
Scrolling through a `wx.ScrolledPanel` with the mouse wheel and arrow keys

In my wxPython application I've created a wx.ScrolledPanel, in which there is a big wx.StaticBitmap that needs to be scrolled. The scroll bars do appear and I can scroll with them, but I'd also like to be able to scroll with the mouse wheel and the arrow keys on the keyboard. It would be nice if the "Home", "Page Up", and those other ke...

Rookie MS Access - Creating the Front End MDE

ok guys. here are some rookie questions for you: I created a database for tracking metrics, with some automation tricks (email, .doc,.ppt presentations, etc) with a very large Main-table, and lots of forms/GUI. This is the first time I have ever I worried about an MDE/front-end for the thing. So if you would be so kind to answer a few q...

What image editor do you recommend to create cool UI elements?

I sincerly believe that cool-looking UI has significant contribution to the value of your software. It not only significantly improves sales but also ease user-buyin, upgrading willingness, or just causes some pleasant moments to the user. To get cool UI, you will need a lot of images, and you need to play frequently with transparancy....

Why must UI elements always be created/updated from the UI thread?

The title says it all: Why must UI elements always be created/updated from the UI thread? In (almost?) all programming languages UI elements may be safely accessed/modified only from the UI thread. I understand that it's a standard concurrent access and synchronization problem, but is it really necessary? Is this behaviour imposed by th...

which is the best java gui testing tool?

I'm looking for a java gui testing tool in which tests can be created by recording my gui actions (buttons pressed, windows closed, etc.) A scripting mechanism for writing tests is not required. It could be free or commercial, but cheap and great is better than expensive and great. My application is a rich-client app written in Java ...

Are there any WinDBG replacements with a better GUI?

I'm using WinDBG occasionally to analyze problems in production environment, where VS cannot be installed. There's no doubt it's an extremely powerful tool, but using it is a bit annoying. Even though the product is frequently updated, its GUI goes back to the Win95 days or so, and its usability is accordingly. Having to fight the GUI to...

Prevent opening a second instance

What's the easiest way to check if my program is already running with WxPython under Windows? Ideally, if the user tries to launch the program a second time, the focus should return to the first instance (even if the window is minimized). This question is similar but the answer is for VB.NET. ...

Python accessing multiple webpages at once

I have a tkinter GUI that downloads data from multiple websites at once. I run a seperate thread for each download (about 28). Is that too much threads for one GUI process? because it's really slow, each individual page should take about 1 to 2 seconds but when all are run at once it takes over 40 seconds. Is there any way I can shorten ...

Eclipse CDT, creating dialogs.

Hi. I have installed (on Linux) and configured CDT successfully. I need to create dialog-based application with Eclipce CDT(C++). How can I to make it? Thx! ...

Bringing up numeric keyboard automatically on editing textbox (.NET CF)

This stackoverflow question explains in detail how to bring up/hide the virtual keyboard on getting/losing focus on a control. However in my TextBox, I want the user to type numbers, so it were nice if I could switch the virtual keyboard to numeric input directly. Do you have any proposals how to do that? ...

How to get an application's GUI translated into other languages

I'd like to translate my GUI into other languages. Unfortunately I don't speak Mandarin, Spanish, Arabic, or any common language other than English. The technical hurdles are no problem... what I'm wondering is: How do you get the actual translations? Amazon's Mechanical Turk? Google Translate? Pay an actual translation company? ...

Looking for Python gui

I'm looking for the right Python gui library for a program I'm writing. I'm looking for one that is: 1. free 2. licensed so that I can sell the product I create 3. good looking (could you link to screen shot examples, if possible?) Thank you! ...

JQuery: Prevent fadeOut when form has focused or when dialogue is moused over.

The title is a little vague, but I can't explain it in the character limit. I'm creating a little splash screen with dialogues that appear as you hover over certain triggering links. Two of these contain forms (log-in prompt and a registration form). At present, if you hover over either the link or the dialogues themselves they remain a...

Blackberry - single line BasicEditField with large text

Hi to All, I have created a customized BasicEditField with Border using Bitmap.Now while typing the text,it crosses the border of the BasicEditField.This is my code class customEditField1 extends EditField { Bitmap mBorder = null; customEditField1(Bitmap borderBitmap) { mBorder = borderBitmap; } protected void paint(Graphic...

How to Draw Text Vertically with Compact Framework

I need to draw text VERTICALLY directly on to a Windows Mobile Form. This is a Compact Framework 2.0 application. I have the following test code working in a windows form application, but it does not work with the compact framework because there is NOT a DirectionVertical StringFormatFlag. Is there another way to do the same thing on Win...

SWT, Maintain default tab ordering when adding Key Listner

I've been creating a custom TabFolder extension that adds a key listener to allow quick tab switching using an ALT + # hotkey. By adding the KeyAdapter to my TabFolder, the event handler works properly only when you have a tab header selected (in which case the ALT + ARROW_LEFT/ARROW_RIGHT also work.). I need this hot key to be active w...

BlackBery - List with checkbox along with search criteria

Hi, I am trying to display a list of data with checkboxes, where user can select multiple items at one time... I want a search field on top of the list which will search through the list... How do I do it? ...

Win API C++ Control Edit compulsory

Hi, I'm developing a GUI in C++ using dev-c++. I have an edit control like this: hctrl = CreateWindowEx( 0, "EDIT", /* Nombre de la clase */ "", /* Texto del título, no tiene */ ES_LEFT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER...

Qt: transparent QRubberBand?

I'm trying to draw a QRubberBand on a QGLWidget. For some reason the area of the rubber band is drawn as opaque and I don't see what's behind it. This kinda beats the purpose of the rubber band as a way to select stuff inside it. I've seen in docs for QStyleOptionRubberBand that there's an 'opaque' member but I have no idea how to access...

Java gui look and feel changes

I'm new to programming, but I'm preparing to write a Java program. As I'm planning it, I'm trying to find the right gui for it. I found this page with gui options. I have two questions. 1) Will these plug just into the Java gui builder? 2) How easy (or hard) is it to change gui look and feel after the program is built? ...