
How can I display custom icon and two hyperlinks in model pop up on Blackberry map?

I need to display a custom icon and two hyperlinks in model pop up on Blackberry map. How can I do this? ...

How can I continuously read from the serial port in a Perl Win32::GUI program?

I would like to use the Win32::SerialPort module under Windows XP to read a text string from a COM port. There is a scale attached to the serial port which continuously sends the current measured weight. Since I'm also using Win32::GUI I need a way to read that non-blocking. What's the best way to do this? Should I use Lookfor or stream...

User Interface clarifications

Hi all! As you know, many programs are written in C++. Some of these have fancy GUI with non-classical-Windows style ( think to Photoshop, 3ds max, maya etc ) my question is: how are they done? In pure Win32 API? MFC? DirectX/OpenGL? or other? I can reach similar results with C#/WPF but how can I do it in C++? Thank you in advance ...

WPF - Drag & Drop on Listbox ITEM

I want to drop something not on the whole ListBox, but on a specific ListBoxItem. I'm handling the ListBox' Drop event - how can I find out, on which item the mouse is pointing? ...

How do I design a C# visual motif that looks like visual studio error list

How do I design a C# visual motif that looks like visual studio error list? --I have a program that examines the user provided inputs, and I would like to send errors back to the user in a format similar to the "error list" display in Visual Studio 2005. ...

Stackpanel with widthstyle set to fill?

I am in a situation where I want to add usercontrols in a panel. This has to be in a topdown order. I have done whats explained here to make it act like a stackpanel. However I want the width of each usercontrol to fill out the panel and not be a fixed size. I tried using tablelayoutpanel and setting it grows attribute to 'add rows' bu...

What's the best PHP library to develop GUI programme?

php-gtk and JeCat ? Is there a better choice? Further more,what's the current most pupular way to develop GUI programmes with PHP? What's the procedures and related software utilities? ...

C# Method Wait For User Click

Hello, I am trying to write a method that loops and repeatedly calls other methods. There is a single place inside the loop that I need to pause and wait for a user to click one of several buttons on the GUI. I have done this with command line code before, but I'm not sure how to wait and check it any buttons have been clicked. If som...

creating a clickable table

I want to create a table where I can click the numbers (1.1, 1.2 etc) under the display tab so that another window will pop up showing the cell details. How should I go about this? I found an example of a table, but it isn't clickable and there are column names whereas mine doesn't have column names. Should I follow this example or is th...

How to make HyperLink in blackberry application?

Can anyone tell me how to make hyperlink in blackberry.If u have any idea pls share with me.If u can provide some code snippet. ...

GUI patterns to edit data with many-to-many relationship

Hi, I often run into a situation where I need to come up with a GUI to edit data that has a n:m relationship. I'm looking for user friendly GUI ideas. [table1] | /|\ [table2] \|/ | [table3] Usually the GUI resembles something like this: Grid that shows all items from table1 Add table3 item... (shows modal window with t...

Changing the size of columns in a JTable.

I am creating a GUI program and I need a table with different sized columns. How do I change it so that the 1st column is smaller than the 2nd and 3rd column? ...

Is it 'wrong' to make User Controls if it is not for resuability?

I can't decide if it is good or bad to make many user controls. I am only doing it cause I find it easier to work on a control where there are not a lot of components. If something needs to be fixed it is also easier. Kind of like how you split your program up in a lot of classes. However multiple controls adds a bit more complexity wh...

How to get output?

I am using the Python/C API with my app and am wondering how you can get console output with a gui app. When there is a script error, it is displayed via printf but this obviously has no effect with a gui app. I want to be able to obtain the output without creating a console. Can this be done? Edit - Im using Windows, btw. Edit - The P...

GUI tool for configuring Java property files and XML files

Hi, This is more of a question about tools that are out there instead of a programming question on one particular stuff. So apologies in advance if the question does not belong here. I have an application that I want to develop a GUI configuration tool for. At the moment config files for the application are found in a couple of directo...

Layout manager for .NET, UI agnostic

I need a simple Layout Manager that is UI agnostic. By this, I mean it should not specify how I want to represent my shapes/controls on the screen. It should just enable me to say: I want shape X here. I want shape Y under shape X. I want shape Z to surround X, and isolate itself from shape Y. I guess it would be nice if it can also gi...

Why is a modal/modeless dialog called modal/modeless?

Hi, I always have trouble remembering whether the modal or modeless dialog is the one blocking operations in other parts of the application. Does anyone know why they are called that way? ...

What language is good to write simple nice GUI apps?

Hi, I never did to much GUI programming (besides a bit of QT and Delphi). I need to write simple GUI app which would interactively visualize graphs. Very similar tool to "GraphViz GUI for Mac". What would you suggest? Thanks. ...

How do I unindent using IDLE (Python gui)

I want to write the following statment in IDLE (Python GUI) >>> if x == 0: ... x = 0 ... print('Negative changed to zero') ... elif x == 0: How can I get the unindention for the elif statment ? Some additional facts: I tried backspace and shift + tab, that doesn't help. Runing on Windows. Thanks. ...

How to enable context menu on a VerticalHeaderItem inside a QTableWidget?

I have QTable widget, where I set setVerticalHeaderItem(0, QTableWidgetItem("some header", 0)) I set a contex menu by setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.ActionsContextMenu) and it works fine on my table's elements other than 1st column, i.e. a VerticalHeaderItem. Basically, when I right-click on 1st column item a context menu doesn't pop up, ...