
On Win32, how to detect whether a Left Shift or Right ALT is pressed using Perl, Python, or Ruby (or C)?

On Win32, I wonder how to detect whether Left Shift or Right ALT is pressed using Perl, Python, or Ruby (or even in C)? Not just for the current window, but the global environment overall. Example: when I am typing a document, I can press Right ALT to start the music player written in Ruby, and then press Right ALT again and it can p...

Cannot display image on Jpanel

I'm using the Netbeans GUI builder, but it's a little confusing now. How can I add an image to a panel? I think i'm doing it correct, but it's not showing up. I think it should be in the init() method, but netbeans does not allow me to change that part of the code. This is the code I added for the image: //these four lines I added to...

Java swing. How to wait for other Jframes

In a JFrame, when I click on 'login', I pop up another Jframe which is the login window. How do I make my main Jframe wait for my login Jframe to exit, before doing anything else? ...

Blackberry - How to do text wrapping in ListField with Checkboxes?

Hi all, I m creating a ListField with Checkboxes from How To - Create a ListField with check boxes But I m not getting how to wrap Text in a row in that ListField. I referred the thread Text Wrapping for text in List Field items Here its written as If all you are displaying is text, then I would go with the approach suggested by...

GUI Only By Using FPC

Hello, I want to know how I can develop GUI applications(32 Bits) without using Delphi language(Object Pascsl), only by using FPC with Lazarus installed(Pascal). Thanks. ...

Running a process in pythonw with Popen without a console

I have a program with a GUI that runs an external program through a Popen call: p = subprocess.Popen("<commands>" , stdout=subprocess.PIPE , stderr=subprocess.PIPE , cwd=os.getcwd()) p.communicate() But a console pops up, regardless of what I do (I've also tried passing it NUL for the file handle). Is there any way to do that without ...

Java help. How to draw images

Hi I'm starting to work on this project where I need to have a picture (map of the US) and then I need to circles of different sizes on the map at different locations. Something like this: What's the best way to go about doing it? I've never dealt with Java 2-d but I'm guess...

Gui async operations pattern?

Hi I'm designing code for downloads manager, and i wonder if there is good known patterns for the async operations? I asking it because i just started develope my own pattern. Download a single file itself is an async operation with start, stop, pause, cancel, showing progress and speed. Download one big file can actually download man...

Blackberry - close splash screen on any key

I am trying to adapt a piece of existing code. I am trying to remove a timer on a splash screen and change it to "press any key to continue" type screen. I need some help with the push/popscreen logic and listening for a keystroke on the splash screen. Here is extract from the code. public class MenuMain_Pca extends UiApplication { ...

Java Swing questions regarding GridLayout and paintComponent methods

Within this program, we need to create an 8x8 grid of "LifeCell" widgets. The instructor did not mention that the widgets had to be an object of Shape so I went ahead and used the GridLayout class. The GridLayout class works fine (as well as I know, since there is no visual aid to confirm.) The object of the program is to play the Game o...

Best language/method to produce a dynamic user-customisable xml-based GUI?

Hi guys, I'm looking to start a personal project - but have no idea where to start! Take a look at the igoogle website. Basically it's comprised of multiple columns of different sized boxes, that can be easily moved around by the user. I'm looking for the best/easiest way to create something like that, where the data displayed in the...

How to reset the trackbar in Visual C#?

How do I force the slider in the trackbar to be in the leftmost position? ...

.NET C# GUI application Command line

A beginner question. I am trying to use the command line arguments in a GUI (.NET + WPF) C# application. I've read that in VB.NET exists something like My.Application.CommandLineArgs but i haven´t found the C# equivalent. I have hacked the Main function in the application class to include the string[] argv parameter and pass it to the ...

Tool to generate GUI for command line program

I'm looking for a program that semi-automatically builds a GUI for a Windows command line program. That is, I want to give it an arbitrary command line program and somehow describe its usage ("It takes a list of filenames, and the --foo and --bar options followed by a string") and it will create a new GUI wrapper program that allows sel...

How do you set up a menuing system (clickable buttons) in C++/directx?

I'm lead to believe that function pointers are going to be needed to assign functions to the images that will be used as buttons somehow, but I can't find any decent resources on this. How can you set up a button menu in C++? For example, having buttons for save, load, exit, new. edit: I am not worried about portability for this exa...

Finding the joy of Javascript or searching for another UI-focused languages?

Hey everyone, I'm a GUI designer/interactive musician wanting to improve my programming chops. I already know the basics(variables, loops, arrays, if/else, some logic), but I'm looking to learn in a structured way. I've seen some great books/tuts on Python and Processing (and even Flash)that aim to teach the fundamentals of programming ...

Porting X/Motif GUI application to Windows using wxWidgets

Is it possible to port an application built in X/Motif GUI on Solaris platform to Windows using wxWidgets? If so, is it easier to port to wxWidgets than other GUI builders like QT or Visual Studio? ...

save selected row in UITableView after reloadData

I write custom jabber client in iphone. I use xmppframework as engine. And I have UITableViewController with NSMutableArray for repesent contact list. When i receive(or somebody change it contents) roster (aka contact list) i wanna change UITableView items (add/remove/modify). So if User work with listView at time when list updates by...

What language are most mainstream Windows GUI programs written in?

I'm curious to find out what most Windows GUI programs are written in - for example, AOL Instant Messenger, Microsoft Word, Notepad, other popular shareware programs, etc. Thanks! ...

What's the best approach for creating visually appealing windows applications?

I am currently working on my final year project. I'm trying to implement a system which takes sound as a input from microphone and, according to that sound, the UI displays different images. For example, if I input the sound of a dog, an image of a dog should display. Similarly, if I input the sound of a cat, an image of a cat should a...