
MenuContribution to Editor toolbar?

Hello! In my recent project, i contributed various commands to viewpart toolbars: Example: I want to do this for editors also. Is this possible and if it is, could some please point me in the right direction, on how this can be achieved? Thanks! :-) Patrick ...

JProgressbar not showing (without threads)

i have a program that takes some time creating pdf files i would like to show progress to user when i finish making a pdf file i try to call the progressbar to update its status: ProgressDialog progress = new ProgressDialog(instance, numberOfInvoices); progress.setVisible(true); progress.setAlwaysOnTop(true); for(int i = 0 ; i<numOfPd...

need help in customizing GUI for my application in visual-studio-2008

Hello Everyone, Actually, I'm trying to build a little "Image Viewer cum Editor" as a small college project. Now, when I have almost completed it I don't find it attractive at all (from the GUI point of view). So, I'm thinking to improve the GUI. One of my friend suggested that I make use of WPF which is available in the visual studio. ...

What is the best Python GUI/IDE toolkit for Windows?

I want to make programs to windows with interface and I want to know what is the best, or the easier program to make gui with Python, not in text mode, but like kinda Delphi works... What should I get? ...

.NET GUI freezes when big load of data

Hi, I'm a junior developer using .NET framework. I'm dealing with an issue because my GUI freezes when I run my application with big load of data. I have a grid an a sort of output text box to log strings. The grid has a row for every message expected to arrive. Then, the application receives messages and the grid updates a cell in ...

How to make GUI for c++ code using QT?

hi; I have a C++ code (mini search engine). I wanna make GUI.But i don't know how to add my code to the QT to create the GUI . note:my code contains (test.cpp , linkedlist.h , table.h) thanks. ...

VB6 Progress Bar - Resetting Maximum Value

I've set up a simple progress bar in a VB6 form using the Microsoft Common Controls 6.0 component, and everything seems to work correctly. However, I use the progress bar for several different parts of the form, each of which use different (and variable) maximum values. When I try to change the maximum value at run-time after the bar h...

SWT tree: auto resize all columns

In a tree with multiple columns, how do I resize columns to contents upon expand/collapse and data updates? The solution to the similar question for tables doesn't work. Same as tree.addListener(SWT.Collapse, new Listener(){ @Override public void handleEvent(Event e) { expandAndResize(false, (TreeItem) e.item); } }); ...

Insets for custom Synth look and feel

I'm implementing a custom Look & Feel using Synth for my application - basically providing custom versions of SynthStyle, SynthPainter and SynthStyleFactory. I am not using any XML, i.e. everything is done through the Java API. In general this is working just fine. The best way to set appropriate insets is however proving a little tric...

Best way to load tabbed content

I'm working on changing member profile UI on one site. Project page: Goals: Usability: page load time must be optimized, especially images in the active tab SEO: pagination links within tabs must be crawlable Assumptions: Most users will go to "All" tab by default Most users ...

Python or Java? Whats better for mobile development, and GUI applications

I know Python apps are faster to write, but it seems Java is the 800 lb gorilla for mobile and GUI development. Are there any mobile platforms that run Python, or should I go the Java route? ...

Runtime alignment of JComponents + chaining to RowFilters

Hello everybody. I'm currently working on a rather complex application. My job is to build parts of the GUI. The main area is derived for JTable and contains all application relevant data. There are a few elements on top of the Table, that allow the user to control the way the data is shown in the table. The options relevant to the task...

how to get a labels width before it is rendered in WPF

Tricky one to explain this. I have a custom built properties grid. The left hand column has the property labels. Sometimes depending on the property, I want a little elipsis button to show the user that they can launch a dialog. I want the buttons to be inline vertically to make the UI look neat. The labels vary in width depending o...

"Independent" GUI window launching

I'm fairly new to GUI programming and I'm trying to write a plotting lib in D to use with some otherwise console-based scientific apps. I'm using DFL as my GUI library. Assume my plot form has a method called showPlot() that's supposed to display the plot on the screen. I would like to be able to have any thread in my app throw up a p...

Mixing Swing GUI components and JOGL

How does one go about adding JButtons among various other Swing GUI components inside a JOGL canvas? Is it even possible? Is it practical? If it is not possible/practical/feasible how would you go about programming your own GUI components that work in JOGL? ...

issues trying to run GUI C# tests with Gallio.echo test runner remotely

I have a set of C# tests that start up and test a GUI. I user the Gallio.echo CLI to run these tests. Running on Windows server 2003 Hudson master is running on Ubuntu the 2003 box is a hudson slave I can run my tests with gallio.echo locally on my 2003 machine. However, I have a Hudson job that tries to run these tests and it fails, pr...

Java vs. C++ for building a GUI which has a C++ backend.

Hello, I currently have a C++ backend that I need to connect with a GUI, and since I've never built a GUI before, I was confused on where to start. I'm comfortable writing code in C++ and Java, so I'd prefer my GUI to be in one of those languages. Also, the GUI has to be reasonably OS independent over Windows and Linux (and hopefully,...

Controlling layout of a checkbox in a custom Synth Look & Feel

I'm trying to implement a custom "Steampunk" themed look and feel using Synth - basically providing custom versions of SynthStyle, SynthPainter and SynthStyleFactory. I am not using any XML, i.e. everything is done through the Java API. In general this is working just fine and actually starting to look pretty decent. However I am havin...

NSTask and NSPipe example to comunicate with the command line objective-c

Can someone show a quick example on how to use NSTask and NSPipe in conjunction to do this: Charlie AI - run through terminal to comunicate with the AI I want to create a nice GUI for it using xcode and objective c. I want to have 2 NSTextFields for the charlie's response and user input. Then have a send button to send the user input t...

QT : Using State Machine for UI interactions ?

Greetings, We are developing a scientific QT Application which detect the border of a cell.Please refer to following prototype snapshots. Now ,we are going to develop this as a opensource product with a good design and architecture.We reconed that it has many comple...