
GWT removeHandler on first event notification

I want to remove a GWT event handler the first time I receive an event. I also want to avoid polluting my class with tracking registration objects that aren't really necessary. I currently have it coded as: final HandlerRegistration[] registrationRef = new HandlerRegistration[1]; registrationRef[0] = dialog.addFooHandler(new FooHandler(...

gwt textbox add change handler

i have a textbox received from designer.but i wrote action in GWT. the problem is textbox is empty but when textbox is filled by value by pressing button then alert box will be displayed informed that value has been changed. but not me. TextBox zip1 = null; function onModuleLoad() { zip1 = TextBox.wrap(DOM.getElemen...

File Upload in GWT in a Special Case

I am doing a software for a document system. In this system when a user completes a document and want to save it, the document will be uploaded directly to server without the user action. This system uses COM/ActiveX to facilitate user using native editors. Ok, my problem is: suppose I have a file say d:/notepad.txt. Using classical me...

html body gwt click event

html file has two textbox and one button. but i need to generate click event when i only click outside of the two textboxes and button can i do that. RootPanel.get().addEventListener or something like that?? help. ...

Does GWT app work well in Android browser?

I am planning a web app using GWT. How well will it be supported on mobile devices like iphone, android? ...

GWT Table with collapsible rows

Anyone know an open source component for a GWT Table with collapsible rows? Thanks in advance. ...

JSP page within GWT frame

i have created a gwt application in which i need to display a series of jsp pages. the jsp pages are present inside a gwt frame which itself is present within a Tabpanel. Now i need to close the tab panel automatically as soon as the user enters the value in any jsp page and submit it. Can anyone suggest me any possible solution as to ho...

how do i supply data to my gwt tree

Hello, So i need to create a tree with tree items for my gwt project. i am using the composite pattern to store all the information i need to be placed within a tree. A User has a root Folder that extends Hierarchy, this root Folder then has a list of Hierarchy objects, that can be FileLocations or Folders. Trouble i am having is bui...

Help needed implementing a web based file management system with a file hierarchy system, help needed with logic on storing of fileLocation and folders

Hello i am trying to create a web application that will allow users to upload files online, i am using gwt while using hibernate for database communication, i am able to upload file to a server , and store them on the server. but what i want is to associate the files with a user. i want the user to be able to create folders and store ...

GWT UIBinding cannot find zero-arg constructor

I'm trying my hand at the new GWT 2.0 UIBinder capability, and I have a ui XML that looks like this: <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g="" xmlns:my='urn:import:com.mystuff.mypackage'> <g:VerticalPanel> <!-- other stuff --> <my:FileUploadPanel.ValidatingFileUploa...

SmartGWT Widgets not displaying properly

I have a basic GWT Maven project going. I added SmartGWT and started playing around with some widgets and nothing displays correctly. The ListGrid seems to somewhat render but things are off and even data isnt showing up (though the rows respond to indicate there is data within the row). Sorting arrows dont appear but are clickable, and ...

Unbinding presenters necessary in GWT

I'm using the MVP pattern from my GWT application following the example given here I have a single MainPresenter and sub-presenter for each of the panels in the MainView. To show a new sub-presenter, I do something like this: presenter = new PresenterA(new Vie...

How can i display image in IE using base64 encoding method?

Hi guys I want to display image using base64 encoding in IE using GWT If it is not possible can u please suggest me the alternate way except creating the image to serverside & sending URL to the client side Can u help me ? ...

Connecting two DialogBoxes in GWT

In my GWT project, I'm trying to get it so two DialogBoxes can pass information between each other. One of them holds a MapWidget, and when a button is pressed in the other DialogBox, the position information is received from that other DialogBox's MapWidget. Does anyone have any tips for how I should coordinate between having two diff...

output of ext gwt label rootpanel,get.add?

i have <div id="abc"></div> I executed RootPanel.get("abc").add(new Label("aaaaaaaaaaaaa")); from GWT. then acutually GWT generates what kind of html tag?? is it like <font>aaaaaaaaaaaa</font>???? which i mean the output will be <div id="abc"><font aaaaaaaaaaaa></font></div> ?? ...

How can i run Single PHP File using apache-tomcat-6.0.18 ?

hi i want to run single php file using apache-tomcat-6.0.18 my project is GWT project with server side is java servlet i deployed my project on server in apache-tomcat-6.0.18/webapps/ folder So please tell me the solution to run php file ...

GWT Dynamic Module Loading

There is a mechanism to load dinamically a GWT Module? The idea is to create a pluggable GWT-based system: a core GWT module that load dinamically other GWT module and a bus communication system permit the communication through loaded modules. Any idea? ...

Google Web Toolkit or Microsoft Technology (Silverlight, ASP.NET)

We have a large code base in MFC and VB. A few applications are in .NET. All these applications interoperate with each other on the user's machine and also connect with Unix servers via sockets. Recently we have started discussing a re-write of our applications and possibility of moving a lot of these desktop applications to web (they ...

How to publish message on Facebook fan/business page?

Hi, I want to publish message on Facebook's fan page using JAVA/GWT API. Any one know any API to do this in GWT? I am trying it with facebook4gwt. But don't know TemplateBundleId in facebook, which is needed for publishing message on wall. ...

Is it possible to debug GWT client code on a REMOTE server using IntelliJ 9 Community Edition?

I'm trying to move our Google Web Toolkit (GWT) development from Eclipse to IntelliJ 9 Community edition. So far I've been able to run and debug client/server code successfully via the GWT Maven plugin and its embedded Jetty container. However, I'm having trouble debugging client code when it is already running on a remote machine (and...