
In MFC how do I avoid dialog boxes from staying on top of my app window?

I have a dialog box based application (MFC - VS 2008). I have a list control on it. I pop up other dialog boxes, but I also want to be able to get back to the parent app dialog. I can get back to the parent app dilaog box, but the problem is that even if I click on it with the mouse it remains hidden behind the "child" windows. I wan...

Resources for Programmatic Rendering of Topology Maps

Servus, Do you know of any frameworks, APIS, languages, or other resources that are well suited for drawing topology maps that allow a user to interact with objects on the map? I am not constrained by language choice and the program can be web-based, or stand-alone. I thought I would check before rolling my own. My goal is not to d...

Python: Separating the GUI process from the core logic process

I'm developing a Python project for dealing with computer simulations, and I'm also developing a GUI for it. (The core logic itself does not require a GUI.) The GUI toolkit I use for is wxPython, but I think my question is general enough not to depend on it. The way that the GUI currently works is that it starts the core logic package (...

How can I auto focus on a textfield using Win32 GUI in Perl?

I'm following an online Win32::Gui tutorial to learn how to add a GUI to my Perl application. So far everything's been good. But I'm having some pesky small problems. So I'm asking for help here again. One problem is, I have to click my mouse in the textfield before I can type. I tried something lie this: $Object->AddTextfield( ...

On Developing Native Windows Executables

Which technology stack do you recommend for developing native windows executable (has GUI), other than .NET stack? Other that C++ (MFC, ...) some could be named; yet which one is mature and pragmatic enough? Delphi 7? Common Lisp (Which one is proper for developing GUI?)? Scheme? Qt or wxXXX stack? ...

how to create a gui to invoke a .exe or .cpp file ?

i have a compiler project and i have used c++ , flex and bison in it so bison and flex produce .cpp files to me and i can compile and run them but i want to make a gui to my project so i want to learn a technique to make a gui (in java or qt) to write input to my project and get output ...

Move layouts up when soft keyboard is shown?

I have a few elements in a RelativeView with the align bottom attribute set, when the soft keyboard comes up the elements are hidden by the soft keyboard. I would like them to move up so that if there is enough screen space they are shown above the keyboard, or to make the section above the keyboard scrollable so the user can still see ...

Adding UILabel on top of UITableView

I have an iPhone project with a NIB that only has a table view (UITableViewController). My delegate loads the nib (and associated controller) and all is well. Now I'd like to have UILabel show up when there is no data to show in the table view. Revisiting the NIB it occurred to me that only the File's Owner, Delegate, and the Table View ...

Changing default JLabel font.

How would I go about setting the default font for all JLabel instances. Instead of setting the font for each JLabel independently. ...

What's the easiest way to Create a User-Friendly front end for a C program on Linux platform

I have a small course project that would best have a user-friendly front end. It's a network sniffer, I coded the program with C and Linux. And now I am hoping to make it more ``user-friendly". ...

Java image display

I am trying to create a GUI that will coexist with several images. There is one background image that will take up the most room. On top of the background image several other images will be displayed in varying locations. These locations will be updated every 5 seconds or so, so speed is not a huge factor. So all I need is the ability ...

QMetaObject::invokeMethod returns true, but method is never called

hello. I'm trying to run a method on the GUI thread using QMetaObject::invokeMethod, which returns true. But, if I use Qt::QueuedConnection my method never gets called (even if invokeMethod returns true). This is what I'm using: QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, "draw_widgets", Qt::QueuedConnection) I don't get any error messages or an...

Java Netbeans simple display Image in Design Mode

I am using a custom subclass of JPanel to offer me more control over the display of some images. The code to it is below. However, in Netbeans, in design mode, I would like to be able to see the image that I am working with, instead of simply looking at the outline of the object. There is an image attribute, but the only way I can cur...

BlackBerry - waiting screen

Hello , i am developing one application in blackberry java development. I am requesting to http means i am connecting to web service .response of web service taking some time .That time i want to display some waiting screen. Could you tell me how can i do that.... Regards Pankaj Pareek ...

YouTube Player in Java GUI

Hi everyone. I was thinking about implementing an application in java (with GWT gui) that among its options will be able to play youtube video and audio, or at least only audio. The problem is that I can't seem to find any api or source code that enables it. What I want is that given a URL for a video in youtube, play it using java. Any...

Start and capture GUI's output from same Python script and transfer variables?

Hi, I have to start a GUI from an existing Python application. The GUI is actually separate Python GUI that can run alone. Right now, I am starting the GUI using something like: res=Popen(['c:\python26\pythonw.exe', full_filename, str(RESULTs), str(context)], stdout=PI...

How to get text from EditText?

The question is quite simple. But I want to know where exactly do we make our references to the gui elements? As in which is the best place to define: final EditText edit = (EditText) findViewById(; edit.getText.tostring(); When I try it doing inside the default oncreate() I get null values. So for best practice, do u ...

how to distribute python app with glade GUI?

I'm trying to distribute this app that I wrote in python. The application consists of 2 python scripts. 2 .glade files and 1 .png file. Here is my dir structure on this project vasm/ src/ gui/ logo.png vasmcc is just the python script for the gui... th...

django models gui builder

does anybody know any gui builder of django models? ...

MonthCalendar Control has extra border when ShowToday is False

In Winform's MonthCalendar control I am getting a weird white border on the top and bottom of the calendar when I don't want to show the today label. Is there anyway to disable this? ...