
Qt Creator problem. UI changes not showing when project is built.

I'm making changes to a form in Creator but when I build the changes are not being "refreshed". I've gone so far as to remove every element from the form and get rid of every stylesheet but when I build the project I get the same result; as if I had never made a change at all. What gives? Am I missing something obvious? (obvious to every...

How to check for the latest version of java

I want to make a java-based GUI tool that checks for the latest version of java available online,and compares it to the version currently installed I already know how to check for the version currently installed on the machine I don't know about the part where you check for the version available online ...

Modern C++ GUI library for Windows, suggestions?

Hello, First of all I do know that there is already an identical question but that was answered 2 years ago. It can be found here. I have exactly the same question as that guy above. Even my demands from a GUI library are the same as his bullet point. For my proje...

Question to pack() method

I'm building a GUI application, and within a JFrame i have 2 jcombobox's and a JPanel to view certain data. Now when i call the pack() methode in the main class it puts the two jcombobox'es next to my JPanel, which i dont want, because I want them North. Ofcourse I've tried to hard-code it in my code, but it doesn't work after I've calle...

Getting correct sizing behaviour in a custom Swing component

I'm creating a custom Swing component that inherits from JPanel. What is the right way to override/implement the various sizing methods (getPreferredSize, setPreferredSize, getMinimumSize etc.) in order to get "good behaviour", particularly with regards to: Working with different layout managers Behaving correctly when setPreferredSiz...

OO-design for painting program interface

I'm writing a painting program. My basic classes are: class Workspace { Bitmap b; List<Command> undoList; } class Command { void execute(); } class ClearScreen extends Command class BlurEffect extends Command class View { Bitmap screen; } class Interface The workspace object holds the bitmap which represents the progr...

Change the screen when click on the button

Hi I am new to Blackberry..I am developing an application which contain the home screen having a button on it. When clicked on it, it is changing to new screen for that I used UiApplication.getUiApplication().pushScreen(new NewScreen()); in the fieldchangedListener method. In the newscreen I added a verticalFieldManager and add some i...

An algorithm to space out overlapping rectangles?

This problem actually deals with roll-overs, I'll just generalized below as such: I have a 2D view, and I have a number of rectangles within an area on the screen. How do I spread out those boxes such that they don't overlap each other, but only adjust them with minimal moving? The rectangles' positions are dynamic and dependent on us...

Creating a GUI for a command-line utility using Cocoa

I'm looking for a way to create a GUI (using Cocoa) to make a command-line utility more accessible to some of my colleagues. If you use NSTask to execute/start the utility, can you then simply use another NSTask to execute the next command (using the utility launched in the previous step)? Does it use the same session, in other words? I ...

ObjectListView Flickers/Flashes when adding a new list object

When I update my objectListView list it flickers/flashes white, is this normal behaviour or can it be prevented. The list gets updated around every 1-5 seconds using the AddObject method if that makes any difference. ...

jQuery: Fade Out - Do Something - Fade in Pattern

Hello, I seem to regularly write jQuery code of a pattern similar to this: Fade Out ==> Do Something Behind the Scenes ==> Fade In Illustrated below: /// <reference path="jquery-1.4.2.js" /> /// <reference path="jquery-1.4.2-vsdoc.js" /> /// <reference path="jquery.validate-vsdoc.js" /> var fade = "slow"; $(document).ready(function ...

Is there a wxpython list widget that displays alternating row colours even when the list is empty?

Is there a wxpython list widget that displays alternating row colours even when empty the list is empty? or Is there even one that will display a background colour(other than white) when it is empty? ...

gtkD: Minimal Drawing Example?

I'm a fairly experienced programmer, but new to GUI programming. I'm trying to port a plotting library I wrote for DFL to gtkD, and I can't get drawings to show up. The following code produces a blank window for me. Can someone please tell me what's wrong with it, and/or post minimal example code for getting a few lines onto a Drawing...

Future of GUI development in Java?

Considering that Sun/Oracle decided to not develop Swing any further after they "invented" JavaFX JavaFX doesn't really work and some consider it a failure already the not really platform-independent nature of SWT, the manual task to dispose GUI elements and the necessity to bundle platform-specific libraries is there another way ou...

Re-factoring To MVC pattern -Doubts on separation of view from controller

At the momement Im trying to refactor my application (with 1000+ lines of GUI code) to an MVC style pattern. The logic code is already seperate from the GUI so that is not a problem. My concern is seperation of the view from the controller. I understand the basic principal of MVC and this tutorial in the wxpython wiki has been very help...

In WPF how do you write an application for multiple screens?

I have been asked to look into writing an application that will be a very very large application, expanding over 9 screens at (obviously) a very high resolution. My question is, what is the best way to go about doing this? Do I just write an application that is (1024x3) x (768x3)? How on earth can I do that at development time? I won't...

How to display animation image like the Quick Search Box

I have implemented an activity that retrieves data from a web service and display it in the AutoCompleteTextView. This has been working quite well. I'm interested in displaying a spinning animation while the data is being retrieved (The same effect like the Quick Search Box) I try to figure out how the QSB is doing it (10x Open Sour...

Which method is called when user presses back button if a dialog is shown?

I defined a dialog the following way: public void displayAvailableDevices(Vector<UserDevice> availableDevices) { connector.setDevicesFound(true); UserDevice[] devices = new UserDevice[availableDevices.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < availableDevices.size(); i++) { devices[i] = availableDevices.elementA...

UI pattern to allow user to add item with unlimited sub-items

Hi all I'm writing an ASP.NET app. I need to include a page where the user can add an item which has several sets of subitems, each of which sets is unlimited in number. The subitems themselves contain between 10 and 15 fields, so need a fair bit of UI space. As an example of what I mean, the user needs to be able to add a Business rec...

GTK: How to ignore "can't open display" errors?

I have written some GTK programs using the gtkD bindings for the D programming language that are otherwise console apps, but are capable of displaying plots on the screen and saving them to a file. I'd like to run these on a machine that I only have console-based SSH access to, which means that the plots wouldn't be displayed on the scr...