
Closing Swing JTabbedPane tabs in Java 1.5?

Java 6 introduces "Tab Components" and allows you to add arbitrary components to the tab. But, if you're stuck in Java 1.5, and need to provide the same use case, what are the alternatives? (I just need users to be able to close tabs...there has to have been a workaround for this prior to the release of Java 6.) ...

Input using Joption..the utput show at a Jframe???

Is it possible to enter an input using Joption....(computation,string,etc..)and the result will be shown at a costumized Jframe?? show the code please.... ...

Java GUI Crash happens over VNC!!!

Hi!! I have a Java GUI based Application. When I run it on Windows it works fine. But when I am in vnc session to a Linux Box without X11 graphics enabled. Out of 20 runs of the software on an average 1 run fails to bring up the GUI in two different ways, The GUI shrinks to a small square. The GUI doesn't appear at all. ...

Simple GUI scripting question

Hi all, I am trying this simple GUI script to open a new window of Safari: tell application "Safari" activate end tell tell application "System Events" tell process "Safari" try tell menu bar 1 tell menu bar item 3 click menu item 1 end tell en...

Any recommendations for a Web based Daily Schedule event control Toolkit

We have a backend VB based scheduling app which we would like to webify. A key function point is displaying multi-person schedule (with possible multi-events) for a selected day. A sample can be seen at In VB we've used a non-web custom control SchedOCX to deliver this functionality. Any recommendation for a...

eric 5 ide for python

today i install eric 5 ide. whenever i run i get an error msg poping a dialog box saying start debugger no python 2 interpreter configured... but i have a both python 2.6 and python 3.1 installed in the pc. i can't figured out the problem anymore please help me. ...

Aligning right and left with linear or relativelayout with truncated text?

I am trying to do a listview which looks like this: It has two parts, the left is left-aligned and contains two textviews which are single line and truncated. The right is part also has two textviews but they are right-aligned and have constant size. The main problem is that the right part does not align to the right. If I use a stati...

Add extra button to ABPersonViewController

Im working on a small app that displays contact and biography details. You can see two screenshot here: contactDetails, biogDetails. At the moment I have an Action button on the right hand side of the NavigationBar that displays an ActionSheet where the user can perform various actions like: "add to favorites" "update data", "Bi...

Where are the functional gui users?

There has been a lot of research into ways of creating guis in a functional language. There is libraries for push/pull frp, arrow based frp and probably other superior research too. Many people seem to agree this is the more native way yet just about everyone seems to be using imperative binding libraries such as gtk2hs and wxhaskell. Ev...

2D graphic C++ library / Flash

ADD Here's what I really ask: I need to create complex 2d graphic and input with callbacks on pressing elements. Also it would be generated in run-time. Now try to choose: Flash (nearly all is done: net, graphic, p2p), C++ (lots of external libraries, but good for desctop). But using Flash I can't create exe file: the only way to creat...

Example code for a minimal paint program (MS Paint style)

I want to write a paint program in the style of MS Paint. On a most basic level, I have to draw a dot on the screen whenever the user drags the mouse. def onMouseMove(): if mouse.button.down: draw circle at (mouse.position.x, mouse.position.y) Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with my GUI framework (see previous question)...

What should I use to control input devices and more

Hi, I am fluent in C++, Java, and Python and can pretty much pick up any other skill given enough time (no surprise there, I'm sure 99.9% of the people reading this share the same ability). I have an idea for a small app for Mac OS X and I was wondering what technology I should employ/learn to get it working. I need some minimal OS X ...

Finding programming challenge for a (probably) Qt project with tight time frame (interview level)

Dear stackoverflow: What would you suggest would be a good challenge for a programmer to show us her/his skills? I'm thinking of a small demo implementation of a GUI program which would not take too much time to do. Here are the circumstances: (this should not imply the intention to find programmers here, I think there'd be other forums...

How to display and tag a region of an image with python

I'm used to writing python scripts that interact with files, data and databases but I haven't done user-interfaces. For my current project, I want to show an image (jpg/gif/png) to a user so it can be region-tagged. Region-tags are not just information about the image (like location or has/doesn't have people in it) but about the conten...

problem with rebol vid panel and offset 0x0

This doesn't work panel1.layout: layout [ offset: 0x0 yuml-image: image img ] panel2.layout: layout [ offset: 0x0 area (yuml-command0) yellow ] panelbuttons.layout: layout [ button "Save" [request-save] button "Refresh" [request-refresh] button "Quit" [quit] ] Main: layout [ panel1: box 640x300 white return ...

Blackberry "device back" button terminates the application.

Hi, I am developing a blackberry application and noticed that something does not happen as I expected. I want to create a wizard where there are 3 screens to be displayed, one after the other. 1. On the first screen, the click "next" button displays the second screen. (OK) 2. On the second screen: if I click "next" it displays the thir...

[Qt]Customising QTreeWidgetItem

I want to customise QTreeWidgetItem. I wish to add to it, two Toolbuttons and a string. Also I wish to add these to only one column in the treewidget. I tried to subclass QTreeWidgetItem but realised I coult not "paint" on it as it is not derived from QWidget. I then tried using QTreeWidget::setItemWidget(QTreeWidgetItem *item, int co...

Dynamically adding checkboxes with PyQt4

I have a simple GUI built using python and PyQt4. After the user enters something into the program, the program should then add a certain number of checkboxes to the UI depending on what the user's input was. For testing purposes, I have one checkbox existing in the application from start, and that checkbox is nested inside of a QVBoxL...

Is there any cross-platform GUI Toolkit which does not follow the one source to rule them all concept?

After a long evaluation period of mainstream toolkits Qt, WxWidget, GTK i came to the conclusion that it does not make sense to religiously equalize the different platform. Now more then ever before. In the days before Java portability meant, that platform dependent code was located in known places and should be small but not none. No w...

How do I create a GUI to customize content using Java?

This is for my Java programming assignment, and I've only been working with Java for about 3 months. We need something simple, so I thought of going with a program that allows the user to customise and design a greeting card cover. Not too complex, it's an introductory course. I would really like some guidelines on how to go about this...