
How to maximize Visual Studio panels?

Is there a way to quickly maximize (and then restore) Visual Studio 2010 panels? For instance, I'd like to temporarily maximize the Output window or unit test results window. In Eclipse, I would just double-click the window tab but in VS, this undocks the window. The desired behavior is: double-click to maximize the window, then double-...

Make child windows inherit parent background color?

Is there a way for windows created with WS_CHILD to inherit the parent's background color rather than default to Dialog Color? I'm trying to do this for a tab control, mainly the part that extends due to the tabs not filling up the area. I want this color to be the parent window's BG. Thanks ...

State of the art in MVC architecture?

Seems like there are a ton of possible MVC configurations/architectures (MVC, MVVM, MVP, HMVC, PAC, document-view...). Is there any currently accepted 'best' or state-of-the-art MVC architecture? What is the newest thinking? Or is it all a free-for-all and/or simply tied to whichever platform one develops on (e.g. MVVM for WPF)? (Specif...

What is the preferred mechanism to use icons with button labels

I have seen the following snippet of UI code to use icons with labels <a href=""> <img alt src="img/save.gif" class="icon"> <span>Save</span> </a> OR would it make sense to make combine this into a single entity (i.e. image icon plus the label). My concern is if we choose a different theme (color scheme), then I will not be ...

Library to manage menus in embedded device for C/C++

I'm looking for a library to manage menus. I'm looking for something which is based on configuration files. It doesn't have to manage keyboard input or display, just the menu logic. What I have in mind something like: //menu.xml <menu> <Start /> <Stop /> <Configuration displayname="Configure System"> <Sound type="tog...

C++ or Python (maybe else) to create GUI for console application in C

I have a Visual C console application (created in VC++2008EE) and I need to add GUI to it. One idea was to invoke the console app as a subprocess and communicate with it using stdin and stdout. I tried to do that with Python subprocess module - but it deadlocks (probably because my console app is running continuously). As I understood f...

how to implement a step-by-step button in c#?

I implemented an algorithm in c# and I want to make a gui for it, in my gui i want to put a button that with any click the gui shows a step forward in algorithm, so i think i need to put something like pause? statements in my code that with any click it can resume. how should i do that? or is there any other suggestion for implementing t...

Find width of a tab item? (WinAPI)

I want to be able to know how much room a particular tab takes up, is there a way to calculate this knowing it's text and having its item struct? Thanks ...

Starting Python and PyQt - Tutorials, Books, general approaches

After doing web development (php/js) for the last few years i thought it is about time to also have a look at something different. I thought it may be always good to have look of different areas in programming to understand some different approaches better, so i now want to have look at GUI development. As programming language i did ch...

What control style is this?

I want to make a control where the bottom is nice and beveled as seen here: What style must I add to my control to achieve the same look as this? Thanks ...

On Close: MsgBox("Do you want to Save?") or MsgBox("Do you want to quit w/o saving?")

Which is better approach and why. ...

Add tabs in reverse order?

By default tabs get added from right to left, so if I insert 1,2,3,4,5 then the tabs will read 5,4,3,2,1. How can I make it read 1,2,3,4,5 thanks. This is obtained from inserting Untitled Project first and Untitled 5 last. What I would want would be for Untitled 5 to be selected at the far right ...

How does Snipping Tool do this?

I noticed that Snipping Tool (On Windows Vista / 7) has a Toolbar control. I'v used Spy++ and copied its exact styles but when I press down, it does not do like theirs. Theirs stays stuck on the clicked control, indicating that this tool is 'in use' I want to have this effect in my application. Thanks ...

Killing the focus isn't killing the focus

Here is what I'm doing. I'v created a combobox but I'm not using it for that. When I click it, it calls trackpopup and brings up a context menu. However after I'v clicked the context menu, I'd like it to close the combobox in the same way it would if you clicked anywhere (killing the focus) or selected an item from the combobox. Here's ...

for heavy graphics apps in c# which will be more efficient double buffering or Buffered Graphics?

hello i have a heavy graphics application where i have to draw the graphics in 2-10 seconds every time this time varies depending upon the source application which is sending data to my application via UDP; i have some static graphics there is no change in them some are semi dynamic that means some time they are updated and normally rem...

Separating UI and logic in C#

Does anyone have any advice on keeping logic out of my GUI classes? I try to use good class design and keep as much separated as possible, but my Form classes usually ends up with more non-UI stuff mixed in than I'd like, and it tends to make maintenance a real pain. (Visual Studio 2008 Professional, C#, Windows apps). Many thanks. ...

How do I mask the current page behind a modal dialog box in vanilla GWT?

Hi, I've built a log-in composite that I am displaying in my application entry-point to the user. Upon entry of the username and password, I am sending the username and password to the server via a RemoteService and will receive back an object containing the ClientSession. If the ClientSession is a valid object (recognised username and ...

Visual Studio Find dialog non-standard regular expressions

What is the reason for Visual Studio's Find & Replace dialog regular expressions not following standard regex syntax, e.g. using :b instead of \s? ...

How can i make a text box that changes input constantly?

So I want to create a text box "static if possible" that when my user interacts with the story game the text inside changes to accommodate his action. so im guessing i want a pointer to the char variable, but it seems that i cant figure out how to do this... can someone help me please. im thinking create the static box with a argument...

Creating an OS close button? (WinAPI)

I want to create a button that is basically Windows' close button. How could I do this? I want to avoid drawing this myself because I want it to look like that version of Windows' close button. Firefox's tabs do something like this. Thanks ...