
How to draw visual graphs with circular nodes and lines as connections between them?

I want to draw a map some cities in a software that I am designing. I want to know the algorithm for placement of circular nodes on screen (so they dont overlap each other) Please explain in relation to JAVA GUI programming if possible ...

Is there anything called GUI standards?

GUIs are one of the important areas in most of the software products. I would like to know whether there is something called GUI Standards that defines the best practices in GUI design, but in depth. As an example are there any definitions that contain the best size for a text box or the ratio between the width and hight of a Windows for...

Any idea for running Qt signals/slots over network?

We're going to running remote GUI on a few PCs, all communicating with a central server where the main application is running. Instead of hacking our own manual network protocol and marshalling layer for button presses and various events, my hope is that this could be solved more cleverly somehow. Indeed, it'd be nifty if you could auto...

replacing widget at runtime

Hi all, Here is the situation. I have a class which is derived from a QListView that adds some convenience functions, a custom widget if you like. I do not want to wrestle with the Designer to use my widget. I simply want to use a plain QlistView in the Designer (as a placeholder) and compile it with pyuic4. At runtime I want to replace...

How to use an icon as back button for UINaviationController

Hey, Does anyone know how to use an icon instead of text for the UINavigationController back button? ...

Application Structure for GUI & Functions

I'm starting a basic application using Python and PyQt and could use some experienced insight. Here's the structure I was thinking. This is understandably subjective, but is there a better way? myApp/GUI/ myApp/Logic/ setOfMethods1...

Java GUI alternatives

I write applications in Java, and I'm looking for ways to speedup GUI programming. Binding frameworks help, but the particular application I'm working on now wouldn't benefit too much from that (it doesn't display a lot of data, just a lot of ways to manipulate the data). I feel like I spend way too much time writing boiler-plate GUI cod...

How can I simulate UISegmentedControl with custom buttons?

I'm just beginning to try out development for the iPhone. My requirement is very similar to thar provided by a UISegmentedControl except I need custom buttons instead of those in a UISegmentedControl. Here's more detail: I need one view controller which loads the first view having 3 custom buttons on the top. Below the buttons, I need t...


Why a developer should pay attention to Model-view-controller for designing a GUI? and is there other elements that a developer should pay attention for designing a GUI? ...

WPF - Creating simple controls to be used on a Canvas

I'm developing a simple WPF UI for image post-processing. I'd like to create a draggable WPF control to be used on a Canvas which would look roughly like this: Both end points ellipses would be draggable and the line joining them would follow as the end points move. Now, I know how to implement this by simply adding these elements i...

WPF: Cannot set focus

I want that from the PreviewTextInput handler a new control is created and focus is set to it. But even after calling Focus() on the new control, the cursor is still in the old textbox. The handler UserControl_PreviewTextInput is registered on the UserControl which contains this textbox if this matters. private void UserControl_Preview...

How to using widget PlainTextEdit or TextEdit for output and input text?

I'm interested PyQt4. Thanks ...

Compile error when adding ActionListener to Array created GUI

I had a huge file for creating this GUI and I have shortened by using arrays. I am trying to add an ActionListener when the arrays are being added and I am getting this error /tmp/jc_3531/ addActionListener(java.awt.event.ActionListener) in javax.swing.AbstractButton cannot be applied to (GUI) nButtons[c].addActionList...

embedding plot within Qt gui

How do you embed a vpython plot (animated) within your Qt GUI? so that it has its own display area and would not need to created a new window anymore. ...

How to create custom GUI components?

Hi. Im a C# coder with a intresst in building new GUI components. Have seached google for some info on creating GUI components not belonging to any current standard, with out mutch luck. In short I want to be able to build my own components/controllers to be used for the application. The thing is I had an alternerate idea for creating...

Making my GUI accessible through keyboard (Xp, Visual Studio, C++)

Hi guys, I've built a GUI with button, groups of buttons, edits, listboxes... etc... but now I want to know how to make my gui accessible through keyboard, I mean, changing the focus by pressing tab button. Does anybody have any idea on how to do this? I'm using Windows Xp and the GUI is writen on C++ using Visual Studio 2008. Thanks ...

How to create QString in PyQt4?

str = QtCore.QString('Hello') AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'QString' QtCore.QString._init_(self) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'QString' Yes, I'm read QString Class Reference if you can, answer with code sample. Thanks ...

What is Ruby's default GUI framework?

If I remember correctly Python ships with Tk as it's standard framework. What's Ruby's default? ...

WPF: How do I inherit property values to all child controls?

I have UserControls containing other controls. I want that if I set a Foreground color for the UserControl, all child controls automatically inherit it. I have the same problem with font style/size. Can I set these properties somehow to auto/inherit? Is this possible to set all subcontrols without a loop? ...

Preferred UX for an empty-but-selectable item in a menu

In a project I'm working on, we have a nav menu where items are colored when the relevant section has information beneath it, or faded when there's nothing available to the user. In the case of an admin, these items may have no useful information but may still be clickable (since things like "Add news item" or "Add file" are implemented ...