
How to layout form elements

Are there any good resources for the layout of elements in a form? Possibly large forms as they are common in applications for highly specialised users. I am talking about choices like: go down in columns first, then right to the nex column vs. go right in rows first, then down to the next row what to do in the presence of especially ...

Aesthetically pleasing GUI components

I want to make my GUI components aesthetically pleasing. Is there any particular ratio I should use between a component's width and height that would make it look especially pleasing? ...

Python - Tkinter - Padding woes

Hello, I have a scrollbar widget that ALWAYS hides the last 15 px under the resize button, is there an option to stop this happening on mac or a padding "under" the widget option?\ thanks! ...

Quick GUI development for a simple app / trivia game

What would be a good tool/IDE/app to build a GUI? Platform: preferably Windows, but can get away with Linux Details: I am an embedded C programmer tasked with writing a simple game for New Year's Party...(some party) Game logic is very simple, grab args, alter string, display string on screen (command line version done..). However, th...

BlackBerry - Unicode text display

Hi! I would like to display some Arabic text into LabelField in j2me app on BlackBerry device. Presume that Arabic font is installed on device. In localization resources, if Arabic locale is used, all text is saved in Unicode sequences. But event if I use such format explicitly, also setting Arabic locale, it's not working: Locale....

Python GUI (glade) to display output of shell process

I'm writing a python application that runs several subprocesses using subprocess.Popen objects. I have a glade GUI and want to display the output of these commands (running in subprocess.Popen) in the gui in real time. Can anyone suggest a way to do this? What glade object do I need to use and how to redirect the output? ...

reading from file certain lines at a time in c/c++

Hello, So i have a gui, designed using QT, c++. I have large amount of data in a text file that I would like to read in this fashion: load first 50 lines, when the user scrolls down load next 50 lines and so one. When the user scrolls up load previous 50 lines. Thank you. ...

design exercise preferably using mfc

i was told to design a paintbrush program in 2 variation , one that uses lots of space and little cpu and the other vice versa. the idea (as i was told- so not sure) is somehow to save the screen snapshots versus saving XOR maps (which i have no idea what it means) who represent the delta between the painting. can someone suggest a wa...

Common usages of views and editors in Eclipse RCP applications regarding to enterprise automation?

Hello. I am a software developer working with different ERPs based on different platforms. Java is one of them. I've decided to learn Eclipse RCP. I am trying to understand the basics of Eclipse RCP regarding its views and editors concept. Working with other platforms I don't care how to make a form in GUI. All the forms in my applicati...

Linking a variable and a text box in Java

Hi, How can I link a variable and a text box in the simplest possible way? I.e. If the user changes the text box contents the variable changes and if the program changes the variable the text in the text box changes. N.B. I'm using the swing and awt libraries. Thanks in advance. ...

Java GUI Builder.... do you know any?

Possible Duplicate: IDE for Swing Hi I'm looking for some java gui builder. I used Swing Designer from instantiations and it was pretty good, but I can't use it anymore since I don't want to pay for it and it's a pain to install on linux. Eclipse just won't access the site. I love netbeans, but I'm looking for something that wi...

Displaying GUI components in Java

Hi guys I have a GUI window that I've created using Netbeans. I then ported the code into my own program so that I can display .png's at my will. However, the GUI components are not displaying, and the window opens up with no size by default. I need the window to initially open up with the GUI components visible, with the window of ...

JFrame in java desktop application

I am developing a desktop java application with GUI implemented through swings. I have made a JFrame and have added three buttons on it - Add, Edit, Delete. Now I want that whenever a user clicks on any of the button, the content specific to that button appears besides those three buttons. So how to implement this. Should I need to add...

running external .exe on button click c++. How to??

I am creating a simple GUI in C++ which have few buttons in it. I want to launch some external .exe files when i click on these buttons. What's the code to achieve this? ...

How to create blackberry screen slide animation similar to Blackberry App World?

Hi, does anyone knows how to use the blackberry JDE API to create a screen slide animation similar to Featured Items screen in the Blackberry App World? I am aware that in blackberry 5.0, there are some transition apis to perform that. But I am looking to do it for version 4.6 OS. It has the nice scrolling effect using the scrolling ball...

What is a good way to add MFC gui to a Win32 C++ command line application?

We have a command line application that could benefit from a GUI. We want to add some plotting functionality and have identified a plotting library that uses MFC. Initially we developed a separate app, but we'd rather have the GUI in the same process space. I was thinking of possibly a GUI in an MFC DLL that could be hosted in the p...

How to Wrap a Commad Line Executable In a .app Package?

I wrote an OpenGL+GLUT game for Mac OS X that's currently launched through the command line. I'd like to make opening the game more user-friendly by putting it into a .app package, so regular users would be able to open the game like any other program. What's the best way to do this? ...

C# WinForms control in .Net COM Server won't redraw

Hi everyone, I have a COM server app which uses some WinForms controls which, frankly, do not seem to be redrawing when their properties (Text, BackColor, etc) are changed. I have tried invoking txtControlName.Invalidate() as well as .Update() and neither seem to be affecting anything. It is a business requirement that we stick to .Ne...

Resources on technical GUI design

Hi, I am looking for recommendations on resources (both books and websites) on designing GUI applications. By designing I mean the technical design (when and how to use data binding, when should MVC/MVP be used, what functionality should go into the model, the view, the controller/presenter, how can different parts of the UI best be kep...

Is casting an integer value to a void* an often used paradigm in callbacks?

Rather than sending an actual pointer to a value, the value is cast to a pointer. I found these examples in the GUI interface code of a GTK program. g_signal_connect (pastebutton[pane], "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_paste_button_pressed), (void*)((long)pane<<4)); In the above example, I...