
GUI from class definition

Is there a lib that can build a simple GUI by looking at a class or method signature? For Example: class MyMath{ public static double sqrt(double d){ //impl } } To So that when the button is clicked the method is invoked and the result is shown. Do you know any examples of something like that in Java or ...

Reuse a ToolStripMenu for a ToolStrip or a ContextMenuStrip?

Hey folks, In my application, I have a ToolStripMenu (File, Edit, Notes), a ToolStrip right above my work area and a context menu for the work area itself. Now the Notes ToolStripMenu, the ToolStrip and the ContextMenuStrip all have the same content that performs the same actions. I was wondering, is there an elegant way to just design ...

ruby gtk memory leak on image overlays

Okay: I'm on a linux system, so if you are windows I'm sure you can figure out how to do the equivalent of some of the actions I describe below Create 'test.svg' as such: <svg> <circle cx="100" cy="100" r="100"/> </svg> Now create this little ruby script: #!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'gtk2' Gtk::init pixbuf = "test...

Java GUI Frameworks - which are out there?

Hi there, I mainly developing JEE and now I'm in a situation where I need to write a small native Java app. But tbh I'm a little bit lost, which frameworks (SWING, SWT, etc.) are outthere? Is some rapid dev also possible with one of these? Maybe someone could provide me some links or share his experiences. Thanks! ...

Letting User add Nodes to a JTree, nodes do not appear if parent has EVER been expanded

I have a problem with inserting nodes in a JTree. Basically the user right clicks on a parent node, bringing up a list of the possible children to insert. They select one it is inserted as a child of the selected node. This all works great when the parent node has never been expanded. However, if the parent node of the node the user ...

Notes and remarks over the GUI

Hi guys, I am developing a flex application for collaborative data analysis. To present the data my application uses standard and custom components (grids, charts etc.). I want to deliver the feature that allows users making notes over the GUI of my application. So, other users will see they notes late on. At the moment my question i...

Is there an official GUI way of installing and removing .Net services on Windows Server 2008?

Please read the whole question; I personally think that this is programming-related; if you think otherwise, then please migrate without down-voting. I have found two different ways of installing a service: as well as using

Is there any resource for public domain images for use in a GUI?

I'm looking for some public domain images to use for buttons, progress bars, and other common GUI components. I can't find any with Google and a Creative Commons search only returns screenshots of programs. Is there anything out there for those of us who want a purdy GUI but have zero graphic design skills? ...

How to rewrite text in an iPhone app

I'm having a problem refreshing text on a timer. I am displaying the current time and refreshing the screen every second. The problem I'm having is the old time doesn't get erased when the new time gets printed. Here is the function that displays the current time. - (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect { CGPoint location = CGPointMake(10,...

Getting information from a text box - Full Tilt Poker.

Full Tilt Poker's GUI has a box of text that keeps reporting on the state the current hand. I wanted to be able to parse that text but do not know how to gain access to it, so if anyone could point me in the proper direction, I would appreciate it greatly. Image with the GUI and text box:

GUI tools and APIs for small/medium hierarchical data structures

Hi, I'm trying to find a tool and library to edit, write and read data in a hierarchical structure, similar to an LDAP tree, a Windows registry or a Berkeley DB structure. The keys should represent some hierarchy, and the values should have a relatively flexible format (typing is optional, but could be useful). Here is an example: Item...

How to 'introduce' view & controller in MVC pattern?

Using the MVC pattern in a desktop application, what's a good approach to introducing a view to its respective controller, and vice-versa? E.g., should you use constructor injection to give the view its controller, then have the view call a setView method on the controller and pass itself as the argument? (Question isn't specific to any...

Premade Cocoa component for a UI control like this? (rounded rectangle showing a stack of items)

Update Luckily, the code that WebKit uses to make this control draws onto a canvas using basic drawing operations, so it shouldn't be too hard to convert into a Cocoa control. This is what I have so far: I'll update here again once I get it finished. Original question I don't know what to call this sort of control, so I'll show pictu...

TranslationAnimation in Android code

Hey, I was able to get the animation to work on the emulator -- however my problem is that it animates for a second, but then then goes back to its original posistion right after it finishes animating. How can I stop this for happening. This is how I animate my objects: private void doAnimations() { logo.setVisibility(View.INV...

Windows Form App as Scheduled Task

I have run into a case where a Windows Form application is being run regularly via a scheduled task on a Windows Server 2003 box. The GUI is, obviously, not being used to take in any user input, so it is at best pointless. But is it also dangerous? Could it cause anything to go pop on the box? ...

Using Invoke with a UI element that extends Application Context?

I have a taskBarIcon element extending Application Context from which my entire UI is designed. This is because the original functionality of the application was to run a background process and simply provide the icon as a confirmation that the app was running. However, I am now adding additional functionality in the form of a menu that ...

Keeping GUI Development skills sharp

I've been developing in Java Swing for a while now, and I'm starting to feel that Swing-based desktop applications are feeling a little stale and are tedious to develop. I'm seeing new applications that look very sleek and modern, like TweetDeck and Synthesia (a piano game). Despite the wisdom in Haase & Guy's "Filthy Rich Clients," I ...

Cross-platform Python GUI suitable for taskbar (Win) and menubar (mac) functionality ?

I am fairly new to Python programming, and completely new to cross-platform GUI building (only previous GUI experience is through visual basic and Java). I've written some python code to screen-scrape data from a website, and now I want to build a GUI that will reside in the Mac OS X menubar, and in Window's task bar (i.e., the system tr...

ASP.NET website adjustable width

Hi, I am using a CSS template to create a website and everything is appearing as a fixed size. How may I adjust everything so that the size of the items adjust to the size of the screen please so that it stretches to the entire width of the page? Thanks. ...

How should toolbars, menus, and their commands be implemented in a desktop application?

At a conceptual level (not platform/framework specific), how should components like toolbars and menus (and the commands they contain) be implemented in a desktop application that uses the MVC pattern, with minimum coupling & maximum code reuse? ...