
how to draw horizontal line in java swing?

how to draw horizontal line in java swing? ...

remaining time in the progress dialog

In a GUI application I would like to show a progess dialog displaying how much time left for the task to accomplish, how may I get the remaining time before the task ends and count it down please? thanks ...

gtk: label which goes multi-line instead of expanding horizontally

I have a VBox which looks like this: ImportantWidget HSeparator Label I want this window to be only as wide as ImportantWidget needs to be, and no wider. However, the Label can sometimes grow to be very long. I want the following logic: if Label can fit all its text without expanding the VBox horizontally (after it has grown eno...

How to create an interactive (Drag and drop stuff) GUI in C#

Need to make a custom application in which i can drag and drop (predefined) items on to a workspace and move them freely, example is of in Microsoft Office PowerPoint where a workflow diagram can be made easily ... need a start, where can i get one ? ...

C#: Popup form blocking despite BackgroundWorker

Hi, I'm using .net 2.0 and I've created a form (System.Windows.Forms.Form) for displaying information during long running tasks. When I start a long running task, I create a new instance of this form, call .Show() and start the BackgroundWorker. But even though I use a BackgroundWorker for doing the work, the form indeed shows up, but...

Class menu in Tkinter Gui.

Hello, I'm working on a Gui and I'd like to know if it is possible to make the menu property of a window a separate class on my script for a clearer and more enhancement prone code. my code currently is : class Application(Frame): """ main window application """ def __init__(self, boss = None): (...) = Menu(self)...

Sending MMS with out any GUI ?

Hi I am writing an Android app where I need to send an image and text. I called intent with action Action_send, but it launches a GUI to compose a message. Can any one tell me how to send an MMS from code only with out triggering any GUI? Is there any intent action, where I can message directly? Thanks ...

How to hide infrequently used menu items in .net windows forms application?

Most folks will know the behavior of ms office applications menus: When opening a menu, the user at first only sees the menu items which are used frequently. Hovering over the menu with the cursor or clicking on a small "arrows" symbol expands the menu to show all items. Still the formerly hidden items have a lighter background color. Wh...

Can a standalone WPF application create an interface that looks like a Flash interface?

It seems like WPF was created as the application answer to Adobe's Flash. Silverlight is used for creating web pages. But, can that same functionality be pulled into a standalone WPF application. Scaleform allows Flash to be used within unmanaged C++ games. Can WPF be used to create the same type of interfaces? What I've read seems to m...

gtk: expand widget as if it had some text in it

I have a GTK widget, in this case, a TreeView. It starts off pretty small and compressed, as there's no text in it besides the columns names. As I add things, it grows horizontally to cover the text and vertically to cover the extra rows. If I then take those away, it retains its expanded size. It's kind of annoying for your window to a...

WPF List of Groups of Controls Databound to List of Custom Class?

I'm still somewhat new to WPF (only done a few small projects with it). I'm trying to make a repeating group of controls (user can add/remove these groups), databound to a custom class. Example UI: ([UserButton1] [UserButton2]) <--each of these () is a separate group of buttons ([Cheese] [Wine] ) ([Wallace] [Gromit] ...

IO thread alert GUI thread if error occures

I have a client/server question that i am trying to figure out the best solution for. If a client ever gets disconnected from the server, for any reason, i would like a way for the input output thread to alert the gui thread that something went wrong, and thus have the gui thread print an error and gracefully handle it (probably drop ba...

Create frame class in Tkinter Gui.

Hello, I'm working on a Gui and I'd like to know how to create a class that would implement frame. e.g. class WindowContent(Tkinter.?) """ This class would create a frame for my program window """ class App(Tkinter.Tk): """ main window constructor """ def __init__(self): Tkinter.Tk.__init__(self) program...

Multiple TableLayoutPanels for complex table

I'm trying to build a table layout similar to this --------------------------------------------------------------------- | 01.01.2010 01:00 | 01.01.2010 01:00 | 01.01.2010 01:00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Some text | More | And | Final text | |...

Center columns in TableLayoutPanel

I want to create this TableLayoutPanel (C# in WinForms - programatically created at runtime!) --------------------------------------------------------------------- | 01.01.2010 01:00 | 01.01.2010 01:00 | 01.01.2010 01:00 | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Some text | More ...

How should I handle this common UI scenario in MVVM?

The scenario: Parent Window loads, fills data (grid, labels, etc.) User clicks a button, firing a bound command in the Parent Window's ViewModel, launching an Edit Dialog User makes changes in the Edit Dialog and clicks "Accept", saving some information to a database Parent Window's ViewModel recognizes that something happened (noticin...

InstallShield display uninstall user interface

I have an application that can be uninstalled via a shortcut, which executes msiexec.exe /x {ProductCode}. When I click the shortcut it launches the Execute phase of the uninstall, however, it skips the preceding phase where user interface dialogs are displayed. If I run from the MSI file directly to uninstall it displays these dialogs. ...

gtk: detect click on a cell in a TreeView

I'm displaying some data as a TreeView. How can I detect a click on a particular tree-view cell, so that I know which column of which row was clicked on? This is what I want to do, so maybe there's a better way: Part of the data is a series of True/False values indicating a particular set of options. For example, the options might be pi...

Suggestions for polished Line of Business web apps at CodePlex?

I am a web developer but not a very good designer. Looking for some inspiration for creating polished professional looking Line of Business apps which contain a good number of grids and reports which are contained in panels. CodePlex has a ton of web apps and I have little time to check all of them. Any recommendations for apps...

Altering the look and feel of Iphone UI components.

I've come over from experimenting with android to Iphone development. so i'm having a lot of trouble not only finding what i'm looking for but knowing even the right term to use for this subject. Alright, this is what i'm looking for, i just need to know if it's possible, and if it is, a push in the right direction. The best way i can d...