
Windows missing OnPaint events

Imagine a complex window layout with several windows which are expensive to redraw. Now say a scrollevent needs to update several of these windows simultaneously. The way I do this is to update the scroll position and call Refresh on the windows causing them to receive OnPaint events. However, some of the windows never receive their OnPa...

Implementing a simple UI editor in Java

Hi, I'm thinking about writing a simple UI designer in Java. I'm just playing with ideas at the moment to see if it is feasible. It would be good to have something like this as all of our UIs are generated from XML. Just wondering if anyone has tried anything like this before. I know there will be a lot of effort in doing something...

How do you use custom Datepicker and Timepicker skins?

I would like to use a custom skin for my Datepickers and Timepickers. Changing the background in XML doesn't do the trick (it changes the background to the set, not each of its buttons). The API is painfully short and has nothing about appearance ( ). Is it possible to...

MinimalComps Flash GUI and Transcoding Errors.

Basically, irrespective of what changes I make to my source, compiling alway yields either a transcoding error, or a missing definition. I'm new to flash so it's difficult for me to understand how to go about fixing the problem. Anyway here is the source. The stack overflow link I always put in all my source, to look at for encouragement...

Build Java UI to run on all platforms.

I am really confused over what to use. Options I see are awt, Swing and swt. My question is which should be best for Desktop Java app on all platforms( Mac,Windows and Linux )with minimum platform dependent code ? ...

Has anyone tried using Garcer's API "J2MEGUI". I am getting "NoClassDefFoundError" whilst running the HelloWorld example

Greetings, I am trying to use Garcer API for Mobile Application Development ( and have some errors when I run the HelloWorld, which is included as part of the Garcer J2MEGUI API. Here is what I am trying to do: Technology used: Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo) J2ME 3.0 with DefaultFXTouchPhone1 Emulator JDK ...

Inspiration for a beanstalkd GUI

I've been trying to find a decent beanstalkd GUI with no luck at all. I decided to write my own. I'm thinking of doing something totally AJAXy where you can see everything in one page, list tubes, see jobs in a tube, flash charting maybe ...etc I'm terrible with UI, so I was wondering if anyone can recommend some examples that are relev...

Extremely Simple Menu Question for Android

Hi all, I have a very simple question about menu control in Android. I'm writing a program that performs some simple numeric calculations and outputs an answer. My question is how do make the program move to second screen when a button is pressed, and how can I let the user move back to the original screen. Here's a quick example Scree...

Window Interaction/Messaging in WPF

I have two windows, a main window an a window to update the database, the main window displays some data from the database. I have a private variable in main window that is connecting to DataGrid to pass the data, I need to update this private variable with information i entered in the update window. Should I try to access this data in t...

Problems creating a new screen

I am creating a project in which i need to take in some numbers, makes some calculations and then on a new screen create show the answers. I am using an Intent object to go to the new screen: final Button button = (Button) findViewById(; button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() { public void onClick(V...

Is there a good git client for Mac OS X that has all the bells and whistles of Conerstone or Versions for Subversion?

I am wiling to pay good money for it if it has all the most common features and polished look. Also, I've seen gitx and I am asking if there are any other GUI clients besides gitx. ...

Java - setVisible(true) has no effect on GUI

I created a GUI (called ParameterUI) with the Netbeans GUI Builder and now I want to create an instance of it and display it. However, using ParameterUI gui = new ParameterUI(); gui.setVisible(true); doesn't cause any window to appear... Testing shows that after those commands, gui.isVisible() returns true, but gui.isValid() is false...

Ant task for compiling GUI forms (Intellij IDEA)

How I can create a Ant task to compile GUI forms (XML) in Intellij IDEA? I use Scala and Java in my project. Java only for GUI class, and I create it with Intellij IDEA UI Designer. ...

Who to create a proportional Android layout?

Hi I'm trying create a scaling layout for an Android application. The whole screen should contain two areas. The top 3/4 of the screen should be a MapView showing a certain area. The remaining quarter of the screen should contain some textual information to certain places shown on the map. So now I'm wondering what is the best practi...

Multi choice UI - best practice

Hello, Mayby it's not a question strictly for software developers but let's face the truth... everyone is sometimes an UI designer - web apps, winforms... everyone have to place some components... Now here is my question: Whats the best way to present multichoice from a really big list of options (about 1000 positions)? What in your op...

GUI layer vs Code layer vs Swing

I always coded console applications and learned some basic UML/patterns skills, using C++. Now I decided to move to Java and add GUIs to my programs. The first question is how to handle the GUI layer in the program desing. I mean, how I should separate all the GUI code (adding components, basic event handling) with the code that really...

IPython GUI (like IDLE)

Is there a GUI for IPython that allows me to open/run/edit Python files? My way of working in IDLE is to have two windows open: the shell and a .py file. I edit the .py file, run it, and interact with the results in the shell. Is it possible to use IPython like this? Or is there an alternative way of working? ...

Open source Swing GUI builder that uses MiGlayout

Is there an open source Java swing GUI builder that uses MiGlayout as it's layout manager? I've been trying to learn to make Swing GUI's by hand using MiGlayout but feel it would be easier to learn if the code is auto-generated. Note: I'm not using the GUI builder for my applications, just to see how the code is generated and then apply...

How to get favorites star

I would like to add a favorites star like the one in the contacts list on android. Is there any way we can get that star or will I have to write my own? I can't seem to find any standard GUI Elements from android other than the options menu icons. Are there any more that I have not found? Look at the one the right next to George Ande...

Activity Indicator question

My app main view is a tableview with several rows that can be drilled down. When a row is clicked, I fetch the sub items using core data which could take a fraction of a second to several long seconds depending on how much items are fetched. (0 to thousands) Placing activity indicator when fetch takes long time is a great UI while plac...