
How to test something rendered correctly?

How does one test if an application rendered something correctly? For example (2D example): How does one know that the shadow is placed correctly or the correct color / outline was rendered? Or if 3D effect renders correctly when one would rotate in a direction? Other things could be if the word art was re-sized, how does one measure...

Adobe Air GUI Question

Hello, I am new to Adobe Air and I have just started to learn. I am using FlexBuilder 3 to build a desktop app for Adobe Air. I am a bit confused with the GUI development. The app I am building has multiple input screens. What are the best practices for this type of app in terms of windows and input screens? Should I use the Viewstack ...

Qt Python : QTreeWidget Child Problem

Hello Everybody, I have a QTreewidget that works fine if I have just one level on my treelist. If I decide to add child sublevels, it gives me an error. Here is the code, that works nice only without the "childs" lines on it (see after "child 1" and "child 2"). def eqpt_centralwdg(self,MainWindow): self.centralwidget = QtGui.QWidg...

C++ version of Java PropertySheet

Previously, I am able to use PropertySheet provided by When I pass in an Java Object, a GUI windows will be created automatically, to display the property of the object. User will able to view and edit the properties of the object. For C++, I know it is difficult to obtain object's properties dur...

Marketshare of cross-platform widget libraries?

For a variety of reasons, we're in the market for a cross-platform widget library. We're in the somewhat rare situation of not being tied to a particular programming language at this stage, so we get to look at libraries in a language-independent way. Something we haven't been able to find is any data on market share of various librari...

Refresh the UI in gwt

I have created some custom composite widget, which listens to an events (in my case loginEvent). Once the event is caught the state of the widget changes so as the way it should look (in my case I would like to change one of the icons to a signal that the user is logged in). How, after the event is cought, can I make the widget draw its...

Eclipse behaves strangely on Ubuntu 9.10. My buttons won't work after the upgrade!

Everything was fine until I did an upgrade from Ubuntu 9.04 to 9.10. Since then, Eclipse just doesn't respond properly. The following are the symptoms I can see: When I click on update, it grabs the available updates but doesn't show them. Any internal window that is displayed has corrupted buttons I cannot click on any of the buttons...

Updating JTree nodes background color at runtime.

Hi, I need to change tree nodes color when business logic updates model, wait 1 second, and then change its color back. Basically I would like to create similar thing like here, but for JTree. So I could use a similar technique,but I also wont to change anc...

Help needed in writing a GUI app in C

Hi Fellow programmers, I want to write a standalone GUI based app for administering one of the most popular enterprise middleware products from a very big company. But that big company already has a admin tool and its free. But guess what , its very very slow , since its written on the java/Eclipse platform. I want to write a very fast...

Qt Python radiobutton: activate event

Hi Everybody, I am developing a project for one customer, where the design has a radio button with exclusive options. Here is a piece of the code that runs and show two nice radio buttons: self.performGroupBox = QtGui.QGroupBox(self.centralwidget) self.performGroupBox.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(50, 20, 181, 121)) self.perfo...

Android empty list layout

Android empty list layout Whatever I do, I can't get the empty tag to display. Inside my tabs, I've got: <LinearLayout android:id="@+id/thisParticularTab" android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent"> <TextView android:id="@+id/LastUpdated" android:layout_width="fill_parent" a...

How can I put a progress bar in a UINavigationController's toolbar like the Mail app?

My application connects to the network to retrieve some data and I'd like to show a progress bar in the toolbar of the UINavigationController of my application. What I actually want is very similar to the Mail application:                                        Except I would like to have nothing to the left of the progress bar, and a...

wxPython: StatusBar does NOT update with long help from wxToolBar

I am creating a ToolBar within a wx.Frame init and setting the help string as follows: def __init_(self,...): ... self.CreateStatusBar() tb = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TB_FLAT) tb.SetToolBitmapSize((32,32)) tb.SetSize((-1,132)) tb.AddTool(ID_CLASSIFIER, bmp, shortHelpString='Classifier', longH...

app that auto-generates CRUD UI for database table

I have a MySQL database that has a few very simple tables. I would like to find an app (implemented in Perl, Python or PHP) that will do the following: Point the app to a database table, and it automatically retrieves the table's schema from the database. It then generates an HTML view of the table's data. The data is displayed as a ...

Benchmarking Desktop Applications

I have the desire to benchmark a Client/Server application (GUI) written in Java, on a Windows platform. I'm doing this so I can identify where the Application platform will break when scaled to 100s of users. This is not my application, I do not have source code. I know packages like selenium exist for web apps, but I haven't seen ...

Blackberry - set position of field on the screen?

I want to position my field at specified positions. ...

How to handle Focuschangelistener in blackberry for this situation?

I am having three EditField i have a set focuslistener for the second editfield alone. when the focus is lost i am checking whether the field is empty or not if the field is empty it will show the popup message .Now the problem is once the user came to that field he could not move to other fields without entering any fields but i want us...

Suggest me a link to learn Java GUI creation

Suggest me a link to learn Java GUI creation. ...

Blackberry - how to define screen title height?

Hi, is there a possibility to define somehow title's height? The main problem is a separator that is located under the actual title. So, possibly there is possibility to define somehow the separator's height. API 4.5 Thanks ...

Windows Forms: isLoading vs event disconnection

In Windows Forms programming, I have this general problem. When the page is loading and populating, in some cases I don't want the logic in the event handlers to run. The event handling code is primarily to respond to user interaction, but it also runs when the controls are manipulated programmatically. In the past, I've seen people u...