
Java game questions

I am developing a simple multiplayer 2d game of pacman in java for my assignment at university and I want to be able to draw stuff onto this window as well as pick up keyboard input. What would be the best way to do this? Currently for the GUI I have Which works fine on the windows machine that I am developi...

Help me understand this UI jargon

From an interview with Peldi Guilizzoni, the creator of Balsamiq--an Adobe AIR application for creating mockups: And then you started working on the first version Balsamiq Mockups. Was there any hurdles in the development process? Ha! There's always hurdles, it's part of the fun of coding isn't it? Let me think. I t...

Browse, Child Layout: Tree, Form or Both?

This is a UI paradigm question I think. How do you display Child information? Is the Browse a Tree? Do you have a Form (double-click on browse)? Or some other way, or amalgum of things? I'm having a discussion with a Trainer regarding the layout of a browse. They don't like the Tree (for displaying child records), but I'm not yet con...

What's the difference between RealGetWindowClass and GetClassName? (or what is a "Window type" versus a "Window class name"?)

There is a difference in the description on MSDN, however, I do not understand what the text means what the difference is. The GetClassName function retrieves the name of the class to which the specified window belongs. The RealGetWindowClass function retrieves a string that specifies the window type. As an example using windows calc....

Relative percentage UI control

I need the user to set a number of percentage values which should always add up to 100%. What are standard ways to archieve this? I came up with the following: 1) have a standard slider control for each value you need to set. Moving one slider will automatically adjust all the others so the sum will always come out as 100%. You can fix ...

Delphi control that could mimic "Add-ons|Extension list" of Firefox?

My aim is to update the look of the GUI in my app. Currently my GUI contains a lot of listboxes which are used to edit some objects in an old fashioned way, that is, user double-clicks an item and a dialog is shown to modify the corresponding object. I think a good modern approach is how Firefox displays the extensions installed (a sna...

Completely keyboard driven UI

After reading the inspiring article We are typists first by Jeff, I decided to use the keyboard and stay away from the pointer as much as possible. But I observed that for many applications especially on the WEB it is not easy. I also tried to incorporate this feature in my own pet projects and realize that there is huge UI design ef...

Is it possible to use SWT from Jython?

The SWT-Gui looks very nice. Is there an easy way to use it in Jython ? ...

How to make my applications "skinnable"?

Is there some standard way to make my applications skinnable? By "skinnable" I mean the ability of the application to support multiple skins. I am not targeting any particular platform here. Just want to know if there are any general guidelines for making applications skinnable. It looks like skinning web applications is relatively ea...

How to force parent window to draw "under" children windows?

The environment is plain-old win32 under C/C++ without any fancy MFC or similar mumbo-jumbo. I have a window, which has several children and grandchildren. Some children are oddly-shaped icons, and I need them to have transparent background (oddly-shaped icons). Consider a this pseudo-structure: Parent1 Child1 (normal) Child2 (oddly-s...

Cross-platform gui toolkit for deploying Python applications

Building on: Merits: 1 - ease of design / integration - learning curve 2 - support / availability for *nix, Windows, Mac, extra points for native l&f, support for mobile or web 3 - pythonic API 4 - quality of documentation - I want to do something...

Thread progress to GUI

I implemented threading in my application for scraping websites. After all the sites are scrapped I want to process them. form creates queueworker(which creates 2 workers and processes tasks). After all the tasks are done I want to process them baack in the formthread. At this point I accieved this with public void WaitForCompletion() ...

Event handling with Jython & Swing

I'm making a GUI by using Swing from Jython. Event handling seems to be particularly elegant from Jython, just set JButton("Push me", actionPerformed = nameOfFunctionToCall) However, trying same thing inside a class gets difficult. Naively trying JButton("Push me", actionPerformed = nameOfMethodToCall) or JButton("Push me", action...

How to develop a DirectFB app without leaving X.11 environment.

Hi folks, I'm trying to develop a GUI application for an embedded platform, without any windowing whatsoever and I'm doing that with DirectFB, and it suits my needs very fine. Since the embedded I develop for is not that powerful, I would really like to try to develop on my own Ubuntu desktop. The problem is Framebuffer is conflicting ...

Designing better GUIs?

I've been using C# for a while now but haven't really homed in my UI design skills. At the time I design them, I find myself enjoying the design, but later on, I look back on it and see horrible work. An example comes to mind from my project at work where I had to use 127 buttons to represent 127 computers in our lab. :/ I was wondering...

What is the best way to handle domain-centric validation while providing a rich UI experience?

My company is developing a GUI application that allows users to query a legacy database system and have the results displayed back to them on the screen (the results just come back in a blob of plain-text). I'm struggling with the best way to structure the interaction between the user interface and the domain layer, especially validation...

How does UI could be for data transformation between 2 DBs in c# ?

Hi, I am developing a c# win form. In it, i wanna to transfer data between 2 DBs. Data divide into 3 different categories (like employees, courses and letters). Now, I wanna to know that how UI for this type of program could be? I think having a for example progress bar could be fine. What's you opinion? Thank you..... ...

Is there a view for inputing integers in Android?

I'm looking for something like the individual parts of the date picker dialog. A view that allows you to input integers (and only integers) that you can limit (between 1 and 10 for example), where you can use the keyboard or the arrows in the view itself. Does it exists? It is for a dialog. A ready-made dialog to request an integer woul...

.NET or Mono vs Qt, which one for cross-platform development?

OK, this is minefield, but trying to understand why one would pick .NET (or equivalently Mono) for cross-platform development over the other toolkit is difficult without experience in the both. For programmers who may have used both, what features would be missed or desired? Conversely, what would a user of one find missing from the...

Android Activity with no GUI

Hello, I have created a activity that is only meant to be launched from a link (using a intent filter.) I do not want this activity to have a GUI - I just want it to start a service and put a notification in the bar. I have tried to put the intent filter for the link in my service, but that does not work. Is there a better thing to do th...