
Modern GUI development

Hi All! Long long time ago was a Delphi, and any developer can rapidly build win32 GUI application. Delphi was a king (long life to king...) but now delphi and win32 has gone away. So question is - what a preferred platform to rapidly build cross-platform GUI applications at present days? I'm have a good knowledge of Java and C#, and i'...

Problem with Java GUI

I have made a java program with GUI. Now I want to add a component on the GUI where I can display whatever I want in the same way we display output through System.out.println(); Which component I can add on the GUI and how to display content on that component. ...

How to stop threads of a Java program?

I have made a java program with GUI and have placed a "stop" button on it. When I start the program, the main thread starts 10 threads. Now I want that whenever a user click on "stop" button, all the threads should terminate first, then the main thread should terminate. How can I do that. ...

Mac OS X: Best way to implement a card game GUI

Hi, I've started programming on Mac OS X in Objective-C and decided to create a little card game. At first I create a command line version. If everything works fine I would like to implement a GUI: Nothing big, just a green window with cards which can be dragged and dropped. Since I don't have any idea about how to do this: What can I ...

Fonts for use in embedded GUI

I am looking for fonts for use in an embedded GUI application with a small display and keypad. Are there any free fonts available that people have used? What about the licenses for free fonts? Are there any special requirements for an application like an embedded GUI? For example, include the License in the source code. Take the GNU Fr...

How to extend the sensible area around active area (hyperlinks) in Firefox ?

At which level in Firefox the active zone around active areas (text and image hyperlinks) is defined ? I would like to experiment ways to extend them to ease the use of touchscreens for the web... ...

Is it possible to provide a resize indication (resizer-grip) on a form without adding a status bar?

I would like to have a resize indication on a windows forms Form (the same resize-grip as when you have a status bar). I do not want to add a status bar to the form - that would break the design of the form. The form can have various controls inside that are docked (Fill). I have not found any solution to this besides drawing the resize...

Should you show a grid if its empty?

Were in the process of developing a new desktop application for a customer which currently uses about 20 or so grids on various forms throughout the application. I don't think the context of our application is that relevant, but just to give the full picture the customer sells vehicles and the content of the grid tends to be things like...

How to implement tab containers in web-application?

In modern web browsers we can work with multiple contents in parallel by using tab containers. It took me quite some time to mimic a similar behavior within a webpage of a web-app by using a library called Struts Menu. The solution as far as I understand is basically a combination of using CSS with calling JSP pages. I was wondering if ...

What are the best fonts for numeric data entry?

I'm creating a GUI application that requires the user to provide lots of numeric data. What is the best font to display the user's data? I assume that a mono-spaced font would be better in this case, as multiple lines will have the same number of characters. ...

Scala and Swing GUI applications

From reading parts of the Programming in Scala book, I realize that Scala can work with the Java Swing components to create GUI applications. My question is if there are any projects or released applications (that are more than just simple examples) that use Scala and Swing? ...

Display BMP Files Without A Frame

I want to devlop simple image application in java. I need to display the image without anything around it. That is, there should be absolutely no application frame or title bar or anything else. When I open the image in this application, all I will see is the image floating on my screen. In should when my application shold work like go...

Looking for a GUI debugger that runs on windows and can remote debug on Linux

The current setup is that I'm developing a program for Linux (and debugging the binary with GDB via SSH), but using Eclipse and a remote file mount to do the editing from a Windows box. I'd really love to be able to debug in eclipse but I haven't yet found anything that would work. Anyone know of anything I should look at? BTW: I'm wi...

Are there any GUI toolkits built on top of HTML Canvas like swing,swt,gtk or qt?

Are there any GUI toolkits built on top of HTML Canvas like swing,swt,gtk or qt? So that it is possible to build applications like applets or flex gui:s inside the html canvas. ...

Java - Check Boxes in a JComboBox

I would like to make a JComboBox that has check boxes for items instead of text. In addition, it should be possible to check multiple items and retrieve the selected items from the component. Should I be make a custom ComboBoxUI, ComboBoxEditor, ListCellRenderer, ComboPopUp, or something different entirely? Is there an existing Java cont...

Java GUI: Sharing values across different JFrames

I'm writing some experimental GUI code. I'm trying to set it up so calling main generates two windows, each with a button and a label. The label displays how many times the button has been clicked. However, I want it so if you click the button in one window, the label in the other updates. How would I do this? import javax.swing.*; impo...

Winform style issue: Windows classics style?

In one application I'm suddenly getting a style that looks like windows classics. It looks good in the Visual Studio designer (left on the image) but when I run the application it looks like windows classics style (right on the image) and I can't find it. I tried to create a new clean window and add one button to it and that also looks...

windows version of the GDB frontend DDD

Is there a native (not cygwin) version of DDD available for download somewhere? ...

How to instantly termainate an un-supervised script on demand?

I have a GUI which resembles an interpreter. It allows the user to write a script in Jython (implementation of Python in Java) and run it whenever he wants. Apart from that, I also wish to allow the user to instantly terminate the run whenever he wants. Thing is, I don't really know how to do it. The script is being run on a different T...

How do I set QMenu to align to the right of a toolbar?

On my toolbar in Qt, I have several QMenus (all of which align to the left by default). I would like to make one of them align to the right side, but I can't seem to find the correct way to do this. Any ideas? ...