
Web and desktop programming tools

Hi, i want to hear from people who earn their living by programming. You have a lot of tools. You have years of experience. If you could turn back time, what tools should you have used in order to finish faster? I appreciate honest answer. If you remain silent, i respect your secret. You have spent years of time and effort, i feel that...

Citrix GUI in C#

I have been looking for a way to create a simple GUI for users to stop,start,create, list running VMs in Citrix XenServer. I will create a form that has input boxes for users to put the name of the vm in, then a button to do the wanted task for that name. I would will also create a list box that will list all VM's and another that will l...

Visual Studio.NET versus JDeveloper versus YourFavoriteTool when it comes to Data Validation

We know that making front end GUI is tough. I'm glad these tools offer drag and drop to make our lives easier. But which one will help us finish faster? ...

How to make a nice jsp GUI without using HTML tags?

I'm new to servlets and JSP and I'm trying to discover forms, and how to make my own web form. I know HTML but and I see examples for using HTML tags in the servlets, but isn't there a more higher level way to just say "Make a form here, make a table there" without getting my hands dirty with HTML tags? I want to build a war file and d...

What's the best GUI designer for use with Eclipse?

This question was asked a couple years ago and the answers give out-dated recommendations, so here it is again. What is the best GUI designer for use with Eclipse? ...

caching ajax result on client side mvc2

Hello everyone, i want to do something like this is screenshot of google transliterator that can be found here. in this application user writes in roman script and when he/she presses space an ajax request goes to server bringing back list of words. roman word is then replaced by word top in the result list (Urdu result list in my ca...

How to write software for Windows using Java?

I have just learned Java in my college. However, in that I can just write programs that are run in the command line. How can I create GUI softwares using Java, something like Notepad? I'm really sorry for asking such a basic question on this forum, but I am really interested in writing real-world software. Also, I've heard a lot about Py...

ActiveRichTextField and Smileys (Smilies) on BlackBerry

Browsing the JavaDoc for the Blackberry, I see one reference to smileys, under ActiveRichTextField.getText() Retrieves text string from this field. If smileys exist in this field, this method first "decodes" them, and then returns the result. I am wondering how I can enable this "smileys" behavior, to get the ActiveRichTextFi...

Java book for image editing such as brightness/contrast etc (newbie friendly)

Is there any book or very informative tutorial site which can help newbies learn how to alter pixels with a loaded image in the java GUI? I want to learn how exactly I would be able to do things such as changing the brightness and contrast of an image, invert it, smooth it and also learn how to do histograms. So far I only know how to u...

Best interface paradigm for time interval selection?

I'm working on a small project that involves selecting time intervals and then using them for my nefarious purposes (which basically boils down to making a robot voice shout things at me). However, I can't decide on a proper paradigm for choosing these intervals. The required data is as follows: Action (Text) Starting At (Time, can be...

Rounded Corners using 3 images

Can I club together three images to form a one with CSS? Basically, I need to create rounded corner button and I've three images left, middle and right. I've used in all the pages and it won't be possible for me to replace it with two or three other HTML controls. So is there any way by which I can combine these images to form one and...

Why is there no CSS-like GUI creator

Okay, so this will probably be closed or whatever, I don't care. I have to say this because it just frustrates me like hell. Once upon a time, I came from a html/css/php background into the vast deeps of application development. I wandered around the valleys of Java and explored the mysteries of C#. I gasped at the beauty of Ruby, fell ...

Swing GUI looks different under root user vs. non-root user

Hi. I have a Swing GUI that I developed Netbeans Matisse in Linux. For some odd reason, the look and feel of the application looks different when it's run by root (it looks better, actually). Is there a reasoning for this? Thanks ...

Mac-Automator, How to pipe the output of a shell script to a GUI text box

Hi, the problem i face is this: I would like to have in a context menu (when i right-click on a folder) an action to be executed and display the output to the user, inside, let's say, a text area window with a vertical scrolling bar. Suppose, that the action is just a shell script that executes a "find" command inside the given directo...

How to trigger the edit mode of an item in a QTableView?

I'm using QTableView and QStandardItemModel now. In the QTableView, if you double-click a cell, this cell will get into edit mode and you can edit its content. Now I have a problem, I want to trigger the edit mode of an item by code (by command), what should I do? I cannot find proper function or slot in QTableView or QStandardItemMode...

Cannot download JDeveloper

I downloaded it twice, reached 100%, but both corrupt. I doubt anyone has downloaded it successfully. ...

table-like widget or control which content can be edited

Hello guys, is there any table-like widget or control which content can be edited in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0 using Visual Studio 2005? (we could change to a newer version if it need to be) Otherwise it would be okay if it is possible to identify the column and row in an onClick-event to open an TextBox. I'm afraid I found nothi...

Web Browser-File System Integration

Hi I was reading about this old project by Microsoft in 96 called Windows Nashville. There wasn't much about it, but what interested me was the ability to, say, replace your wallpaper with a dynamic webpage, and explore the Web from your desktop, literally. It wouldn't have been much with IE 3.0, but I think it's a shame they didn't dev...

Is there good planning GUI component (widget) for python?

I'm working on a scheduling app and looking for a calendar, timeline or other planning related GUI component for Python. Are you aware of any ? ...

Integration of Jython and Python

I have a Python application that is running as a console application. I did not like Python GUI libraries. That's why I want to use Java for GUI and python for application core. There are lots of details to read in the Jython documentation. I need a simple way to connect the GUI programmed in Java, and the core programmed in Python. What...