
Outlook 2007 : VBA Macro: GUI update (HourGlass for Mouse Pointer) not happening?

I have a simple VBA program to download attachments from a Mail Item; I'm launching a Macro (that is a 'sub' in a Module), which does a 'Form.Show' to launch a User Form. There is a button on the User Form to kick of the actual download - the download sub is located back in the Module code, not the form code. Here's the code I'm using f...

How to display HTML-like table data on iPhone?

I have a set of data in a matrix which I would like to display in my iPhone app with all of the rows and columns intact. Everything I can find on the web dealing with "tables iPhone" gives me information on UITableView, which only lets you show a list of items to the user - not an actual table in the HTML sense. What's the best way on th...

How should I use color in my application? Single, Theme, or Chaos?

How should I be using color in my application? I have over a 100 different forms (windows) in my application, and the default windows grey seems like a bad choice to me. One school of thought says pick one neutral color, and use the same one everywhere. Another school of thought says pick a set of neutral colors, and use them same one...

Image not getting displayed on a JPanel.

class Deal implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { dl.setDeck(); dl.shuffle(); dl.firstDraw(pl); for(Card c:pl.showHand()) panelplay.add(new JLabel(c.getImageIcon())); panelplay.validate(); } }...

How can i prevent a CWnd from getting the focus?

I write a MFC application and need a button which is not taling the input focus away from another window. Removing the WS_TABSTOP style does unfortunately not help when the use clicks the button with the mouse. When i block WM_LBUTTONDOWN i don't get a visual pressed indication so this doesn't work either. ...

What is the best GUI for Perl on Windows including a good GUI builder?

I want to build perl apps with a gui that: A: are windows compatible (no cygwin or the like) B: utilize a nice GUI builder C: is easily distributed (minimizing additional components that must be installed) D: has good documentation and tutorials for building and using the GUI E: is still be developed (has a future) and appears to be the...

Gui problem after rewriting to MVC

I'm practicing MVC style programming. I have a Mastermind game in a single file, working with no problems (maybe apart of the fact that "Check" button is invisible at start). But when I've rewritten it to model, view, controller files - when I click on empty Pin (that should be updated, and repainted...

Cross-platform GUI toolkits with WPF-style composition capabilities

A huge advantage of WPF over, say, WinForms is its composability. To quote Programming WPF: One level up, WPF provides its “content model,” which allows any control to host any group of other controls. You don’t have to build special BitmapButton or IconComboBox classes; you put as many images, shapes, videos, 3D models, or whate...

ANSI C graphics extension

Hello, I have to make a project for the Windows OS in strics ANSI C (so im not allowed to use C++, C# or Objective-C). And I'm wondering if it is possible to use any kind of graphics. And if it's possible, how can I? Are there any open source frameworks for strict ANSI C that allow me to use GUI programming? Thanks in advance, Marnix ...

Multi-dialog program in PyQT will not close

For my project, I require multiple dialogs to be linked to each other. One button would go to one level, another button would go back two levels. To get a basic idea of what I'm looking for without showing all my code, here is a compilable example: ''' Created on 2010-06-18 @author: dhatt ''' import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCo...

Java AbstractAction sometimes not detecting escape key - bizarre behaviour

In a master/detail view I have a series of text fields (and one or two other controls) that all pertain to the detail of the currently selected item. They all share the same DocumentListener so if you change any of them a pair of "save"/"discard" buttons become enabled. The buttons invoke a method and I can happily save/discard items. H...

Patterns for screen dynamics, GUI

Hi there, I code Java/Swing based UI. My dialogs are quite complex and there are many rules for screen dynamics: when to enable/disable buttons, when to allow to edit some fields, etc. In general there are widgets and there are some rules to set them in some state. I am wondering if there are any nice patterns, ideas how to resolve suc...

How do I open a Open File dialog in OS X using C++?

I'm working on an application using OpenGL and C++ that parses some structured input from a file and displays it graphically. I'd like to start an Open File dialog when the application loads to allow the user to choose the file they want to have displayed. I haven't been able to find what I need on the web. Is there a way to achieve this...

jquery or alike code generator

Hello, I'm looking for code generator that will help me to create mockup for web based GUI. I need to support tabs, buttons lists etc .. I don't care which technology used. Something similar to MFC/QT or any another GUI libraries usually provided as part of IDE. I'm don't have any knowledge in java scripts/HTML and want something v...

Where can I find this unicode character?

I'm looking to find a unicode character that looks like ≪ or ≫ but rotated 90º and 270º to use in a GUI to signify something can be dragged vertically. Does anybody know of a character like this? ...

Limits to Swing's Unicode support

Not long ago I asked a question attempting to identify a certain unicode character for use in a GUI. I got the character I was looking for, but it didn't work in the Swing GUI I was building. So, SO Community, I pose of you these questions: What sort of limitations does Swing/Java have for Unicode support? Are there certain subsets o...

Qt Action Dropdown Widget

Hello, I am creating a drawing application where the user can insert primitive shapes, like circles, triangles, etc. In the toolbar, I would like to have a single "Add Shape" button that shows a dropdown widget when pressed. In the dropdown, I would like to have a grid of QAction icons representing the different shapes the user can ad...

Which is the best GUI tool for J2ME apps

Hi all, I m doing a commercial j2me project in which I need some good Gui like tabbed pane and auto complete text boxes and I need a constant look and feel across all handsets so anyone having idea what gui tool used for commercial apps. I found j2me polish and LWUIT but I m confused which is preferred in j2me commercial apps. Regards ...

GUI control for representing amount of time

I have an input asking the submitter how long an event took. Right now it's a normal textbox that should error out if anything but an integer is submitted. I tell the submitter to input the length in whole minutes. However, thinking in minutes isn't the brains best ability... Neither is following instructions, so I often get "support-re...

what suits the most for creating interface?

i have an application of text to speech convertor and now want to prepare an graphical interface for it.I did whole of the coding involved in python..i want to know which languages can be used for creating the GUI so that i can connect my python code to it easily..can python be used for creating the gui.. as i have no previous experience...