at least). How can I get rid of this line? I know that some applications, such as Firefox and Thunderbird, have done so. Here's an illustration: I am programming in C, using the Windows API. My menu is loaded from a resource file. ...

Open archive file content in OpenFileDiaolg C#

Hi All, I want an Open File Dialog with *.class ,*.jar filters. I want that *.jar files will be treated as folders (pressing OK or double-click should display the jar file content [ *.class] ). This capability is very similar to the TotalCommander archive plugin that let you browse inside archive files in-place (without the need to extr...

Matlab GUI - How to get the previous value entered from a callback function?

Hi, I know that this is probably a simple problem but I am new to Matlab GUI's and basically want to get the old value which used to be stored in the text box to replace the value which has just been entered. E.g. Text box contains a valid string, User enters invalid string, Callback func, validates input and realises new input is an ...

How to merge JOptionPane and Frame into one

Hello. Currently I have a very basic file viewer working as follows : - in JOptionPane I browse for files, and set some variables to display (colors, line connecting etc) - previous windows loads a frame with drawn points Code : Now I'd like to throw it into one window, with JMenu for selecting files...

What makes a sexy UI?

I'm in the progress of remaking one our products user interface to be more modern and apealing aswell as user friendly. It's a web based application that is used by all types of people. My question for you is what do you think are the key factors of a sexy interface? An interface that is appealing and leave the user with a WOW feeling? ...

Java CountDownLatch used to wait for JFrame to dispose

I have referenced this previous question as well as other sources, but cannot get CountDownLatch to work correctly. Background: mainFrame creates new Frame called dataEntryFrame. When dataEntryFrame "Submit" button is clicked, record added to database and dataEntryFrame disposed. At this point, mainFrame should clear and reload a jL...