
Basic Java Question, Classes updating GUI

I will try and illustrate my question with examples, I am attempting to create a Java program that will (eventually) incorporate a complex Swing GUI. I have public class Main extends JFrame implements ActionListener { JTextArea example; public Main() { //... Missing, basic swing code example = new J...

Java AWT/Swing: Get notified on change of position/size of my window

Hello I've got a window and I would like to get notified when the position or the size has changed. Which type of listener ist the best to take? WindowListener didn't work for me... Any way? Thanks and regards ...

Add a notification icon at the status bar in BlackBerry JDE 4.5.0

I'm writing a Java application in BlackBerry JDE 4.5 that will start listening for some event at the start up. I want to display a small icon at the status bar. I know its support in version 4.6.0 of the BlackBerry API set with ApplicationIcon, ApplicationIndicator and ApplicationIndicatorRegistry classes but which classes are there in...

How can I implement user-friendly boolean logic in a web form GUI?

Currently I have a web application where a user can use dropdown lists to generate SQL SELECT statements like so: Column Select Dropdown | Operator Dropdown (= != > < <= >=) | Value select dropdown The user can do this multiple times, and the "filters" are currently all ANDed together. I want to add the possibility of creating OR stat...

OpenGL / C++ / Qt - Advice needed

I am writing a program in OpenGL and I need some sort of interfacing toolbar. My initial reactions were to use a GUI, then further investigation into C++ I realized that GUI's are dependent on the OS you are using (I am on Windows). Therefore, I decided to use QT to help me. My Question is if I am taking the best/appropriate approach to...

Rewriting multiple if-statements

I feel like this is a pile of you know what I mean. It works but I feel like I'm way overdoing this in terms of the page lifecycle (load and postbacks) and even the redundancy I have in each of the if statements here. What happens is this: This method is called on very page load (no matter if postback or whatever) If the user submits...

Framework for GUI on top of Powershell?

The Powershell team preaches using GUI on top of Powershell (GUI actions translated into Powershell commands in the background and executed). I love the idea, specially b/c it would make my GUI scriptable (it's nice to click click and then see a trace window with all the cmdlets that I've executed). My question is, do they provide some...

BlackBerry - ButtonField with centered Bitmap

Hi, I have a class that extends from ButtonField : class BitmapButtonField extends ButtonField { private Bitmap _bitmap; private int _buttonWidth; private int _buttonHeight; BitmapButtonField(Bitmap bitmap, int buttonWidth, int buttonHeight, long style) { super(style); _buttonWidth = buttonWidth...

UI Convention: Shortcut key for application exit?

Is there a convention for the shortcut keys for application exit? Some applications uses Alt+X some others use Ctrl+ X and Ctrl+Q. Applications like FF and IE doesnot assign a shortcut at all. So is there any accepted convention for that? Note:Am talking about Windows here. ...

Add Silverlight control without blocking the ui

Hi! How can i add a control to a Silverlight Grid control without blocking the user interface. I am creating a complicated Chart control and when i call myGrid.Children.Add(myChart) the whole page is blocked and not responding. Any idea guys? ...

How can I bind a flex component's height to the height of the browser window?

I want to constrain the height of a flex component to the height of the browser viewport. The component's children are populated from a database table using a repeater, and are basic checkboxes. There are enough of them that the flex app ends up being about twice the height of the screen, which means some of the rest of the layout goes...

Design Principle: Is there ever a reason to turn TabStop off?

In Visual Studio .NET the TabStop property is by default set to True for all command and input fields. Most other designers have some concept of tab control for "power users" who don't like to switch to their mouse a lot. This property simply toggles the ability for the control to receive focus when the user hits the tab button to iter...

Best way to vibrate a UI item?

I'm trying to vibrate/shake a UI element, namely a control, as if it were struck, and is resonating. I can use Core Animation to shake it vertically, horizontally or both, by one pixel: CABasicAnimation* rotationXAnimation; rotationXAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"position.y"]; rotationXAnimation.fromValue = [NSNum...

Learning to create beautiful /next-generation GUI

I really want to create a stunning-looking GUI desktop application that looks like, for example: Mac OS X interface Picasa desktop client on windows IPhone apps Office 2007 I've mostly been programming GUI using Qt/Swing/WinForm and I'm tired of creating so plain looking GUI, lol. So I was thinking about diving into stuff like: j...

whether reading swing is worth it?

i planning to read swing concept, if it is worth reading ,please suggest some study material ...

Abstract testing of GUIs

In general how does one test a various parts of a GUI? What are good practices? (Yes I am being overly general here). Let take for Notepad's Find dialog box: What are some things that can be tested? How does one know its working correctly? What are edge cases to look out for? Stress tests? ...

framework for a databased crossplatform GUI application

I would like to develope a databased GUI application for free, which is cross-platform. I almost decided, that the UI should be GTK (logical, not pixel-based layout, GUI description not cluttering the code (glade xml))... What I am missing is a good framework, which connects database and GUI, so I am looking for building database gui ap...

How do I force redisplay of UpDown Boxes?

How can I force the redisplay of the value of the UpDown box? I have an application that has a number of UpDown boxes for setting values of a configuration file before loading the file onto an embedded device. I can load a configuration from the device and display the values in the appropriate UpDown boxes. However, if I delete the co...

BlackBerry - Custom Layout

Hi All, I am very much new to the Blacberry development environment. I am trying to make a simple calculator application. But when i implement buttons it is always displaying one below the another. I need to custom place the controls. Is there any way to make the layout custom so that i can place my controls as i wish. Thanks in advanc...

Windows GUI application when user is not logged in?

I've written a Autoit script that starts a GUI application, when the application starts there is a login form. The scripts fills the login form and tries to log in. Then it records the time it took to login to the application and shuts the application down afterwards, writes a output file with the time it took. The thing is, I can't get...