
Change iPhone Simulator's window position on my MacBook Pro dual screen setup?

iPhone Simulator is version 4.0 (211.1) I know, this is a weird question for S.O., but I figured if anyone has seen this, it would be someone here. I have a MacBook Pro with a 22" lcd attached. I run the 22" as my "main" screen with the dock and I use the MBP's display as a secondary. I want the iPhone Simulator to run on the actual ...

In a RelativeLayout how to prevent objects from piling up on eachother?

I'm starting to use RelativeLayout more and more but there are some things I keep running into. Say I have a status textview that I want top and center. Then I have a bunch of other objects below it like images and a table layout. I want the stuff below the status text view to respect the status textview's personal space and not draw...

Custom Title Bar with Progress in Android

Hello all, I was wondering if there was any way to feature a custom title with my own drawable -- and then subsequently put a progress bar in the title layout so that it acts like the built in android progress bar. In my code -- I want to be able to call setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(true) and have that display the progress b...

How do you draw a grid and rectangles in Python?

What Python-related code (PyGTK, Glade, Tkinter, PyQT, wxPython, Cairo, ...) could you easily use to create a GUI to do some or all of the following? Part of the GUI has an immovable square grid. The user can press a button to create a resizable rectangle. The user can drag the rectangle anywhere on the grid, and it will snap to the gr...

Create Smaller Tabs in Android

Hello, I am trying to create smaller tabs in android -- but I can't seem to get it to work because all that happens when I create a smaller tab is that it shows the bigger tab -- but without a drawable. This is my layout code for tabs now -- but the height isn't wrapping for some reason -- it just goes to Android's usual layout height...

PyQt: Right to left controls

I need my all controls to be right aligned. so when resizing they should move with the right upped corner of window instead of left upper. In visual studio, I simply set the Anchor property of any control to right and up. but PyQt has no Anchor or Dock property. Setting layoutDirection to RightToLeft didn't help. note: I'm trying to lea...

Embed XUL backend in C

I need to write a standalone (not under XULRunner) c/c++ application (Windows OS) that uses XUL as its backend GUI library. If it is possible, can you give me a link to an example application ? I saw something about libXul, is it needed ? where can i find it ? TNX, Vertilka ...

Using static factory classes to generate GUI components - How and where to add the required listeners?

I would like to use factory classes and methods to generate GUI components, but I don't know how and in which class the various listeners should be declared and added to the components. If I have a simple factory class such as that listed below should I add an ActionListener to the button before it is returned to the calling class. If t...

Remove the bottom line border in tab bar? (And change selected color)

Is it possible to remove the bottom line showed in the tab bar? It is grey when not selected. And is it possible to change the yellowish color to something else? layout xml: ...

Smart Vertical flow layout

I'm looking for the following behaviour in a JPanel Layout (Swing): basically it would arrange the components in a Vertical way, one bellow each other. When the components can't fit vertically in the container, it should add the next one in a new row. This would continue dinamically, adding new rows as needed. It would look likes this, ...

WPF - Detect when UserControl is not visible anymore and prompt user

So, I have a class, which goes as follows: public class EditorUserControl : UserControl { public EditorUserControl() : base() { this.IsVisibleChanged += new DependencyPropertyChangedEventHandler( EditorUserControl_IsVisibleChanged); } void EditorUserControl_IsVisibleChanged( object s...

What control for date picking is good for MVC2?

What control can I use to select dates for ASP.Net MVC2? ...

Designing a frontend/backend system in C++?

I'm about to write a program in C++, but I'm unsure as to how to go about it. I want to create a program that can be used with a command line frontend but also a GUI frontend as I don't want to bind a user to a specific interface such as a widget toolkit for dependencies' sake. How would be the best way to do this? I know some programs ...

DockPanel Tab Order

I have a DockPanel set up in the DataTemplate of an ItemsControl as below: <ItemsControl HorizontalContentAlignment="Stretch"> <ItemsControl.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <DockPanel> <ComboBox DockPanel.Dock="Left"/> <ComboBox DockPanel.Dock="Left"/> <Button DockPanel.Dock="Right">Button</Button> ...

Using Python to manipulate the GUI's of other programs?

I have a program here that has an entry box and a button. I want python to enter a string into the entry box, then press the button. What is the best way of going about this? This is for windows 7, BTW. ...

CECUI samples compiled sucessfully but no executables were generated

I downloaded the latest CEGUI stable release (0.7.1 binary for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008) and after hours of setting properties, linker configuration and searching headers files on the internet I finally got the samples to compile. the big surprise now is that I don't find the executables anywhere. The msvc++ reports says: ========== ...

Creating chess GUI in WPF

Hi, Firstly: apologies if this is a duplicate post. Things got a bit confusing as I'm trying to post/register at same time. I started investigating running UCI chess engines from a simple WPF window, got the hang of having the chess engine running onf a different thread to the interface, and have created a reasonably servcieable text-b...

Is there a way of having a GUI for bash scripts?

Hello... I have some bash scripts, some simple ones to copy, search, write lines to files and so on. I am an Ubuntu. and I've searched in google, but it seems that everybody is doing that on python. I could do these on python, but since I am not a python programmer, I just know the basics. I have no idea of how calling a sh script from...

Running Python-script in thread and redirecting std.out/std.err to wx.TextCtrl in GUI.

I'm trying to write a GUI that reads in settings for a python-script, then generates the script and runs it. The script can take dozens of minutes to run so in order to not block the GUI and frustrate the user I'm running it in a separate thread. Before I did this I used a separate class to redirect the std.out and std.err of the program...

Is there a self-hosted web-based web UI prototyping tool?

The question says it all, we know most of the hosted web-based UI prototyping tools out there, but we would like to have ours hosted on our own internal servers, preferably with on-line multi-user collaboration functionality (i.e. users modifying the prototype, making comments, etc. in parallel). Any suggestions will be appreciated. ...