
Which SQLite administration console do you recommend?

I've been doing some development using sqlite (which BTW it's awesome). Until now I've used the SQLite Administrator. Although it has some great features, there are some annoying bugs. So, I ask you, what administration consoles (GUI) do you recommend for SQLite? ...

Organizing GUI code

My question has two parts: Does anyone have any tips or references to some documentation on the web about how to write GUI code that is easy to read, write, and maintain? Example. I find that the more extensive my GUI forms become, I end up with a long list of fairly short event handler methods. If I try to add any private helper m...

Beginner GUI question, organising different "views"

I've done plenty of programming before for CLI and the web, however recently I am getting into desktop GUI programming. Most of the tutorials for GUI programming I found just explain the different controls you can use and leave it at that. Some of the better ones also skim over a few usability issues. However, my problem is not with th...

Setting the TabIndex property of many form controls in Visual Studio?

What is the most efficient way to set/re-order the TabIndex properties of many form controls in Visual Studio? When I change the layout on a large form, or even on initial design, I often wonder if there's a faster way than clicking each individual control then setting the TabIndex in the properties window. ...

GtkDialog in shell

I'm using gtkdialog in shell script but I got stuck.I tried "use-markup" to format the font,however it appears does not work.Is not there anything like ? And if the program has several widgets the layout always be disorderly... Is there a solution?Or a good tutorial on gtkdialog?(I searched but could not find one besides the user-manual)...

How does Flex/Flash free its memory ?

What is the best way to Free Memory in Flash ? Does it have a Garbage Collector ? How to invoke that GC ? How to make Objects applicable for Garbage Collection ? I have a Website which displays a lot of charts. I observe that the memory that the IE uses while we display these charts continues to increase and sometimes reaches around 500...

Java JFrame question

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me on using NetBeans.... I just need one piece of advice. Here's the problem: When I create a new Java Desktop App I can manage to "call" another Frame Form class from the skeleton class that is created. But when I create another class and edit it's design using the Swing gui editor, I cannot ...

Any suggestions for separating data access, business logic and GUI in Delphi

I want to separate data layer from business logic and business logic from GUI. Diving into web I stumbled upon a few resources but still unable to make my mind clear. Some people talk about patterns some others point various frameworks. My requirements are : manipulate data from rdbms (mysql mainly) CRUD operations dealing with id gen...

Preventing an duplicate ajax events in jquery

What is a good way to block until a previous ajax event is completed? I followed but if I click the button fast enough, it'll send multiple (and maybe inconsistent) events to the server. How do I make it so it'll forcethe user to wait...

Practical GUI toolkit?

I am thinking about cross-platform with nice programming language bindings (Java, Ruby and Python). What would be the "flattest" learning curve but yet enough powers to perform most of the standard GUI features? What would you guys/gals recommend; FOX, wx, Tk or Qt? ...

Java User Interface Framework?

I am about to build a UI in Java and I am trying to determine what I should use. I definitely don't want to use vanilla swing. The one caveat is that it has to be added inside of an existing swing application. I am looking at JavaFX and Groovy Swing Builder. For the former it looks like there is fairly poor support for embedding into sw...

XUL runner as GUI framework for my application,what am i missing here?

Hello all recently i was introduce to the mozilla XUL runner as framework for front line GUI this seems to be idial framework to me ( none GUI person ) based on xul and js for events and gives me the possibility to use c++ as back end ( xpcom ) . its seams to good to be perfect . my question is for the guys that have expireance in th...

Windows GUI Programming with OpenCOBOL?

I'm completely new to COBOL, but I'd like to take a look at the different options for GUI programming on Windows. I don't really like Tcl/Tk, though. Is there some resource for developing a Windows GUI in COBOL in the same manner that one would develop a GUI in C? Thanks! ...

Need advice (GUI, widgets) - implement area selection on a plot

(I am new to GUI programming; experienced programmer otherwise) (Using wxPython; but generic advice welcome) I am looking for advice / direction on implementing a widget that can do area selection on a plot. Any pointers from experienced users would be much appreciated. What needs to be done is: Implement a two dimensional plot. Imp...

Is using a visual GUI editor detrimental to learning GUI design?

I've played around with the netbeans visual editor for java and it seems very intuitive and simple to use but I can't help but think: is this detrimental to my learning? Should I be getting my hands dirty and doing everything manually? How do professionals in the field handle user interface design? What would you guys recommend I do?...

How-to enable auto-capitalization, punctuation, text functionality in Blackberry app text Fields?

I'm using RIM JDE 4.2.1 I'd like my text fields to auto-capitalize the first letter of sentences, add punctuation at the end, and reference the AutoText DB on the device. It seems like this would/should be a Field type in the API but either I'm missing it or it's just not there. For reference, the API is located here:

JPanel size by inner components

Is it possible to tell JPanel to set its size to fit all components that it contains? Something like pack() for JFrame. edit: The trick with preferredSize didn't help. I've got JSplitPane, where in one part there is GridBagLayout with many labels (see screenshot) and labels overlap each other. ...

How do I create a command line frontend for a GUI Cocoa app?

I'm creating a mainly GUI Cocoa app, but I want to create a command line front end as well that prints the same data so I can display it using geektool. I'm guessing I need to create an additional command line custom executable in my Xcode project and build it alongside the GUI executable? Is there a tutorial around for how to do this? ...

What is the best language and best tools for developing a desktop application with a database?

I mean by that, for a small app, what would be the best database, best IDE, best language, best tools and easy to deploy? Thanks, everybody! ...

Easy way to build Android UI?

Is there a tool or a website that could help me create a UI for an Android application using drag-and-drop? I found this site but want to know if there is a more stable tool or website for this? ...