
A splash screen which doesnot just disappear but fades in/out.

I have a splash screen which appears for a few seconds before the application home screen is loaded. And then the home screen is pushed in. But I need to fade out the splash screen before the home screen appears. Any idea how to do that?? ...

Is MainScreen compulsory in BlackBerry applications?

Currently I've got 2 screens utilizing almost the same functionality and I'd rather extract common logic into some base class but the extend different RIM UI clases: MainScreen and FullScreen. Due to there's no multiple inheritance in java I cant figure out how to do this unless they both extend FullScreen. So the question stated in titl...

How do you add a border to a row in a Jtable?

I have a Jtable and I want to highlight a row by adding a border to the row. I have extended a DefaultTableCellRenderer and I figure the work needs to be done in the getTableCellRendererComponent method. I'm guessing that since there doesn't seem to be a concept of a row that I need to create a custom border for the individual cells in ...

GUI and windows service communication

I know since Vista, that C# can't hook a UI form directly to the windows service. This was stated on the Microsoft Site. My question in this regard is: "What is the best mode of communication from a UI to the service?" I have heard of Remoting, Web services, and direct TCP. Are there other methods? How do they rank against the previ...

How can I program software using Python for Linux/Windows?

For example, using C# I can make software fairly easily for Windows. I downloaded Python but all I get is a terminal like window for executing single lines of code. Is there a free IDE/Visual editor for designing GUI's in conjunction with Python? Thank SO. :D ...

How to program a mouse click on Mac OS X and on Linux?

I know how to program a click on Win32 (click on the screen programmatically) using C or Ruby. Does anyone know how to do it on Mac OS X and Linux just as a comparison? thanks. ...

Cancellable Sort in .NET ?

Hi I'm using ListView in VirtualMode to show extremely big number of rows, millions of rows. The data of the rows stored in a Generic List. Now i want implement a sort feature, that will sort the List by some Comparer. The problem is that for now, an average single sort takes around 30 seconds, and during this time the user cannot do ...

Free XML based java gui language with builder

Is there a free decent java GUI descriptor language (probably XML based), which has a Glade-like (WYSIWYG) GUI builder? ...

Building a GUI Form Using Pascal

Hello, I'm emulating a old Macintosh(IIci) and using CodeWarrior 1 Gold 68k, but how I can design a Form on it only by using code? Thanks. ...

Using JButtons to execute SQL queries with JDBC

I'm writing a simple JAVA GUI to read an SQL query from a JTextFrame and execute it. The connect and execute buttons are both JButtons, but the compiler won't compile my code because I can't append a "throws SQLException" to actionPerformed in my Listener private classes. I tried writing separate methods, but the same problem still per...

C#/.NET: Creating Dynamic Visuals in C#

NOTE: I am not exactly sure how to title or tag this question, so if you have any ideas, PLEASE help! I'm currently envisioning a few possible projects that involve dynamically rendering something (whether it is a point, a line, text, or music notes on a staff, for hypothetical example), but, if I were to undertake these projects, I'm n...

Long Operation Status

When performing a long operation in your application, how do you promote information from your business tier to your UI? Events? Passing in a status object which is hooked to the UI? Before I start I just wondered what cunning ways you guys and girls have come up with. ...

Problem with C#, Listbox and GUI

Hi there, i'm trying to update/paint a listbox in real time, but i'm having some problems. I got a button to start the process of populating the listbox *button_traceroute_Click*. My problem is that the listbox is only painted/updated when the whole process (button click) has ended, i wanted the the items to be inserted(viewed) one by o...

why isn't my Jlabels or Jpanels showing??

i've added a title to my Jframe, and now its blocked everything else, what have I done?? public class addressbook { public JFrame frame; public JButton btnadd, btndelete, btnsave, btnprev, btnnext; public JPanel panel, pTitle; public JTextField txtname, txtaddress, txthomeno, txtmobno; public JLabel JlbName , JlbHtn, JlbMtn, JlbAddress,...

how to implement a search feature in java

I need to implement a search feature into my program. At present it reads from a file one line at a time, like so: public void importContacts() { try { BufferedReader infoReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("../files/Contacts.txt")); txtName.setText(readLine(infoReader)); txtPhone.set...

Ruby: creating a simple application in Qt

I'm trying to create a simple application, written in Ruby via Qt. I designed a form (MainForm) in a Qt Designer and translated it via rbuic4 to the Ruby code representation. The pure untouched result has four methods, and looks like this: =begin ** Form generated from reading ui file 'stackover.ui' ** ** Created: Р’С‚ 24. РЅРѕСЏ 21:15:...

Which programming languages meet these criteria for GUI app development?

I'm trying to find a programming language I feel really comfortable learning and using for desktop/GUI application development. I realize it's unlikely that any language meets ALL of these criteria, but I'd like to find one that meets as many as possible. I've listed the following features ROUGHLY in order from most desirable/important t...

C#/.NET: Creating SPECIFIC Dynamic Visuals - House Plan w/ Objects (FOLLOW-UP)

Yesterday, I asked a question about how to dynamically render something in .NET: specifically, I asked about how to create a white "canvas" for "drawing"/rendering upon, what framework to use, etc. However, many of the answers suggested for me to ask a more specific answer, so right now, I have come up with a completely hypothetical (and...

What is the best GUI library for blackberry java development?

What do you think is the most comprehensive and stable GUI library for Blackberry java development? I am currently using J4ME, anyone has any other experiences? A good GUI library should also have support for like grid controls, etc. ...

Java Swing: How to bind a JLabel's text to a column in the selected row of a JTable?

I am using Netbeans and am trying to find a way for the IDE to auto-generate the code for me. I remember binding a JLabel's text to a column in the selected row of the JTable before, but in that case, the JTable's values were from an entity manager, and it was very easy. I was wondering if there is a way to do it even if the JTable is no...