
How would one create a UI such as this for an application?

Anyone know how I would go about implementing a UI that's very customized, something like this? (Programming in right now if it matters). Have yet to deviate from the standard windows form look but I've got a project which I would like to visually style out how I want. Thanks in advance :) ...

The list of common GUI elements.

I need a glossary with graphical examples of elements accompanied by their (I hope) standardized names. Is there some centralized resource or every framework/platform out there has it's own naming conventions? ...

Localization of GUI built with Glade and Python (Gtk)

Hi, I have made an application using Glade and Python and I would like to make several localizations. I know how to localize strings that are in the Python code, I just encapsule all the strings that are supposed to be localized with _() and than specify the translation of the string in a .po file. But how do I tell a string that is bu...

Any recommendations for writing a GUI client from a CLI client?

I'm looking for writing a GUI client for a existing application in my job, this application is CLI and because this is not widely used. This is the first time I'm writing something similar, the I ask you for recommendations, books, techniques, methodologies, advices. My first approach is to create the interface and to make calls to the ...

Dynamic UI Generation in C#

I am designing an application for a library. Not a large scale library, but a very small scale library where my primary task is to just keep information about the books. But this library application should be able to adapt to any professional's private library. For an example, for a lawyer, apart from the basic information about the book...

Swing/SwingWorker Beginer's question

Hi, I am trying to implement a GUI in java but I am beginner in swing. I want to make something clear. I read that in order to keep the GUI responsive I should use the SwingWorker class to do the task in a separate thread. Ok so far. No I have a model with around 15 methods that are remote methods. Each method returns different object ty...

What would be considered good examples of implementing the builder pattern when used in the development of a GUI?

Hi Coders, I am a complete newbie when it comes to the use of factory classes and methods, patterns, etc - in fact I first learned of them here on Stackoverflow when browsing Java related questions :-) In response to a previous question of mine it was suggested that I look into the use of the Builder Pattern in the development of my GU...

Place a Button in ListCtrl - wxPython

Is is possible to place a button inside of a ListCtrl item with wxPython? Right now I have a ListCtrl that has data with a file name and size, and I want the user to be able to click a button, to download the file. If this isn't possible, is there a way to display an image in the ListCtrl, and then make it clickable so that I can bind an...

Any quick Python GUI to display live images from Camera

Hi, I am trying to display live images from my 1394 camera. Currently my code is able to obtain images in a loop from the camera and I was looking for any quick GUI that will update dynamically (as a separate thread). I can do this in PyQt maybe using QThreads but is there any recommendation or faster way of doing this?? Here's my code ...

property grid shared between two forms

Hi all, Is it possible a property grid could be shared between two forms? Right now, when the grid initializes and shown in a form, everything's fine. But when another form hosting the same grid shown, the grid in the first form disappears. Thanks. ...

qt - creator - how to maximize the widget screen

Hi, I am tryimng to make a UI. But in qt, the window size is too short, I want to work in a separate windows like photoshop. Here I am posting the picture. I want to see the middle window(i rounded it by rose color) in full screen size. Can anybody help me? EDIT: If I want to create a full screen application, How can I positio...

How to create UI similar to file replace dialog in window 7 using C# Windows Forms?

I need to create a dialog that allows user to choose between several rather complex actions. I really like the usability of the windows 7 file replace dialog and I think it would suit my needs very well. Here's a screenshot for reference: Is it possible to use the controls that were used for windows dialog? If not, how would you recom...

Floating popup window - how to implement

I would like to have the following screen in my application: button at the bottom of the screen; when user presses the button, a list with a number of items will appear and user should be able to click one of those to start another activity. The number of items can be different (depending on some other conditions); the popup is to be ad...

Block entire swing ui except for one component - "dialog style"

[This question is in relation to this question] Setting: I have this home-crafted "editable label" component which looks like a label, but when you click it, it turns into an editable field, allowing you to edit it. You can hit Esc to cancel, or Shift-Enter to OK your edits - or click the respective buttons beneath the editable field. ...

"Whiteout" entire swing GUI except from one component

[This question is in relation to this question] Setting: I have this home-crafted "editable label" component which looks like a label, but when you click it, it turns into an editable field, allowing you to edit it. You can hit Esc to cancel, or Shift-Enter to OK your edits - or click the respective buttons beneath the editable field. ...

jtable and custom combos

Hi, I want to implement a properties table in jtable (swing). I want to have e.g. ** 2 column table Row1: Property-text| Txtbox. Row2: Property-text| ComboBox of values A,B,C. Row3: Property-text| Txtbox. Row4: Property-text| ComboBox of values E,F,G. ** I can not understand how to get this started. I am using Net...

How to implement an AutoCompleteBox on Windows Phone 7

I have a Textbox on my WP7 GUI, which I would like to Bind to a generic list stored in IsolatedStorage. The aim would be, to supply a feature like the AutoCompleteBox in WPF, which seems to be missing in WP7 Silverlight. I want to provide suggestions based on the entries in the favorites list as the user types in text. Matching would be ...

How would one go about developing a curses-based UI?

Hello! I'm planning to develop a GUI application that uses curses. The idea is to provide an extra interface for a web interface, so that everything on the web site could also be done via the UI. Basically, it should be platform independent: the user would have to SSH to the server after which the UI would automatically take over. Fi...

Looking for the Control List Window of NetBeans GUI Builder

There was a window listing all Swing controls at the left bottom of NetBeans window. I guess I closed it for some reason. And now I cannot find it anymore. Anyone knows what the name of that window is and how to open it? ...

Are there an GUI libraries for Python that allow you to compile to an EXE (windows) and APP(Mac)?

I'm working on an application that I need to be cross-platform. I'd like to use Python for it, and am looking for GUI toolkits that make interface programming simple and easy. After a slight hunt, I found PythonCard. This looks like it fits the bill perfectly, but I'm not sure if it will be possible to compile this down to an appropri...