
gwt rounded panel (standards based widget akin to DecoratorPanel)

I'm trying to write an app that uses rounded corners for framing the app. I've found a package on google code that has a RoundedLinePanel and it seems to work... kind of. I'm wondering a few things. Is this what people are using for creating divs with round corners in GWT? The release notes say it hasn't changed in almost a year. Al...

Threading in GWT (Client)

From what I understand, the entire client side of a GWT application is converted to Javascript when you build, therefore I suppose this question is related to both Javascript and the possibilities that GWT offers. I have a couple of dozen processes that will need to be initiated in my GWT application, each process will then continuously...

GWT Post build command in Eclipse

I am starting getting used to Eclipse, but I have much more experience with Visual Studio. In Visual Studio it is possible to run auto commands after the build has finished. Now I am creating a GWT project and several other projects at once in one solution (or workspace) in Eclipse. Some files which are compiled with the GWT project nee...

How to get GWT console/development mode to generate css errors?

Dear all, I noticed that when running GWT, it doesn't alert me of css errors such as missing/misspelled classes. Even the error console of Firefox doesn't prompt anything. I'm skinning my web app pretty intensively, need a way to show up the css errors, any suggestion that I can try? Thanks in advance. ...

gwt/extjs - form not submitting

i have form tag received from designer. i need to submit the form from GWT given below. FormPanel form = null; Button submit = null; function onModuleLoad(){ form = FormPanel.wrap(DOM.getElementById("MyForm")); form.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); submit = Button.wrap(DOM.getElementById("OK")); submit.addClickHandle...

Safari cannot recognise GWT History token

I my application we sent registration email to customer and sends link in that email which contains url#historytoken. On click of this link customer should go to the page specified by that url for historytoken.We are using GWT so entry point handle the request for historytoken. This works on all browsers except Safari. Safari go to the ...

Problem in slideDown() functtion of Gquery

I want to show popupPanel when i click on slideDown button ,but at the start my popupPanel is hidden using popupPanel.getElement().setAttribute("style", "display:none"); but when i click on slideDown button it slide down very fast & my onClick code is @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent arg0) { if (arg0.getS...

gwt extjs - get the value of a radio button

i get html from designer. i have 2 radio buttons there. I like to get data of radio button from GWT. I need a reference of radioButton. RadioButton rb = RadioButton.wrap(Dom.getElementById("abc")); but error. how can i solve this ...

How to integrate a GWT app into another Web-Framework?

I need the ability to load and start a GWT App at any time in an Echo2 environment. My first approach was to load and execute the nocache.js in a Client-Server sync using var script = document.createElement("script"); script.setAttribute("src",javascriptURI); script.setAttribute("type","text/javascript"); document.getElementsByTagName('...

Playback audio data with GWT

I am creating a GWT client application which interacts with a server and I am getting all my response data from the server in JSON format. Amongst others there are wave data on the server's database which I would like to retrieve and then playback on the client. I am able to get the wave data as an array of bytes in the JSON format. My...

Attaching blob images to mail

I am attaching blob image to html mail template and then sending mail to user but in gmail that image is not display and when i saw source of that image then I found that it is adding tag in that image source.So how can I avoid it can anybody help me. ...

Help regarding composite pattern with hibernate

Hello, So i am stuck, i am creating a gwt web application, i will be using a tree(gwt Tree and TreeItems) structure to show a list of folders(class Folder) and files(class FileLocation), the folder and filelocation class will all implement a Hierarchy interface basing the classes on the composite pattern. but i am using hibernate to sto...

GWT CSS String Parser

Does gwt have a built in parser for converting css based strings to java constructs? IE I'm interested in writing my own widget that takes for instance height/width: public class MyWidget extends Composite{ private double width; private Style.Unit widthUnit; private double height; private Style.Unit heightUnit; /** * @wid...

What's the easiest way to get a GWT PopupPanel to show in front of Google Earth Plugin

I am using the GWT MapWidget to view Google Earth but it seems that PopupPanels are being shown behind the earth view in Firefox. It works correctly when other map types like satellite and in IE. I understand that the way to get this to work is to use an IFrame shim but I'm not sure how to do this easily in GWT. Apparently, PopupImplIE6 ...

Refresh backend in GWT development

I am developing a GWT application that uses EJB and other Java EE 6 technology as the backend. I am currently using the GWT 2.0 plugin for Safari. When I change my GWT client side code and save in my IDE (NetBeans), all that's required is a simple reload in the browser for the changes to become active. That works great! However, of...

How divide a GWT module into some separate javascript files ?

Hi, I've a big GWT module which comprised of many java classes (& of course it's impossible to break it down into several modules). My GWT application consists of some forms, but the users usually work only with a few of them, anyway they should be abale to open any form as they need. Now my problem its that gwt generates a big js file t...

GWT & HTML5 Video in Mobile Safari

I'm trying to code a site in GWT that plays videos with HTML5. Everything works great on the desktop, but mobile Safari on both the iPhone and iPad do not play the video. I can play a video using Video for Everybody. I've even copied the code to my own plain HTML page, and it works flawlessly. If I serve that same code via a GWT widg...

GWT RPC - Does it do enough to protect against CSRF ?

GWT's RPC mechanism does the following things on every HTTP Request - Sets two custom request headers - X-GWT-Permutation and X-GWT-Module-Base Sets the content-type as text/x-gwt-rpc; charset=utf-8 The HTTP request is always a POST, and on server side GET methods throw an exception (method not supported). Also, if these headers a...

load HTML when click a button GWT

how to load the other HTML page when i click a button? i'm using GWT 2.0.3. p.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub // is there a syntax to load other HTML? } }); thanks before, Rafael. ...

How to handle internet connection down in GWT application

Hi All, I handle a website which is designed in GWT and I want to check if internet connection goes down in between accessing the website. If internet is down I want to give message as cannot connect to server or something like Gmail handles it. Can anybody suggest what will be the best way to handle this? ...