
Make GWT interact with ASP.NET Web Service

Does anyone know of a good article or tutorial on the Internet demonstrating the use of GWT leveraging a (ASP.NET) web service cross domain? To my knowledge, interacting with either XML or JSON should be possible from GWT, but becomes a lot more difficult when the web service is on a different domain. I've tried finding an article that ...

GWT + Spring: NullPointerException on getServletContext() call

Hi, I'm currently experimenting with GWT and Spring. More specifically I wanted to make the GreetingService sample to work with Spring on the server side. There are a couple of articles available for realizing this (I'm linking them here since some of you may be interested):

how to centralize "loading" screen for GWT RPC?

How can I centralize management of a "loading" icon for GWT async RPC calls? I'm looking for a way to have every async call automatically kick off a timer. When the timer fires, if the RPC has not yet completed, a "loading" icon should be displayed. When the RPC completes (either onSuccess() or onFailure()) the loading icon should be ...

Where do I put static files for GWT app? war folder or public folder?

I have some JavaScript files, a main HTML file, a main CSS file, and some CSS files that get imported into the main one. I understand that I can put static files in two places: a) the 'war' folder; or b) the 'public' folder. Where is the best place to put my static files? Are the two locations treated differently? Is there a 'best prac...

How can I replace a GWT widget in a Panel?

I have a Composite whose main widget has two children, thus: public MyComposite() { child1 = new FlowPanel(); child1.getElement().setId("child1"); child2 = new FlowPanel(); child2.getElement().setId("child2"); panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.add(child1); panel.add(child2); initWidget(panel); } Some time after construction of ...

Does GWT have a Paragraph widget?

I've drawn a blank. Does GWT have a widget that produces the HTML P tag? I want just the P tag to appear in the DOM, without any extraneous DIV's. ...

How do I add MouseEvents to an AbsolutePanel?

How do I add MouseEvents, specifically MouseOutHandlers to an AbsolutePanel without creating a Composite widget? Or is this possible? From what I can tell it involves adding a DomHandler, and a HandlerRegistration. A detailed example would be greatly appreciated considering I am quite new GWT and Java. Thanks, Eric ...

Security problem while connecting MySQL using JDBC in GWT hosted mode

I want to connect to a mysql database at localhost:3306 using jdbc in a GWT servlet, but when try connecting i get this error : access denied (java.lang.RuntimePermission modifyThreadGroup) ... I know that i need to apply a security policy for tomcat to solve this proble, something like this : gra...

How can I replace a div with a widget when it is already contained in another widget?

context: I'm using Ext-GWT and I think ListView is the right layout for what I need. My problem is that I have to use a HTML template for all of my items, but I want to build GWT/Ext-GWT widgets instead, so I'm using div placeholders that I will replace with the proper widgets. How can I replace my div with a widget? my first attempt wa...

Problem with GWT behind a reverse proxy - either nginx or apache

I'm having this problem with GWT when it's behind a reverse proxy. The backend app is deployed within a context - let's call it /context. The GWT app works fine when I hit it directly: http://host:8080/context/ I can configure a reverse proxy in front it it. Here's my nginx example: upstream backend { server; } ...

Variable scope in the code

I was going over the tutorials for GWT and was confused by this piece of code. The code is at GWT tutorials private void addStock() { final String symbol = newSymbolTextBox.getText().toUpperCase().trim(); newSymbolTextBox.setFocus(true); // Stock code must be between 1 and 10 chars that are numbers, letters, ...

Is gchart safe to use?

The home page for gchart, a client side charting add-in for Google Web Toolkit (GWT), has a long screed about how the project's only maintainer thinks his Google account has been hacked and because of that he will be "disavowing/abandoning my own project and Google account". Does that mean the project is an orphan? Is somebody taking i...

Where does GWT's Hosted Mode Jetty Run From?

I'm trying to call a web service in my back end java code when it's running in hosted mode. Everything loads fine, the GWT RPC call works and I can see it on the server, then as soon as it tries to call an external web service (using jax-ws) the jetty falls over with a Internal Server Error (500). I have cranked the log all the way...

GWT printing to PDF

Hi guys, I wanna to a pop over content to PDF. I am using GWT. I think client side its impossible. But any budy here know how browser can print into PDF file? And is there any way to print a HTML content into PDF on server side? I have a HTML content with CSS on adding this content to PDF the view should remain same as it appear in HTML...

GWT DateField - 'ExceptionInInitializerError'

Hello, I am new to GWT. I am trying to develop a GWT application. In my project I am using a 'DateField' as follows, DateField dob = new DateField("Birthday", "d/m/y"); When I am trying to run in hosted mode, I am getting the error java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null I am using Google plugin for Eclipse 3.5 (Version - 1.1....

Titled frame panel for GWT (using FIELDSET and LEGEND html tags)

I'm trying to create a titled border frame in GWT, which results in this: This can be done using HTML fieldset and legend tags, such as <fieldset> <legend>Connection parameters</legend> ... the rest ... </fieldset> I want to create a custom widget in GWT that implements that. I managed to do that, but the problem is that e...

SmartGWT Calendar Width and Height

I've tried setting an explicit width and height to the calendar widget in the SmartGWT library using calendar.setWidth(500) and calendar.setHeight(400) to no avail. Any ideas why this wouldn't work? Thanks! ...

GWT: Disable middle mouse button scroll for firefox

Hi. I made in GWT custom modal message box. It has also bottom layer. This means that I expect restriction of any user action at the page except clicking 'Ok'. I made something like this (click on the 'show dialog box'). I have made bottom layer that covers all bottom controls. It has style: .glass { background-color: #000; op...

GWT hosted mode always generates “400 bad request”

I've run into a rather annoying issue that is preventing from running any GWT projects (including unmodified wizard generate projects). Any project I try to run in hosted mode only generates HTTP 400 errors; I have turned all logging levels up as high as the will go and get the same output I would expect if everything was working fine. T...

GWT Accessing Widget Methods without knowing the name of the Widget

This may have been asked before but I have no idea how to word it to search for it. I have a composite widget that has methods to update some of the widgets that make up the composite widget. When I add this composite widget to my panel I use a do while loop to pull data from an XML file and populate the composite data. When I instantia...