
GWT 1.4 TO 2.0 UiBinder

Hi I am upgrading a project with around 60 java classes, from 1.4 to 2.0 . Apart from replacing deprecated functions, adding generics, will converting the whole project into UI Binder approach i.e. XML and Corresponding working Java classes, be recommended. Or shall i go on adding new UI requirments using Ui Binder and leaving the exist...

firebug is not displaying Complete js file to debug,to place breka points

HI all, Firebug is not displaying Complete js file to debug. I m unable to place break points at particular line in js file, half of the file content is display, half of file content is not displaying. please help me what to do to place break points at particular line which can visible line.that js file is gwt compiler generated file. ...

GWT: Best practice for unit testing / mocking JSNI methods?

I have a class which uses JSNI to retrieve JSON data stored in the host page: protected native JsArray<JsonModel> getModels() /*-{ return $wnd.jsonData; }-*/; This method is called, and the data is then translated and process in a different method. How should I unit test this class, since I'm not able to instantiate (or seemingly ...

What is more viable to use? Javascript libraries or UI Programming tools?

What is more viable to use:- Javascript Libraries: YUI, jQuery, ExtJs OR UI Programming tools: GWT, ExtGWT, SmartGWT It has become very difficult to choose between them as they are constantly increasing their capabilities to meet newer requirements. We all know the power of jQuery in UI manipulations. The latest news from Micro...

Display rootPanel at centre GWT

Hi I'm using Google web toolkit to develop a small login page. I'm using GWT Designer. My problem is that the rootPanel is not being displayed at the centre but at the top-left corner of the browser. How can I put it at the centre of the page plz? Thanks and regards, Krt_Malta ...

GWT Html Layout Conventions

I've just started working with GWT and I'm already recognizing the extraordinary power that it possesses. I'm coming from a frontend world so the Java is a big learning curve, but I think that will actually help me build a properly laid out app (html-wise) instead of just relying on the default GWT panels that often end up using tables ...

@OneToMany property null in Entity after (second) merge

Hi, I'm using JPA (with Hibernate) and Gilead in a GWT project. On the server side I have this method and I'm calling this method twice with the same "campaign". On the second call it throws a null pointer exception in line 4 "campaign.getTextAds()" public List<WrapperTextAd> getTextAds(WrapperCampaign campaign) { campaign = em.merge...

GWT(GXT) - Spring / File upload problem

Hi everyone, I got a problem making GXT and my Spring SimpleFormServlet work together. From the client point, I use a Dialogue like the one in gxt showcase. There are two fields, one for file name (called name) and the other one for the upload (called upload). I checked using a firefox plugin called httpfox and everything is sent correc...

Import package problem in GWT

Hi! I'm developing an app using GWT Eclipse plug-in. (I'm also using GWT Designer but I don't think the problem is here). Previously when I wanted a java application to communicate with a web service I created, I produced the "skeleton" classes from the WSDL url using Sun's wsimport tool. Then I would add the classes generated to a cla...

Access web service from GWT

Hi! Is there any way how I can access a web service from GWT using its WSDL? Previously I was trying to use the generated classes from ws-import.... but then someone pointed out to me that GWT cannot handle all Java, just a subset of it, hence it won't understand the ws-import classes. Thanks and regards, Krt_Malta ...

Why is's return type void ?

Doing something like this is perfectly permissible in javascript: var newWindow = However, this does not work in the senario of GWT (I am using 1.5 I dont know about later versions), Window window ="", "", ""); Throws me a compile time error that the open is a method with a return type as void. Why sh...

How to submit a Form using Resetlet based GWT client ??

I am trying to develop a GWT client that will call RESTful web services on the server side. Can you please provide a example code that demonstrates how to send a POST HTTP request using GWT FormPanel ? How should I send the data ? Any help will be appreciated. My code is like: // Create the form in GWT final FormPanel signUpForm = n...

How to programmatically disable html caching with GWT

Is there a way to disable the caching of html pages in the browser with GWT ? I'd rather avoid using inserting META HTTP-EQUIV="EXPIRES" CONTENT=... in the header of my html pages, and do it programmatically instead - if possible. ...

Scaling gwt's "Contacts" (sample project) AppController with MVP

I'm just learning GWT so I'm still trying to sort out all of its quirks and features. I'm reading through the example they give illustrating the MVP pattern, and I pretty much get it, except I'm wondering about one thing. The AppController they use implements the ValueChangeHandler interface and the onValueChange method is triggered wh...

GWT audio recording

Are there any options for recording audio in a GWT application ? Options seem to include flex, perhaps a java applet or some other form of flash ? ...

Integration Widget (GWT) with DynamicForm (Smartgwt) -

I had this problem when I created a Window (Smartgwt) and put a DynamicForm (Smartgwt) in this Window, In this DynamicForm, I have a CanvasItem (Smartgwt) in which I put a RichTextArea (GWT). And when I press "ESC", I can quit the Window (Smartgwt) without probleme. But when I press "F5" to refresh my application, the browser pops up a e...

Google collections GWT jar

Has anyone had any luck rolling a custom GWT jar for Google Collections / Guava? I've tried uncommenting the relevant ant tasks and running them, but I just get empty folders in the JAR. Can't seem to get the include rules right :-/ ...

Execute code on window close in GWT

I'd like to do something like this: Window.addWindowClosingHandler(new Window.ClosingHandler() { @Override public void onWindowClosing(ClosingEvent event) { event.setMessage("Really?"); IF user clicks ok in the dialog, execute code below. Else skip the code and return to ...

Dynamically creating GWT screens using Metadata?

I have an AWT applet application that needs to be ported over to GWT. The applet screens are described in meta data and the applet renders each screen dynamically using reflection. We'd like the same thing in GWT/ExtGWT. I've built a working version of this ExtJS whereby the metadata is turned into ExtJS Screen configs in the form of...

GWT ScrollTable performance problem

Hey all, I'm having a little performance problem with the gwt (incubator) ScrollTable. It's rendering really slow. Not even when I'm loading a lot of data - it happens already with a few rows. Or is it possible that the deserializing of the data takes so long? I'm using GWT 2.0 and IE. Maybe someone has the same problem or a solution ...