
How to modify existing panels in Maya using MEL or Python?

I've been writing tools in Maya for years using MEL and Python. I'd consider myself an expert in custom window/gui design in Maya except for one area; modifying existing panels and editors. Typically, I'm building tools that need totally custom UIs, so its customary for me to build them from scratch. However, recently I've found mysel...

Best web app for creating screen mockups?

I'm looking for a web app that would allow me to quickly sketch some prototype screens for a potential web app for users of this application. Is there a preferred tool for this kind of thing? Or, if not a web app, is there offline software for doing this? Should I just use something like Illustrator/Fireworks? ...

BlackBerry - ListFieldCallback deprecated

I am using 4.3.0 of the Blackberry JDE. I have created a ListField object and populated it by overriding ListFieldCallback. It works but I am getting a compile warning that ListFieldCallback is deprecated. What should I be using instead? ...

jquery select image

I am looking to allow users to select a pre-uploaded image to a user generated web page. I have a list of the available images, so I could easily do this with a select control, however, I'd really like to allow the users to select from a pop up of thumbnails, rather than text, then have that populate a text form element with the resulti...

Qt Jambi vs SWT for cross-platform GUI development

I'm currently involved in a project developing applications primarily for Linux (Fedora 10). However, it might be the case later on that we will have to port these applications to Mac OS X and Windows and we don't want to be caught out by choosing the wrong GUI toolkit.* For a variety of legacy reasons we are locked into using Java. We ...

How do I display the current value of an Android Preference in the Preference summary?

This must come up very often. When the user is editing preferences in an Android app, I'd like them to be able to see the currently set value of the preference in the Preference summary. Example: if I have a Preference setting for "Discard old messages" that specifies the number of days after which messages need to be cleaned up. In th...

Pretty alternative to JProgressBar?

I'd like a nice progress bar for long running processes. Are there any pretty alternatives to JProgressBar out there, specifically for indeterminate processes? I'm thinking of Web-2.0-looking twirls, spinning wheels, what have you. Imaginary bonus points for no cost, LGPL-licensed stuff. ;) ...

Threading and GUI elements in C#

hi...i am trying to make a basic IRC client...but my problem is getting the text to display in a RTF box without it lagging i settled on using threading, and i want to update the RTF box in a thread, but i cant because it gives me errors about the RTF box element not being static? any insight? i will paste code if you guys want it ...

Implementing "scrubby sliders" in Cocoa?

How would I go about implementing something along the lines of "scrubby sliders", like in Photoshop and quite a few other image-processing applications? They are slightly hard to describe.. basically you have a regular numeric input-box, but you can click-and-hold the mouse button, and it functions like a slider (until you release). If ...

GUI mapping strategy in test automation

In my test automation practice I always use a gui mapping strategy that reduces a maintenance effort. So for example, if I need to identify the "Google Search" button (, its XPAth will be //input[@name='q'] rather than/html/body/center/form/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/input[3]It's clear that in the second case a little change in...

How to go about designing a lightweight GUI for Windows?

I am looking to create a very lightweight GUI front end in Windows. It's supposed to do a simple task - when a hot key combination is pressed it opens up a text box. Any text can be pasted in and then saved with a simple text box. I am looking to avoid any menu bar or toolbars at all. What would be the ideal GUI library to create some...

How to get multiple separate HTML tables to all be the same width as the widest table

Problem: I have HTML markup to deal with that consists of multiple tables nested inside another table. I would like the "inner tables" to all be the same width. I would also like all of the "inner tables" to be no wider than the width of the widest "inner table" in its natural state. I do not want to simply set the width of all the tabl...

Best Way to Constantly Update GUI Elements

Hi All I have a Java GUI that has a number of text fields, the values of which are populated from static variable in another class. I am interested to know what the best way is to make it so that when the variable is changed in another class, the update is instantly reflected on the GUI. If any one could make a suggestion on an effici...

Storing and Using State in a GUI Application

I'm writing an iPhone App, and I'm finding that as I add features, predictably, the permutations of state increase dramatically. I then find myself having to add code all over the place of the form: If this and that and not the other then do x and y and set state z Does anybody have suggestions for systematic approaches to deal with ...

3d chart in .net control

I have a 2 dimensional array of doubles I would like to display as a 3d mesh. Are there any open source libraries that can do this as a .net control? I'd like to choose between shaded and wireframe, be able to color based on elevation, and be able to rotate the view via mouse. ...

How do I make controls autosizing in Qt designer?

I'm using Qt Jambi 4.4 for a project I'm working on (and designing the windows in the Qt Designer eclipse plugin). One of the windows I'd like to use is a preview window which is basically just a window with a QWebView on it. How can I make it so that the QWebView resizes as the window does? I've set the sizePolicy to expanding for bo...

How can I make JOptionPane dialogs show up as a task on the taskbar?

Edit: The question follows the horizontal rule; my own answer precedes it. Based on help from Oscar Reyes, I crafted this solution: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class MyApp extends JFrame { public static void main(String [] args) { new MyApp(); } public MyApp() { sup...

GroupLayout: Is it worth learning?

I'm relatively new to java (specifically swing) and have recently been making some fairly simple applications, learning as I go. The latest one has lots of form components such as JLabels, JTextFields, JButtons, etc etc. All were placed in NetBeans using a visual builder. I have to say I'm not really taking to NetBeans and have really ju...

ToolStripProfessionalRenderer for Visual Studio 2008 Look-and-Feel

I came across this link today that offers a ToolStripProfessionalRenderer implementation for the Office 2007 look-and-feel. From what I can tell, it would be fairly straightforward (albeit tedious) to customize this to support various other themes, such as the silver and black themes of Office 2007. More specifically, I'd like to find ...

Best free sources for UI audio samples - or best tool for creating them

Where can a developer find free, high-quality audio samples for use in an application? I'm specifically interested in sounds like you might expect when you have a new mail message, when a scheduled appointment is happening soon, or when your electronic device is fully charged. Things like a nice metallic beep with a smooth echo, or a s...