
Java StackTrace Editor or GUI

Hello! My java app is dumping stacktrace to a log file. However, the solution center wants an "easier" way to understand the generated stacktrace. Other than training them in java, is there a stacktrace editor or gui that could make their life easier? Thanks so much in advance! ...

GUI test framework for XAML views/controls

I'm looking for a test framework that helps me test XAML views/controls. Not just to verify correct data binding but especially to test the appearance and behavior of more complex controls. Obviously this will usually result in manual tests. What I have in mind would look something like this: Write a normal unit test using whatever un...

Unit testing Cocoa User Interface

Hi All, Anyone please let me know some links or examples for Unit testing user interface code. Is there a complete example app on that. Thanks in Advance, Bhanu ...

Overlapping Panels in C#

I am using the GUI forms builder in c#. I have a TransparencyKey set, and the backGround color of the whole form is set to that Transparency key so the background of the form seems invisible. I also have a login panel that appears at first and after the user logs in it disappears and the other panels become visible. This all works except...

VB.NET WindowForms Problem

Hi everyone. Currently I am having a weird problem which I simply do not understand. I have a simple GUI, with one button & one richeditbox. I have an async socket running, I am receiving some data over the network which I want to print to the gui(richeditbox). The async socket is being started when the user hits the button. So when I r...

Graphic User Interface

Is there a way to make a more elegant UI easily? (Maybe something like Google Chrome) Is there a framework or something do this? --EDIT It would be best in Python/Java/C++. I don't mind learning something new. ...

How do I remove spaces in UIToolbar between custom views?

I'm trying to create a UIToolbar with 5 buttons using custom images. The way I'm doing this is by creating buttons of type UIButtonTypeCustom, then creating UIBarButtonItems from these, then adding these to the toolbar with setItems:animated:. However, this adds spaces between the images which cause the 5th image to end up half off the r...

Building FLTK on Windows with Code::Blocks

I'm having a lot of trouble getting FLTK to be compliant when I try to write code in Code::Blocks. I'm guessing this is because I downloaded/installed it incorrectly. I've tried to look for installation guides like but I don't really know what it means. I've...

Java default form action or button

Hi, In HTML forms, if you press 'enter' while in a text field the form will generally submit. I'm implementing a search panel in Java Swing, and I want to include the same functionality as I think users will be expecting this. I know that it's possible to use setAction on a JTextField to accomplish this, however I was wondering if the...

Scala, animations and graphical user interface

Hi, I want to be able to do graphics with Scala programming language. Need to be able to do animations and attractive user interface, where to start? ...

Where can I learn to build desktop applications with C#?

My background is in web programming, mostly scripting with Perl. And I've recently been tasked with creating a desktop application. I'm wondering, where can one learn such concepts like making executables, what DLLs are for, how UIs are made, what threads are, etc. I already have C# in Depth by Jon Skeet and C# in a Nutshell. I'm not wo...

what do you think about web GUI for desktop app using embedded web server

Duplicate: this is a duplicate of .NET WebBrowser Control as User Interface. Let's please close this question, and direct any new answers to the original. Hello folks i need you experience in such things im thinking on easy way to be as much as cross platform as i can lately i had the idea of using embedded web server for my applicatio...

c# design question - standalone GUI application

Hi folks. It's a pleasure to see how much knowledge people have on here, it's a treasure of a place. I've seen myself writing code for DataGridView events - and using DataSource to a backend prepared DataTable object. Sometimes the user can remove rows, update them etc. and the underlying data will need validation checks again. Let's a...

Application/GUI Framework Recommendations

I'm a .net developer looking for an application/GUI framework. I've really only found 1 example of what I am looking for which was provided in a DevExpress KB aricle. Does anybody have any opinions on this example or can recommend something that resembles this that might be better to use. I like the Outlook look and feel so the exampl...

java gui changing picture causes heapspace error

I have a java programme than when a button is clicked it updates the image on screen to the according image. this will work for the first 15 or so clicks then it causes a java heapspace error. I think it is because of the way I am updating the jpanel that contains the bufferedimage but not sure what the reason is. My code to get make the...

Build Error FLTK

I've got a GUI project (using Fast Light Toolkit) with the following components inside of it. All of the headers and files listed here (note the and this is the file I'm trying to get to run. #include "Simple_window.h" // get access to our window library #include "Graph.h...

Glitchy screen redraws in flex application?

I have a flex/actionscript based project. The project has various view stacks and tab navigators and a few popup windows. The whole thing is managed in pureMVC framework. When transitioning between various view states, opening a popup, switching a tab, etc, I find the app to exhibit various redraw glitches. Parts of views will be partia...

Programatically finding a message box and generating a click on a button

I am trying to automate testing of a winform application. I am running it in the same process as the test code, so it is fairly easy to find the .Net controls and simulate user action on them. I got however stuck a bit with a message box (created using the standard MessageBox.Show method). How can I get hold of it and simulate that a but...

GUI border dilemma

I have this dilemma about designing/programming border or gap widths in an application of mine. I'm using Swing but this is sort of implementation-agnostic. I have a splitter pane (JXMultiSplitPane) dividing two subpanes, shown below outlined in black; the black border will be gone in the real application and is just here for debugging. ...

How do I reduce interface lag in C#?

I have a problem with interface lag in C#. Since I'm still learning please be patient whilst I explain. I have narrowed the problem to my timer object. Basically my program queries a device through TCP/IP socket and outputs it to a textbox on screen. Now I'm polling the device for data every second which requires some logic to be bur...