
How do I put a scrollbar inside of a gtk.ComboBoxEntry?

I have a Combobox with over a hundred of entries and it is very awkward to skim through with out a scrollbar. I want to do exactly what is in the picture. With the scrollbar on the right so It'd be easier to move through the entries. I used gtk.Combo to make that example but the problem is that is deprecated. I need an example of ho...

What GUI library does Google Chrome use?

What GUI library does Google Chrome use? ...

Windows Mobile GUI Options

I'm new to WinMo, and want to write a GUI application for a Windows Mobile Touch device. I'm familiar with C#/C++, although not with any GUI development, and am writing a GUI for an application with a large C++ codebase which I've already ported to the platform successfully. What would you reccomend for someone who is familiar with Ob...

Java: Getting resolutions of one/all available monitors (instead of the whole desktop)?

Hello! I have two different-sized monitors, connected together using (I believe) TwinView. I tried System.out.println(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()); and get java.awt.Dimension[width=2960,height=1050] which is true if you count both monitors together. Instead of this, I would like to be able achieving one of the fo...

How can I repaint efficiently when using big custom component in Swing?

I have made a custom component (derived from JComponent) which represents a draggable Bezier-curve. (looks like a hanging cable, someone might know it from Bender or Cubase) My problem is: The curve may become really long, let's say from top left to bottom right corners of the desktop. This makes Swing's repaint functionality inefficie...

Does anyone know of a GUI library for the Io language

Io is a nice cross-platform prototype-based object-oriented language. Does anyone know of any GUI library for Io? Io's name does not make it Google friendly. ...

How do OpenGL contexts and device contexts work?

I'm new to U/I programming, and I'm trying to get started with OpenGL. When I run an example program which creates a new OpenGL window with GLUT, it works fine. Good. However, in the context of another program, where I have to respond to Draw events (on Windows), with a device context passed to me - and where I might not have GLUT ava...

Swing: Getting JPopupMenu's position.

Hello! I have trouble getting JPopupMenu's position. What I need is: to be able to right click on the work area, click some menu item, and it would create an element "in place", so right under the position of the previously displayed menu. I tried getting the position of the menu itself and of its items, but it gives me constant value...

C# Transparent GUI

Hey all. i was wondering how would i make a GUI that is "transparent" in C#. Now im not talking about transparencykey etc. I want to make a window that uses vistas aero theme but instead of a control in the form i just want it to show more of that seethru aero look. And also i want to remove all buttons and icons and text from the windo...

How to learn MVC -- *not* in a web setting

I wish to learn the MVC paradigm and apply it to GUI development (in C#.NET, at least at first, but I think I'd like to apply it elsewhere too). Pretty much every tutorial I've seen so far assumes that if you are thinking MVC, you must be doing web development, and they examine MVC solely from within a web context. I don't give a hoot ...

(WPF) How to keep GUI code from being a mess

I have a GUI that is going to do a lot of disparate tasks. I currently have these separated in a tab UI. The functionality that does all of the heavy lifting is split into separate classes, but what is left still looks like a mess. How do you organize the GUI functions in code so that everything is coherent? I'm working with WPF specifi...

Windows GUI Programming - C + SDK or C# + Windows Forms

I'm a C programmer with lots of server code experience (AIX, HPUX, some Linux) I need to write a GUI program for Windows (2000, XP, Vista, 7) which requires CAD-like drawing functions and lots of data entry forms (it's a specialised engineering app). I've written some Win32 code many years ago using Gupta SQLwindows (now Centura Builder...

Overlaying UIViews

Hi Stackoverflow, what is the appropriate way to overlay two layers of an UIView for the iPhone? The underlaying view should be active until a button is pressed, then another UIView should cover everything in a transparent way. I found the Modal View Controllers, but they simply exchange UI-Views but don't overlay. Thanks in advance. ...

How is dependency property implemented?

Hi, Can anyone explain how is dependency property implemented? Is it just a static dictionary that is declared in base class with a reference of given instance as a key?I can't find any resources about this in internet...Thanks a lot ...

Swing: Adding listener to a component and ALL its decoration?

Hello! Can I add a listener (let's say MouseAdapter) to a Swing component and all it's internal decoration components? So that when a JInternalFrame is moved by the mouse (by dragging its window title bar), it would give me following events: mousePressed event, mouseDragged event, mouseReleased event. Currently, I receive none of t...

Swing: How to read graphic information underneath a component?

Hello! How could I "read" graphic information underneath a component (let's say as BufferedImage)? I want to make that component half-translucent (already done) and apply graphic effects on underlying stuff, such as blur all elements under that component (but not the component itself). My approach is probable wrong: I try to get gra...

How to enable events on components in JList

I'm using custom renderer on JList, but none of components rendered are accessible. list.setCellRenderer(new ListCellRenderer() { public Component getListCellRendererComponent(JList list, Object value, int index, boolean isSelected, boolean cellHasFocus) { JCheckBox c = new JCheckBox(); JButton b = new...

How can I speed up the rendering of my WPF ListBox?

I have a WPF ListBox control (view code) and I am keeping maybe like 100-200 items in it. Every time the ObservableCollection it is bound to changes though it takes it a split second to update and it freezes the whole UI. Is there a way to add elements incrementally or something I can do to improve the performance of this control? ...

Closing and Opening Frames in wxPython

I'm working on writing a very simple client/server application as an excuse to start learning network/gui programming in python. At the moment I'm stuck on transitioning from my login frame to the main frame of the application. The login frame is a subclass of wx.Frame, and basically I just want to close it and open the main frame when...

C# winforms: Is my separation of GUI and logic done correctly?

Edit Based on suggestions below to send the logic code GUI delegates, I came up with code like this: Action ClearFunction = new Action(()=>Invoke(new Action(delegate() { ResultsBox.Clear(); } ) )); Is it possible to shorten this? Here is part of my C# windows forms program. When I started converting the code to use another thread...