
GWT is there a <label> widget?

I have to add a form to a small piece of AJAX functionality implemented in GWT. In HTML terms, I'd like <label for="personName">Name:</label><input type="text" size="50" id="personName"/> It appears the Label widget in GWT simply renders as a DIV. Ideally I would like clicking on the label text to focus the associated input. This is ...

GWT Browser Returns Error, but GWT does not

I made some changes to GWT app without testing it in the client browser. I just now tested it in the browser and now the browser is throwing an error: "Error: uncaught exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Widget must be a child of this panel." How do I figure out why this is being thrown and where to fix it? I made so many ...

Memory usage of a GWT application

Hi, I'm currently working on a GWT application as a proof of technology for future projects. I like the way of building my AJAX code in Java instead of JavaScript. But I seem to be running into a memory problem when I repeat calls to an RPC service. The browser memory usage keeps growing and growing. When searching Google I keep read...

GWT- How to call an INSTANCE Java Method from Handwritten JavaScript?

I need to call an instance Java method from handwritten Javascript. In the GWT docs it is explained how to do this with static methods and classes and it works fine: (Calling a Java Method from Handwritten JavaScript) public MyUtilityClass { publi...

Is it possible to use Ext GWT and Smart GWT components in the same project?

I want to use ext-gwt in one of my projects but some components of ext-gwt is not enough for me. Smart-Gwt has much more components and I want to use also smart-gwt components in this project. Is it possible? ...

GWT removeClickHandler

GWT introduced with version 1.6 handlers to be used instead of listeners. Now I was used to add and remove those listeners to achieve certain behavior. But as I move towards using handlers I miss the remove methods. Like removeClickHandler for the click event. Is there a way to do this, or am I missing something? ...

Handle callback for ENTER key in GWT-Ext's NumberField

I use GWT-Ext library for building GUI for a webapp. I'd like to process an ENTER key press inside of the NumberField. It should be like this: final NumberField requiredHeight = new NumberField(); requiredHeight.setValue(125); requiredHeight.setAllowBlank(false); requiredHeight.setAllowNegative(false); requiredHeigh...

Troubleshooting nonfunctional RPC calls when using GWT compiler?

Hi! We are developing with GWT 1.7.0 with gwt-ext. We build with maven 2.1. Everything works fine for my collegues but my compile is bad. I mean everything looks fine when ran mvn package, but it's not working. I tried to debug I found that the RPC calls did not reach the server. I tried it in hosted mode but it is not working either. I...

GWT interface to Solr index

I have a solr index on a remote server and need to create a search page interface. I am using GWT to code the pages and XML-HTTP to query the index and receive the response. The problem is the same-site origin security policy. It won't let JavaScript retrieve the remote XML data. Is there a workaround for this, without using JSON prefera...

I want to make a "Web 2.0" application without using JavaScript directly. [Details Inside]

I'm a full time Java developer of around 4 years, professionally. I'm a GWT fanatic. I love Java. Here's the problem: In my free time I often fall victim to the verbosity of my favorite tools for doing "heavy" development. I also often fall into the trap of obsessively engineering my software. I'll end up with the most beautiful un...

Which GWT book to buy? Most seem to be for versions 1.4

I was thinking about getting GWT in Practice by Robert Cooper, or Google Web Toolkit Applications by Ryan Dewsbury However those are from May 08 and Dec 07. Both would be written for 1.4 - I was looking through the release notes to see what's changed since then: Nothing seems to have changed from 1.6 to 1.7

Instanciate an injector with multiple AbstractGinModule

In google Guice, I can create an injector based on multiple module with the function createInjector. Because I use GWT.create to instanciate the injector in GoogleGin, is it possible to create a Ginjector based on multiple AbstractGinModule. If we can't, how do you organize your code to avoid having all your binding in the same Module ...

GWT: what are the best practices for building a web2.0 interface with GWT?

I am no artist/designer so usually my GUIs well, you know... I've tinkered a bit with GWT and I was able to get sensible results but I feel I have used contrived ways of getting those results. If the community feels this question could help: please put one recommendation per answer. ...

Java based web framework alternatives

Hello, I'm trying to pick a web framework that is Java based to start a new project and so far I'm having a bit of trouble deciding. I have been using plain GWT and I have to say that is very good, the architecture, the APIs and the docs are all very good, but I lack the knowledge to apply CSS and prettify my widgets, so I need somethin...

resizeTo in JS gives me "Access is denied" error, how to know if browser is ready?

Hi All, I have a web app, whose UI is written in GWT, where for various reasons I need to resize the active window when the server reports things. To do this I use a JSNI function which uses resizeTo and everything works great. I did a small test and tried sending a few updates from the server and got an "Access is denied" error from the...

gwt & gwt-incubator-security

Can anybody give me a hint about how to implement Spring Security using gwt-incubator-security and AOP? I tried to do everything as described on their wiki pages, but still no effect. I'm interested in how to make PRC calls secure. ...

gwt anchor tag not anchoring

Why does the browser not scroll to the anchor? url:http://localhost:8080/index.html#myAnchor3 this.anchor1.setName("myAnchor1"); this.add(this.anchor1); this.anchor2.setName("myAnchor2"); this.add(this.anchor2); this.anchor3.setName("myAnchor3"); this.add(this.anchor3); Is it because the anchor is created after the page has finished l...

GWT UI testing tool

Hello, Can anybody suggest a good tool to test GWT UI. What is the opinion about using Selenium & Webdriver ? Any pointers and suggestions are welcome. Thanks, SD ...

Google web toolkit doesn't work with CachedRowSet

I'm trying to creating a web app using GWT. In my application, I use MySQL as database. I tried to use a connection pool to control the number of connections to the database. However, Google web toolkit doesn't support CachedRowSet, which prevent me from closing the connections. Does any one know a walk around for this? (except making a ...

SmartGWT alternatives

I have been using SmartGWT but have run into trouble mixing SmartGWT with other frameworks such as Wicket. Infact it has been a bit of a disaster and I regret going with it in the first place. I do not want this question to turn into any type of flame war, so therefore would just like people to list alternatives and their experience wi...