
How-to log user actions in winforms application.

Hi, I would like log user actions in winforms applications. The "user actions" mean "click to menu item/button", "move/maximize/minimize/close form", "keydown/up", etc... The log should contains time, action type (click/keydown/etc...), target (name/text of control). I have access to source code of target application, but I would like...

Change header backgraound color for WPF expander

Hi, I am trying to change the expander backgraund color, It seems so easy but I can't do that. <Expander Name="expOneDay"> <Expander.Header> <TextBlock Foreground="CadetBlue" Text="Some Text" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" /> </Expander.Header> ... </Expander> why HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" doesn't ...

Coloring rows in a TreeViewer

How to color rows in a TreeViewer? It seems there have been a couple of changes since the previous version, now we are migrating to Eclipse 3.4. It would be great if you can provide a code sample or point me to an open-source project that does this. ...

How could I use the QColorDialog inside another widget not as a separate dialog?

I would like to use QColorDialog not as a dialog window but as a widget which I could insert into a layout. (More specifically as a custom sub menu in a context menu) I looked into the QColorDialog sourcecode, and I could probably copy over a part of the internal implementation of the QColorDialog to achieve this, but is there a cleaner...

Silverlight developer wants to gain some designer chops - where do I start?

I'd like to reskin a Silverlight app to be more visually compelling. Unfortunately, I went to school for computer science, not design, and I have trouble deciding if two colors even match. How do I get started? Let me add that time and money are both factors so pursuing a design degree isn't an option (though it might be ideal). EDIT...

JTabbedPane: Components before and after the tabs themselves.

This is similar to the question How to build a Google-chrome tabs and menubar interface in Java Swing? (I want to accomplish the same), but more to the point: How do I put components in front and behind the tabs in a JTabbedPane? I've already come up with the buttons-idea myself, but I'd rather have a JTabbedPane, since that is really w...

jsp dynamic gui

Hi, i am asking myself if it is possible to somehow create a dynamic gui in jsp. So that i could have something like a dropdown menue for the country and based on what i have selected in that window a dropdown menue for cities, without reloading the jsp page. Or, in a dialog with multiple input lines, to be able to add an additional line...

Parenting a .NET form to an HWND.

I'm developing a plugin (C++/CLI DLL) that runs inside of an certain applications, about which I only know the HWND. My plugin shows various .NET forms that I'd like to behave as children of the main application (e.g. centered to the main window, etc). Here's what I've tried: // MyDialog.h public ref class MyDialog : public System::Wi...

How should I update Mega Menus from Javascript.

I have some "mega menu" style menus on a site I maintain. These are essentially a set of nested <UL>s. Since there are about 150 to 200 entries in the complete menu, it adds a lot of bulk to the page and makes screen readers painful. I plan to change the menus so that only the top level of the menu is output on the page, which will cut ...

Real time code coverage viewer tool for inspecting live Java apps?

I've been looking for a code coverage viewer aimed at inspecting live Java applications, mostly webapps running inside an application container like Tomcat. Sure, there are a number of decent tools for getting automatic reports of unit test coverage, but my aim is more like learning in real time what an unfamiliar Java app does e.g. on a...

next-previous with large number of views

I am trying to manage 18 different views. How can I handle next-previous functionality for each view in an efficient way with this many views? ...

Working with MDS Studio and Plazmic CDK

Hi, I want to know how feasible/flexible is developing rich UI based applications with MDS studio and Plazmic CDK? Or any other good GUI development tool is available for Blackberry? ...

What is the best way to make a simple cross platform GUI in C++?

I want to produce a desktop application with a very simple GUI (a background graphic, a cancel button and a progress bar). My main targets are Mac and Windows. Is this possible using Visual C++ 2008? Can anyone point to any examples using Visual C++? Or is there a better way to create the GUI separately? ...

Change color of specific text only in text box of BlackBerry

Hi there, How to change color of specific text only in textbox for Blackberry applications ? Please help. ...

How to extend IconNodeWidget class in java?

I should make a GUI that uses Visual Library. I have a scene where users can put nodes and edit some propierties. Then I want to save each node propierties. For that i'm trying to extend IconNodeWidget class to add some members to the nodes (let's call them X and Y). When user select a node and choose edit propierties i should show that ...

C++ Libraries: Questions need Definite Answers(Opinions)

I am fairly new to C++ programing, so I am not quite sure what I am looking for at the moment. I have experience with C#, Python (barely), and Visual Basic, but I am looking into using C++ and breaking away from .NET in general (before it completely sucks me in). My questions are as follows: 1) What would be the lightest weight, platfor...

Handling key presses in GTK+ (gtkD)

I'm playing around with gtkD (a D binding for GTK+) I have a window object, instance of gtk.MainWindow. I want to handle keypresses on it. How? How do I deal with special keys (e.g. arrow keys, pgup/pgdn etc)? PS I know these kinds of questions can be answered with google and stuff, but I've seen much "simpler" questions on stack...

A problem with downloading a file with Python

Hello, I try to automatically download a file by clicking on a link on the webpage. After clicking on the link, I get the 'File Download' Window dialog with 'Open', 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons. I would like to click the Save button. I use watsup library in the following way: from watsup.winGuiAuto import * optDialog = findTopWindow(w...

How can I force, that a ENTER creates a new line, rather than close the Dialog Box ?

Hi, I've built a dialogbox with a RichTextBox and I'd like to have the following behaviour: I've got the focus (cursor) in the RichTextBox. When the ENTER key is pressed, then there should be a new line in the rich edit control created. The ENTER should NOT close the dialog box [as it does now :-( ]. Any Idea ? ...

Carousel component a-la

I'm looking for an open source flash carousel component similar to what has. ...