
How to test an application is working frequently by performing a fundamental action (non interactively)

Hi, We want to test a connection to an application as a feature of a program we are developing, but to go further with this, we want to actually do a sort of diagnostic test to ensure that the app is working and not just take the service status as gospel (the main windows service running does not mean the app is working fully). However...

iPhone apps development flexible UI

I have to make an iPhone app for a company which has a web based system, and wants to go mobile. Its known in advance that the UI of the screen will change fairly often (adding new labels, buttons, etc). Also, many elements on the screen have an If(condition) then (visible) else (hidden) type situation. For instance, if(user.isMember) th...

Looking for a C++ GUI library in which you can design fancy GUIs (like for games),

Looking for a C++ GUI library in which you can design fancy GUIs (like for games), something in which you can make something beautiful (rounded buttons with rollover effects, embed beautiful background graphics, cool and colorful scrollbars and progress bars, etc.) It needs to be open source & allowed to be used in proprietary software...

Oracle versus DB2 on data Validation

Most forums cite minor differences in speed, backup, etc. It's about time someone tell how the two differ when it comes to GUI data validation. Do this 2 Database always depend on java(or other software), or do they have the ability to create a user interface the accepts only valid input. Things like: positive numbers only, age between 1...

Handling different screen resolutions for background images in Android?

My Android app (a text-based games) uses background images a lot in order to provide a better visual ambience. For example, if the action in the game takes you into a tavern, then you get a background image of a tavern in the game. This is a vast improvement, graphically, over the boring black background that you would otherwise get. It...

[GUI newbie] KeyPressed event

I'm trying to learn something about GUI, using NetBeans6.8, starting with the GUI section in The java tutorial. There is a simple exercise for a Celsius-Fahrenheit converter. I want that to have two TextFields, one for Celsius and one for Fahrenheit temperature; if the user types in the celsius text field he got the result "printed" in ...

Best practices for moving objects to a separate thread

We have an implementation for an Ultrasound machine application current where the Ultrasound object is created on the UI's thread. A Singleton implementation would have been good here, but regardless, isn't. Recently, the set methods changed such that they automatically stop and restart the ultrasound machine, which can take between 10-...

Can someone suggest a good SQA automation tool that has screen capture facility?

It is a Java Swing application and I need the ability to take screen shots after certain steps in the test. ...

Creating Java GUIs that resemble the native Windows look and feel.

Is there a better package or external library out there that does a better job than javax.swing at resembling the native Windows look and feel? I want my Java GUIs to resemble the forms I create using C# and the .NET framework. Thanks. ...

UI automation tool for Java Swing application with Record and Playback and screen capture facilities

Can someone suggest a UI automation tool for a Java Swing application with Record and Playback and screen capture facilities ...

Choosing a Perl GUI Module for maximum cross platform usage

I'm working on a couple of personal project to improve my Perl skills. Among other things they need to provide a GUI interface on different OSes. In the past what little GUI work I did on Perl used TK (and that was just working through some sample projects). I know that beyond TK, Qt and GTK are also options. Are there others? Among...

What Qt widget(s) to use for read-only, scrollable, collapsible, icon list

I'm relatively new to Qt, and am not entirely familiar with the out-of-the-box widgets. I have a somewhat (but not very) complex widget to create, and don't want to reinvent any wheels. What is the best QWidget to use as a starting point to subclass and/or QWidgets to use to compose my widget. Here is the end-result I am looking for (apo...

swf in Desktop Java programs

How to use & show swf files in Desktop Java programs? ...

SQLite manager application with auto-completion

I am looking for a free SQLite manager application for Linux with support of auto-completion, similar to RedGate's SQL Prompt. If it supports more than one type of databases (postgres, mysql) that'd be fantastic. ...

Can a child thread of parent GUI dialog thread create a child window?

Can you create a child window from a secondary child thread or it must be created from GUI thread? Assuming the life time of child thread is until the end of program. ...

Is there a nice GUI available for showing Hibernate statistics?

Hibernate exposes many internal metrics via the Statistics API. Is there an easy-to-use GUI that I can use to visualize these statistics? Bonus if there is a Grails plug-in for this. ...

Language/GUI library to make map editor

I'm designing a cross-platform map editor for an application I've developed, and I'm unsure what approach to take regarding language/gui library choice. Just for some basic info, the editor needs to parse and output xml files. I'm most comfortable with C++, Lua, and Perl, but I'd also be willing to use Python (could use the practice). I...

Objective-C: How to dynamically create GUI objects?

Hello. I`m really new in Objective-C and Mac OSX programming. Can someone give me simple example for the next task: I have array of strings (for example ('one','two','three','four')) in my app GUI each string should be represented by row, each row should has Label(with text of string) and CheckBox. Number of strings in array may be di...

Custom Linux GUI: Where to begin?

I've had a long standing interest in developing an OS UI tailored to my needs and interests. When I was younger, I went crazy playing with the Stardock skinning tools for Windows. I loved developing my own window styles and layout ideas. Since then I've had an unscratchable itch. I'm not particularly interested in fiddling with the low...

Scrolling area with PyQT on Maemo5

I'm not really accustomed to writing the UI in the code, so I need a few pointers. I'm trying to create a simple, horizontal scrolling dialog on my N900, but I can't figure out how to do this. This is what I have so far: def __init__(self,parent = None): QDialog.__init__(self,parent) #if name == None: self...