
need a web browser in my desktop application

part of the specification of this desktop application is to have a mini browser built in, so that you can enter URL, and navigate the site as you would on a normal browser. Access to the browser page's DOM is required, should let me programmatically change the rendering view of a page, should be cross-platform, renders javascript JDIC s...

Beginning with event listeners

I have a simple app, showing picture made of tiled images(named u1, u2,...,u16.jpg). Now I'd like to add some Events to it, so that I can show these images only when proper button is clicked. I've tried doing it on my own, but it's not working. Where am I doing something wrong? Original code : import java.awt.GridLayout; import javax.s...

How do I set the position of the mouse in Java?

I'm doing some Swing GUI work with Java, and I think my question is fairly straightforward; How does one set the position of the mouse? ...

"Correct" Dialog / UI font on Windows

When creating a control (e.g. an edit control) on the fly using CreateWindow, it usually starts out with an ugly (boldish sans serif) font. Usually I wok around that by grabbing the parent dialog's font, and setting it to the control - I can't even say if this is a good idea. How do I "legally" fetch the right font? ...

Accordion for Swing?

What component libraries for Swing offer an accordion widget? I found JIDE, what are the other options? Any free ones? ...

Zoom in Java Swing application

Hi there, I am looking for ways to zoom in a Java Swing application. That means that I would like to resize all components in a given JPanel by a given factor as if I would take an screenshot of the UI and just applied an "Image scale" operation. The font size as well as the size of checkboxes, textboxes, cursors etc. has to be adjusted...

Displaying conditional amount of fields in UI (Android)

I am using layout xml documents for my ui controls. I need to create and remove these controls (input fields) on the fly, based on how many results I get back from my database. For each group, there can be 0..* fields and these are prepopulated from the database. Also, it would be good if I can invoke a method to create an additional ...

Delay KeyUp Action if User is Typing (C#)

I have a function that is being called when the user is typing in a search box. I want to wait for the user to finish typing before I actually execute the function. I know how to easily accomplish this in JavaScript with timeouts, but how would I go about doing the same thing in C#? Also, how long should I wait before I assume the user i...

IPhone UI - WebView VS Native screens

in terms of performance and user interface experience , which one is better developing application in Html screens and JQtouch or building screens in C++ ? ...

Get the caret position when losing focus in WPF

I have two textbox's. I have an event setup for the "onLostFocus" of the textbox's. If i finish typing a word into both boxes one after the other all is well. At the point where i click back on the first textbox i want to click halfway through the word (perfectly resonable thing for a user to do). When the onLostFocus event fires her...

How does one create an elegant iPhone GUI?

This is just one of those things where you feel like your own design is utterly terrible, and that all of the other apps have a beautiful design. This question is just about how you would go about creating a user interface that a user would actually want to use? ...

Windows GUI Automation

Hello, I am planning to automate some of the functionality of the GUI developed in Microsoft Visual C#. I am new to Automation with GUI. Would be glad if you share your experience regarding GUI Automation and some of the tools available for the automation. I plan to develop some programms / scripts in order to realise some of the fun...

Start Windows GUI Application Development With C++

I'm looking into creating a GUI program for Windows in C++, I have a good knowledge of C++ in the command line and also in game creation. But I'm not sure where to start with GUI application development. I have Visual Studio 2010 and have created new projects with a GUI but these templates are complex and leaves me not understanding wh...

chrome-like status bar in qt

I'm not big on creating GUI's, and generally my philosophy is: I don't create them, or I make them as simple as possible (and convince myself that it's better for usability :) For my current project, I'm using Qt from Python (PyQt), and I want to start adding some GUI elements without cluttering the interface. My idea is to create thes...

Laying out JPanels to make a simple GUI

Hello, first of all, this is more or less my first GUI and ive learned Java for not more then a week, so it might contain some serious programming errors. What i have right now is: Buttons and labels are part of OptionPanel and are on the left, DrawingPanel is about 5x5 px in size and is on the right. What I am trying to do is a simpl...

Create and bind a GUI from xsd file automatically in eclipse rcp app

I want to create GUI components from XSD files. The generated GUIs should be used for concrete xml instances of the corresponding schema with databinding to "interesting" elements or attributes content. I have considered these solutions: jaxfront. (commercial tool). This does not generate source code. This is important for me because I...

C# USer Interface Books - Equivalent To CLR Via C#

I need to teach myself Winforms and user interface programming and want a decent book that will go thoroughly into the ins and outs of how to accomplish things. Can anyone suggest a good book? I know C# pretty well and have messed about with Winforms in the designer before. Thank you ...

Is Windows mobile 7 User interface based on silverlight?

I've heard that windows mobile 7's user interface (UI) is completely based on silverlight. can anybody confirm this? or it is implemented by other frameworks? thank you ...

Using Message Boxes in Windows 7 style

After reading the MSDN article about proper user interface here: I want to modify the message boxes I use in my applications to reflect those guidelines (for example, have the Main Instructions in a larger font, better named Buttons, etc...). My question is, is there an API that al...

Is dependency injection only for service type objects and singletons? (and NOT for gui?)

I'm currently experimenting with the Google's guice inversion of control container. I previously had singletons for just about any service (database, active directory) my application used. Now I refactored the code: all the dependencies are given as parameters to constructors. So far, so good. Now the hardest part is with the graphical u...