
GUI for server-client program

I am making a server-client application in c++. In this i am also using shared memory & file read-write operations. my program is completely ready & i now wants to make a gui for it. someone suggested me to go for QT4, but when i tried it, i found i have to re-write 80% of the code because QT has got its own classes & variable. i don't w...

Any good lisp gui library?

Is there any easy to set up Common Lisp gui libraries? I've been trying to install many but I always come up with errors. The only one I got to fully work is Ltk but I hear there's problems with that, especially on windows. LispBuilder-sdl was the easiest library to install but non of the others will work? I'm really confused about this?...

Whats the best visual page designer for .NET web applications?

Im currently working on the GUI for an ASP.NET MVC application using Visual Studio 2005. The visual webpage designer (for the views) is awful. Any input on what other people use would be most appreciated! ...

Windows Mobile 6.5 modern GUI development

Hello How to approach a modern GUI development in Windows Mobile 6.5. I can see in .NET CF 2.0/3.5 only legacy common controls, no alpha blended controls, no fading etc. Comparing to Android or Symbian, Windows Mobile 6.5 look-a-like of applications is very elderly. Is there support for WPF in Windows Mobile 6.5? Thanks and Regards Do...

How to add ONLY system tray icon to application?

I am developing an application that will be running behind the scenes in Windows and would like to put an icon in the system tray for troubleshooting purposes (simple way for users to tell if the app is running). There is no other UI for the application, and the icon does not need to have any functionality as of right now. All of the so...

Obtaining MFC Feature Pack GUI elements in .NET WinForms

The MFC Feature Pack (and VS 2010) adds out-of-the-box support for several "modern" GUI elements (such as MDI with tabbed documents, the ribbon, and a Visual Studio-style interface with docking panels). These are a boon to those of us that have to support legacy MFC-based applications and want to update their look-and-feel, and a sign th...

Set global position for a QLabel

Hi I'm trying to display a QLabel (without parent) at a fixed position using PyQt. The QLabel functions as a graphic that appears only for a moment, it's appears in the middle of the screen by default but I can't find how to move its position. Any suggestion?? updated: This is my code, maybe is a problem in the way I'm doing this: ...

UI Controls layer on top of operating system.

I'm kind of curious about what layer writing a UI platform to the level of Win32 or the X Windowing System would fall in the grand scheme of an operating system. What layers below do they primarily make use of, is it heavily based on direct communication with the graphics card driver (I can't imagine going though a rendering pipeline lik...

Proper Font Browser dialogs

The System.Windows.Forms.FontBrowser is a pretty horrible piece of work. I'd like to write a custom one, but before I re-invent banging-two-rocks-together, I figured I'd ask if anyone knows an intuitive, friendly and above all simple Font Picker which has been proven in the cauldron of the real world? ...

Qt Creator, is it possible to have radio buttons in menu bars?

Hi, I am making a GUI with Qt Creator, Qt 4.6.1 for my c++ application and I cannot find a solution to get radio buttons (or radio button behavior of the menu entries) in my menu bar. I am a newbie to Qt Creator, I hope there is an easy solution for this :-) Greetings ...

Is it me or is developing web based data entry GUIs a big pain?

Maybe it's me or maybe it isn't. I don't have a huge amount of experience of developing web based data entry software but do have some. I used to do it quite a bit years ago. Used to use Oracle Forms, Visual Studio, various 4th generation languages, and performing the user interface layout used to be a snap. Now doing the user interfac...

Converting app to MVC and running it in both console and gui

I have a simple java gui calculator, with 3 number systems (there are some bugs but that doesn't matter now). Currently all code is in one file. My task is to rewrite it as MVC, and add possibility to run it in either gui or console mode. How should I divide this program to organise it as M-V-C ? Is it written properly enough to add cons...

Android ListView delete row button - focus issue

Hi! I have an activity with ListView and buttons below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:orientation="vertical"> <ListView android:id="@+id/lvLamps" android:layou...

embedded web browser

Hi, I'm looking for Linux embedded web browser, or preferably just a rendering object (it will not be used for actual browsing, just for displaying web based gui). The requirements are: Written in C/C++ (small footprint) Support Dynamic HTML Support Java script Minimum dependencies on the libraries (although i understand that it ...

Getting a JFrame's actual current location

Hello community, I am trying to create a (child) JFrame which slides out from underneath one side of a second (parent) JFrame. The goal is to then have the child follow the parent around when it is moved, and respond to resizing events. This is somewhat related to this question. I have tried using a ComponentListener, but with this met...

How to provide Input to Dialogs designed by Qt Designer

Hello, I am a Qt beginner and working with Qt Designer to develop some small UI elements. I read to use these GUI elements in my code and using multiple inheritance approach. I am introducing bookmark feature which somewhat look like

Custom SWT controls and layouts

What custom controls and layouts for SWT/JFace do you use? Preferably, list one per answer. ...

Python - which multi platform GUI framework to use?

Hi, I've written a Python GUI application and made it run on Linux, Windows and Mac. The framework I'm using is PyGtk. The final result is not really good: the application looks horrible on Mac, and it is not really 'native' neither on Windows. Furthermore on Mac the windows' behavior is sometimes wrong, with modal dialogs appearing bel...

i am using .net window application . i need to make my form UI better. how to do that?

i am using .net window application . i need to make my form UI better. how to do that? Is there any predefined shins available?... I am new in this suggest any good idea... ...

Is there any crossplatform GUI library for C language?

Possible Duplicate: Cross Platform C library for GUI Apps? Is there any crossplatform GUI library for C language? (I mean at least win mac lin) If there is any XML-like GUI editing model, any GUI editing crossplatform visual programms it'l be grate!) ...