
Implementing a GUI menu with MVC on a desktop application

I'm implementing a modular AI testing engine using the MVC pattern in python. So far everything's ok: The AIs, mouse, keyboard are controllers, the model is a physic engine, the view is a pygame instance that renders everything. I have an event handler to handle most communication. Now, I want to implement a menu system (imagine a gam...

A java sidebar with GridBagLayout

I am attempting to draw a sidebar for a project that I am working on. I chose to use GridBagLayout because I became frustrated with the limitations of BoxLayout. Could someone help explain what I am doing wrong. What I want is for the side bar to contain two JPanels. The code that I have places them halfway down the sidebar instead of at...

Why I can not show my MySQL information in my GUI table?

I have a "Manager" class and "BirthList" frame. In my BirthList frame I have a GUI table that shows all the data that are in mySQL table but it does like this: When I open this frame, I see the last data that I added and when I click on Close button, at first the last data will be deleted from my table and then the frame will be closed ...

Python QPushButton setIcon: put icon on button

Hello Everybody, I want to put an in ICON into a push button.. the code should work like that: self.printButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.tab_name) self.printButton.setIcon(QtGui.QPixmap('printer.tif')) self.printButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(1030, 500, 161, 61)) But instead, it gives the error message: TypeError: a...

Erlang vs. UI development as a career move

To expand on my previous question from here: UI Development vs Server Side Development As a career move, between the choices of server sided Erlang development and UI development (especially for handheld devices), what are the pros and cons as a careerwise decision? They both seem to me as very relevant in their respective areas. ...

Handling SWT Dialog boxes while running tests in headless mode using SWTBOT

I am running a Junit test case on my eclipse application that was built using SWT. I am doing GUI testing using SWTBot. So, here is my problem:"Make Excel Template").click(); This code helps me generate a template in my application. Once done, it throws up a Modal Dialog with "OK" as a message. However, I can't get...

QT4: Transparent Window with rounded corners

How can i create a partially transparent window with rounded borders (no standard borders)? (i used Qt::FramelessWindowHint to disable standard borders) I tried stylesheets, but "border-radius" and "opacity" doesnt seem to have any effect on the window, it only works on children of the enclosing widget. My second idea was, to make the...

BlackBerry - Horizontal Alignment of LabelField in Screen

Hi All, I want to add a new LabelField(String label, long style) but if I use Field.FIELD_HCENTER as my style then I get the following alignment. |---- This text is horizontally aligned but in ----| |---- a block. But what I want is; |---- This text is horizontally aligned and ----| |------- independently so for each line --------| ...

Blackberry - Small Up Down Arrow Button

i want to create 2 buttons for blackberry which look like this... and the second one inverted of the above i wanted to do this without using images (for efficiency) and the buttons should appear only when there is focus on them and dis sapper when focus goes off.. ...

Start and End Divs Using Two Controls - mvc

In an MVC application I'd like to encapsulate the ugly wrapper code (just a literal html opening string and another closing string) we use to make corners and shadows compatible with older browsers (we don't use javascript for performance reasons) in a manner compatible with the visual studio design view. I'd like to put the w...

[WPF] Lock the scrolling in a ScrollViewer ?

Hi, How can I lock vertical scrolling of a ScrollViewer by using the mouse wheel ? ...

BlackBerry - Global screen modifictions?

Hello all, I use the following global dialog to show up some message after user exited application and my app notified for checking some task. synchronized( UiApplication.getEventLock() ) { UiEngine ui = Ui.getUiEngine(); Screen screen = new Dialog(Dialog.D_OK, "My Message", Dialog.OK, Bitmap.getPredefinedBitmap(Bitmap.E...

Create element in background thread an then add to main-interface.

Hello, i have a problem with threading in WPF. I want to have created a complex user interface and then i want to add it to my main-window. While this complex user interface is creating i want to show a progress bar in my main window. I think this only could be made with threads. But there is a problem. The created element can't be adde...

Delphi 2006 Application messing up the GUI on Windows 7

Hi. I've been searching the Internet for a solution. Also here on Stackoverflow. But I haven't had any luck so far. We're having a problem with a Delphi 2006 application running on Windows 7. Some ComboBoxes are not shown. The exactly same application runs fine on Windows XP. I been trying to locate any patches. Do any one of you kno...

I need a data model for a Flex Datagrid list inclusion/exclusion widget

I'm working on a flex UI that has to create an inclusion list from dynamic data. Rather than belabor things with an analogy, here's a quick sample of what my inputs are and what my expected outputs are. First, the data grid will be populated with something like this: {id="1", v1="Value1.1", v2="Value1.2"}, {id="2", v1="Value2.1", v2="V...

BlackBerry - Background bitmap doesn't fit for scrolling page

Hello all, I have a background bitmap in my Blackberry application screen. Screen has scrolling enabled as i must to have a scroll. The problem which i'm facing is, when i scroll down the page, background bitmap doesn't fit for the scrolled page, rather it shows just plain white background. Do we need to draw the background bitmap for e...

How to design an IDE using Qt?

Hello all, My friends and I are working on a compiler design as a project in my university (Damascus University). We're using (Flex, C++, Bison, Qt) to do the job. I was wondering if there is a way to design an IDE to our compiler using Qt. I know how to do the job but I'm asking to find out if there is some resource to start with, or...

Changing UI elements from another thread in .NET

I don't get it. If I want to change the text on a button from a thread other than the UI thread in Visual Basic .NET, I need to use a delegate, and do something along the lines of Private Delegate Sub SetTextDelegate(ByVal TheText As String) Private Sub delSetText(ByVal TheText As String) Button1.Text = TheText End Sub Private...

Desktop Multithreading UI sample application for .net

Are there any good sample UI applications which illustrate multi threading best practices in .net? The scenario I am thinking of is a graphically rich scorecard where the kpi's are being updated from several different sources and threads. Although I am interested in WPF a Winforms sample application would I believe serve just as well ...

Should a person new to windowed applications study X, GTK+, or what?

Let's say the factors for valuing a choice are the library of widgets available, the slope of the learning curve, and the degree of portability (platforms it works on). As far a language binding goes, I'm using C++. Thanks! ...