
(Rails) How do I mimic Finder/Explorer views with contextual menus, etc?

Hi All, I'm looking for some quality techniques for mimicking a Finder (or "Explorer View"). Eventually I want to have treeviews, contextual menus, etc. I'm guessing there is going to be a good deal of Javascript, which is fine, I'm just curious as to whether there are quality existing helpers, etc for any of these things. The curren...

How do you map GUI labels to database fields?

For GUIs that display many database fields it's desirable to have a field:label map so that the GUI labels are not hard-coded but set dynamically. For example height:"Height (cm)" age:"Age in years" bloodAlcPct:"Blood Alcohol %" monthsIncarcerated:"Months in jail" Where do you store these strings and how are they mapped to the data...

Web GUI for editing INI files

I am looking for a Unix based application or framework that would allow me to view/edit ini files on a remote system in a Html GUI via Apache (or similar). Searching for ini/config/GUI solutions via search engines returns a lot a false positives. Any recommendations? ...

java gui - overlapping panels?

Hi all, i'm just trying to create this little simulator. in a gui, i have two main components - a map, taking up most of the window, and a control panel on the right hand side. now, i'd like to add a time slider across the bottom of the window (running only under the map, not under the control panel). i can do it in the runner class (wh...

Integrating GUI into console applications

Hi, I have two independent console applications developed in C++. I was asked to develop a GUI for both of them. In this GUI I collect some parameters that are needed to launch any of these applications. Anyone can give some orientation on integrating the console applications with this GUI? Could it be possible to launch the application...

Use of Frames in Delphi for GUI information hiding

Hi, I have been learning Delphi for the last 3 years, on a hobby/occupational level. I am happy to say that I have now progressed to the point that I can look back on my early code with horror and embarrassment. So I am now going through some of my early apps and rewriting/ refactoring them. One of the bad habits I am trying to get away...

Creating native GtkMenu from Firefox extension

Hi SO, Is it possible to create a native GtkMenu (I mean not XUL, but a real GtkMenu) from a Firefox extension? (and add to the firefox window). I would like to make GlobalMenu work with Firefox, which currently doesn't work due to the lack of native GUI. ...

Handling the category / sub category display for an online shop front.

We are developing an online shopfront. It is expected to have any level of category / sub category hierarchy. Suppose the main category is "A". It has sub category as "B". "B" has a sub category as "C" and so on. Now as a seller I want to add my product into the last level. What can be the easiest way to handle this scenario from the u...

VB.NET GUI choices

Can you point me to good non-Windows looking GUIs choices for VB.NET? I'm needing free but with licenses that allow closed proprietary code. Thank you. ...

How to select all text in a JFormattedTextField when it gets focus?

I have a small Java desktop app that uses Swing. There is a data entry dialog with some input fields of different types (JTextField, JComboBox, JSpinner, JFormattedTextField). When I activate the JFormattedTextFields either by tabbing through the form or by clicking it with the mouse, I would like it to select all the text that it curren...

Swing UI not updating after using invokeLater

I have a Java Swing UI that isn't updating/repainting as I thought it should. The app sends an XMPP message and receives a response on a different thread. That response is processed and the UI is updated to reflect information contained in the message. When the response is received, I update a JPanel component using javax.swing.Swing...

Problems with swing components and awt events

I seem to be having problems with my java gui code, and I have no idea why it's not working. What needs to happen is when the mouse is clicked on the panel or frame - for now lets just say panel; as this is just a test eventually this code will be implemented for another gui component, but I'd like to get this working first - the popup ...

Examples of good UI for selecting multiple records

I'm currently revisiting an area of my Windows-based software and looking at changing the relationship from 1->M to M->M. As a result, I need to adjust the UI to accommodate selecting multiple related records. There are a lot of ways to handle this that are common, but usually pretty clunky. Examples include the two-pane list of all ite...

Best way to rotate an image using SDL?

I am building a game and the main character's arm will be following the mouse cursor, so it will be rotating quite frequently. What would be the best way to rotate it? ...

Dynamically manipulate Qt GUI

Is there any way to open a Qt process and then programatically add widgets? For example, start a process that opens a frame and then, with another call from, say, another program (that is mine; actually another scripting language), add a button to that frame? So, in another program, I say "open frame" at the prompt and the frame opens....

C# GUI primer tutorial

Coming from Access, I am totally unfamiliar with building a GUI or even a program. For C# application building, can someone point me to a primer or tutorial that will explain to me how to build a GUI, and what frameworks, widgets, Winforms, WPF, and everything else are and how they fit together to result in a usable program? Thank you. ...

I need help on how to rotate an image with OpenGL using SDL

I'm making a game and the arm of the character will be constantly rotating since it will be following the mouse cursor. I've never worked with openGL before and I need some help getting started. If anyone knows any good websites to start learning and one that specifically contains rotation, please let me know. I've already visited NeHe ...

How do I build a GUI in C++?

This question is extremely basic, and I feel stupid for asking it. How do I create a GUI in C++? All of my C++ programs so far have been CLI, and the only other language I have experience with is PHP, which doesn't support it, which is why I don't know how it works. By the way, I apologize if GUI is the wrong word here. I'm not sure if ...

Blackberry - get checked items from list with checkboxes

Hi, How can all checked items from a list can be fetched? I need to get all selected (checked) items from the list and populate a vector ... I am not getting all selected items, i am getting only the item on which current focus is... I am implementing listfield with checkboxes as per the knowledgebase article. If I use getSelection...

how to Google chrome GUI compiles cross platform ?

Hello all what GUI frame work are Google chrome browser using ? that its so light and compiled cross platform ? ...