
How to create a notification in swing

Using Java and Swing, is there any (convenient) way to create a notification? By notification, I mean something like: , , or (Is there a more correct term for that?). It would be nice if it worked cross-platform, but I'm mainly concerned with it working under Ubuntu with Gnome. If at all possible, I would like to avoid having an...

Java resizing my splitter frame

I have a jDialog with a splitter inside it. One side has a tree while the other side has a frame. Whenever I use setVisible(false) to hide the frame, the splitter resizes to filled the entire screen with the tree. Is there anyway to keep the tree side of the splitter the same size whether the frame is hidden or not? ...

Programmatically Uncheck a Checkbox in a wx.CheckListBox

Is there a method to uncheck a checkbox in a wx.CheckListBox as I need to implement an "uncheck all" button, can't seem to find anything... although there is number of methods for setting a checkbox/s. ...

How to outline android's TextView text?

Is there a way to outline android's TextView text? ...

Best cross-platform GUI and USB language

I am interested in developing a cross-platform application (mostly for Windows and Mac, Linux not so much) that will need a somewhat, but not overly, complex GUI (displays of graphed data) and will also have to receive input from an external controller via USB. I am interested what languages or combinations of languages (or frameworks, o...

Creating a GUI with OOP languages?

I have programmed in Java some and tried to use net-beans to create a user interface. I know only a little about the C languages, though, from what I understand creating a UI can be difficult. I mainly work with javascript now and find it a whole lot easier to get a functional application going. This is primarily because creating a GUI...

wxPython validator not called for grandchild of dialogue

I have something like this: class ADialog(wx.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs): ... self.editor = APanel(parent=self) ... ... class APanel(wx.Panel): def CreatePanel(self, *args, **kwargs): ... self.textCtrls = [] for (key, val) in zip(foo, bar): ...

change image onConfigurationChanged

Hi all Is there a way to change ImageView drawable with its corresponding drawable for landscape mode without destroying the whole activity. I tried to set the drawable again in onConfigurationChanged callback but it doesn't work. Something like this @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration conf) { super.onConfigu...

How do I use MethodInvoker in C++ ?

I've got a C++/CLI application which has a background thread. Every so often I'd like it to post it's results to the main GUI. I've read elsewhere on SO that MethodInvoker could work for this, but I'm struggling to convert the syntax from C# to C++: void UpdateProcessorTemperatures(array<float>^ temperatures) { MethodInv...

How to show a view for 3 seconds, and then hide it?

I tried with threads, but android throws "CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views.". So how can I wait 3 seconds and then hide the view, letting the GUI responsive? -- A Timer uses another thread either, so it will not solve.. ...

how to change page selection in wxNotebook or wxChoicebook?

Is there any way to change the page of a wxNotebook or wxChoicebook programmatically? Looking at the documentation I would have thought that wxChoicebook::ChangeSelection was the way to go, or wxChoicebook::SetSelection if I want the page changing/changed events to be sent. However, I don't know what these functions expect as input. T...

Creating a custom modal dialog for a Swing applet / application

I'm writing a Swing application that needs to function either as an applet in a browser or as a standalone application, i.e. it may be contained in either a JFrame or a JApplet. In this context, I'd like to display a custom modal dialog box to the user (i.e. a complex dialog with a custom layout and logic, not just one of the simple JOp...

java border gui

I am not good with GUIs or User Interfaces in Java. Would a Border or JPanel be good for something like the image below? So, what would be the best option for me? Thank you. ...

How to unit test wxPython?

I've heard of unit testing, and written some tests myself just as tests but never used any testing frameworks. Now I'm writing a wxPython GUI for some in-house data analysis/visualisation libraries. I've read some of the obvious Google results, like and its link http://pywinauto.o...

Can Shoes.rb Create Self-Contained Applications?

It's encouraging that Shoes (the Ruby GUI framework) has excellent packaging functionality, but I'm concerned that it doesn't actually 'wrap' itself around created applications. Packaging for OSX outputs a shoes installer and a shoes file in a .app system. Is there any way that shoes could create a .app that contains shoes - that doesn't...

java jpanel not working

I'm trying to make a 4x5 Grid within a JPanel that is on a BORDERLAYOUT in EAST... soo here is pic: Here is the code: setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); JPanel invOne = new JPanel(newGridLayout(4,5)); JPanel game = new JPanel(); add("Center",invOne); add("East", game); add("South", c); for (int i = 0, j = 2...

How do I stop my JTextPane swallowing keyboard shortcuts (accelerators)?

My application's main JFrame contains a JTextPane. While it has focus, it consumes all keyboard shortcuts ("accelerators") instead of passing them on to the JFrame's JMenu. This means that while it has focus, eg ctrl-n for "New Document" doesn't work. Obviously it's useful that it handles ctrl-A/C/V/X correctly for select all/copy/paste...

Enable or disable the next button based on a live text control value in Wix?

I created a custom dialog page in wix and it has a text box. I want to disable the next button of the installer if the text box is empty end enable it if the user has typed a value. The following code works partially. It does not disable the next button but it does not navigate to the next page unless you fill the value. The problem I ha...

Using Netbeans 6.9 Palette to set setEnabled() default

I get the impression that a lot of GUI parameters, when using NetBeans, can only be set using the palette. Anyway, I have a method bound to the event of clicking on a JMenu, that prompts for a password and, if authenticated, enables all the JMenuItems on that JMenu, otherwise, it leaves them disabled. So I set each JMenuItem to be disa...

Access native windows icons for custom wxDialogs

I want to subclass wx.Dialog to get a little more functionality than is provided by the wx.MessageDialog class but I would still like to be able to use the native windows icons (ie the ones used in the wx.MessageDialog that can be set by the flags such as wx.ICON_ERROR etc.. ) Is there anyway to access these? Update: Thanks to steven ...