
Role of model in MVC text editor scenario

I'm designing a movie script editing text editor for fun, and to try learn something about low level UI design. The format of a screenplay is quite simple, and is by long-standing standard written solely in 12pt courier. So I get the impression that designing an editor would be fairly straightforward, having only one font and font size...

Tooltips not showing up on Ubuntu using PyQt4

I'm getting started with PyQt4 and tested the following code... import sys from PyQt4 import QtGui from PyQt4 import QtCore class Tooltip(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 250, 150) self.setWindowTitle('Tooltip') self.s...

Gui reentrancy with managed waiting

Hello, I've found a reentrancy problem when using NotifyIcons. It's really easy to reproduce, just drop a NotiftIcon on a form and the click event should look like this: private bool reentrancyDetected; private void notifyIcon1_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (reentrancyDetected) MessageBox.Show("Reentrancy"); ...

pros and cons of .htc file

What are pros and cons of using a .htc file in CSS? ...

Roulette Wheel C#

Hi, I'd like to create a game with some kind of a Roulette Wheel with C#. I have no relevant experience in GUI. The first thing that comes to my mind when I want to develop such Roulette Wheel, is silver light but I prefer to implement it in a winform (unless you think otherwise). If you can give me some ideas were to start... 1. How...

Scrolling through ListView with some images very laggy

I've got the below screen that contains some images (6 per visible page). Scrolling up and down seems quite laggy to me. It's like it's rendering the images again. Scrolling back up seems worse than scrolling down. Anyone know how to increase performance in such an area to create a nice smooth scroll? Update: The images and text is all...

Cleaning up the UI of NetBeans

How do I clean up the toolbars (see the figure) from the UI of NetBeans? ...

Should I hide or destroy UI elements?

I was wondering if, whenever I have a situation in which I have to hide some UI element temporarily, it is sufficient to hide it (many frameworks give this option) or I should delete the object in memory and recreate it later when needed again (with the same parameters). What are the pros and cons of each solution? I was thinking that m...

Creating a thumbnail of a jEditorPane, the text is not rendered

I am trying to create a list where thumbnails are shown for a jEditorPane - similar to how in powerpoint you can see a preview of each slide. However, for some reason the images and backgrounds in my editorpane are rendered but the text is not. Some example code: private void createThumbNailView(javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent evt)...

PropertyGrid - Possible to have a file/directory selection button next to a property value?

Is it possible to have a file/directory selection button next to a property value in the PropertyGrid? Hitting the button would launch a standard "Open File" or "Select Directory" type of dialog. In a perfect world, this could be done using an Attribute on the SelectedObject's property. ...

Get the URL of the frontmost tab from Firefox on OS X?

I am looking for a GUI scripting workaround since I know this seems impossible in Firefox at the moment. I know this can be achieved using the following method: tell application "System Events" Keystroke "l" using command down Keystroke "c" using command down end tell tell me to activate set theUrl to the clipboard as te...

Comparison of GUI developing tools for linux

Hi All, I am fairly new in the domain of GUI designing and development. I do have some prior experience but that is with Visual Basic. I would like to develop a reasonably comprehensive (though not state-of-the-art) GUI application on linux based on a command line app. that I have. Having done some googling, I do find that there a...

alternative of Listbox in html

hello everyone, i have a transliteration application developed in 3.5. the user interface of application looks something like after each word is typed i m showing list of probable Urdu words in Listbox next to caret position from where user can select the desired word. now i want to convert it to web application. my question i...

Android - list returns to top after update

I have a list that gets refreshed every 2 seconds via the Handler postDelayed() method. Every 2 seconds an AsyncTask is run that makes an HTTP GET request, turns the JSON into a list of objects, then sets the ListAdapter: MyListAdapter adapter = new MyListAdapter(someObjects); setListAdapter(adapter); My problem is that every time ...

Python Tkinter Text Widget .get method error

Hi, I'm very new to Python, sort of following Dive into Python 2 and wanted to dabble with some Tkinter programming. I've tried to make a little program that takes 3 sets of words and makes combinations of each word in the 3 sets to make keywords for websites. When I run the script, the GUI appears as expected, but I get the following e...

QGraphicsView not displaying in QMainWindow

I'm not sure why this application is not displaying anything. I'll reproduce in a few lines to provide the gist of the issue. Using PyQt4 class SomeScene(QtGui.QGraphicsScene): def __init__(self, parent = None): QtGui.QGraphicsScene.__init__(self, parent) pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap('someImage') # path is DEFINITELY vali...

If use databinding in a dialog, how to restore data when user cancelled the editing?

If I get a bean and a dialog, and they are coupled with bidirectional data-binding, what is the best way to roll back to the original bean when user canceled the editing. EDIT 1 If user opened up the dialog in edit mode, he then did some modification and pressed "OK", then this dialog closed and the underlying bean got updated. When I...

pros and cons of data-binding for GUI form design

I know that data-binding sometimes can save lots of effort, but I'm not very clear on how to make decision that to use or not to use data-binding in various contexts. ...

Input-validation based on entire content of JTextField, not just the last typed character

Hello, Is there a way to validate text in a JTextField while you type, based on what you already typed in that field? Should I create a keyEventListener of some sort, or is there a way to override the insertString method to let it do that. I prefer the latter, but it only gives you control over the last character that was typed, not the...

MS Access versus JDeveloper versus YourFavorite Tool

10% of my time is spent creating backend database, 90% creating front end. Is MS Access the best, or is there something better? Is there something more rapid? ...