
Problem deploying GWT project with a servlet that invoke an EJB

I have a simple GWT project in Eclipse, it has a servlet that calls an EJB and everything works fine when I run it in hosted mode from Eclipse. MyProject +- src +- JRE System Library +- GWT SDK +- Apache Geronimo v2.2 +- myEJB.jar +- openejb.jar -- war -- +- images -- +- myproject -- +- WEB-INF I'm not sure what is the best way to de...

Is it possible to get code coverage data for a GWT web app running tests from the web browser?

I am not sure if this is possible but I would like some way to get code coverage information for tests that are written in Quick Test for our GWT based web app. It does not seem like there is any solution because the Quick Test Pro tests are testing against the GWT compiled app and not the original java code in which the app was written...

How do I create a non-editable GXT ComboBox?

I'm using GWT/GXT and trying to create a "normal" ComboBox - one that you cannot type in, but you can type a single character and it will automatically go to the first item in the list that starts with that letter. So, I don't want it READONLY, I want it so that you cannot replace the text in it with your own text (can't type characters ...

GWT's JSONParser producing incorrect values for numbers.

I'm work with GWT and parsing a JSON result from an ASP.NET webservice method that returns a DataTable. I can parse the result into a JSONvalue/JSONObject just fine. The issue I'm having is that one my columns in a DECIMAL(20, 0) and the values that are getting parsed into JSON aren't exact. To demonstrate w/o the need for a WS call, in ...

Google map search bar resize in GWT

I have a gwt application that uses the map api for a mapWidget. I added the integrated search for the map with setGoogleBarEnabled(true). It works fine, but the input field is 6px height. How can I resize it? Thanks Balint ...

GWT: forward user to a URL

Really simple question: From within GWT I want to forward the user away from my GWT page to a certain URL. What is the best way to do this? ...

How do I get the height of a GWT object in pixels?

How do I get the height of a GWT object in pixels? I am trying to find a getHeight method or something similar.. ...

Pass sql Blob to the client side

Hi I want to display image to the client side , but the problem is my image is stored in database in Blob format . Can u help me? ...

How to do calendar operations in Java GWT? How to add days to a Date?

Since GWT does not provide the GregorianCalendar class, how to do calendar operations on the client? I have a Date a and I want the Date, which is n days after a. Examples: a (2000-01-01) + n (1) -> 2000-01-02 a (2000-01-01) + n (31) -> 2000-02-01 ...

How to debug GWT using Ant

I know that the job would be simpler if I use Google Plugin for Eclipse. However, in my situation, I heavily adapted Maven and thus, the plugin cannot suit me. (In fact, it gave me the whole week of headache). Rather, I relied on a ant script that I learned from The ...

Retrieve GWT radiobutton value in servlet

Hi, I'm having a headache figuring how to retrieve the gwt Radio Buttons values in the server side. Here is my UiBinder form: <g:FormPanel ui:field="form"><g:VerticalPanel ui:field="fruitPanel"> <g:RadioButton name="fruit">apple</g:RadioButton> <g:RadioButton name="fruit">banana</g:RadioButton> <g:SubmitButton>Submit</g:Su...

how read a remote file with GWT

Hi all! I need to read a file located on a server but I see that in GWT is not possible use some java library. what I have to do? ...

Cab't run a web application with GWText

I am using the GWT and the GWTExt libraries with Eclipse for the first time. I have followed all the procedures but when I go run the web application the following error appears: 1) In the Problems tab, I have this message: Description Resource Path Location Type The following classpath entry 'C:\Documents and Settings\CiuffreA\Desktop\...

Running a Java daemon with a GWT front-end served by embedded Jetty

Greetings, coders, Background Info and Code I am trying to create a daemon-type program (e.g., it runs constantly, polling for things to do) that is managed by a GWT application (servlets in a WAR) which is in turn served by an embedded Jetty server (using a WebAppContext). I'm having problems making the GWT application aware of the da...

Best Practice for creating Web Services

To preface I am new to web development. I am looking at creating a core set of RESTful web services around a valuable document library of sorts (initial CRUD abilities). In doing so I am theoretically creating a perfectly re-usable and scalable back-end to be used by unanticipated applications in the future. My question centers around ...

Index out of bounds error

Hello, I am working on a program where i am recreating the saved widgets back on to the boundary panel. When i am creating them i am also trying to put the values into the ArrayList so that if i want to update and save the opened project i should be able to do so by getting the values from the ArrayList. Here is how the code looks like...

options for producing audio with GWT

What options are there for producing audio in a GWT app? I'm thinking of making a simple game, but I'm disappointed to see that there's still not much progress on audio support directly in GWT (yes, I realize that's largely due to lack of underlying browser support; looking forward to HTML5!) This blog post says that "audio support in ...

Integrating GWT, Spring and JPA (Eclipse-link) in Weblogic 10

Hi, My application architecture looks like this. GWT in the UI layer -> Calls GWT RPC service (servlets) -> Looksup Spring Beans -> Calls the DAO layer which is implemented in JPA (EclipseLink). I have successfully tested the application with GWT rpc services directly calling the JPA layer. But I am having trouble integrating spring ...

Requirements to establish a connection with the database

I am new to web development, I have to create a web application in Java using GWT that connects to a database and download a file from it. Regardless of the type of database, what does the web application need in order to create a connection with the database? E.g. an API ...

How to provide hyperlink in email pointing to a specific method inside gwt app (but not main page)

My GWT app has a search result with orderid column as hyperlink. On clicking, it opens up another tab which shows the details. I want to expose this particular functionality externally say in an email so that user can directly go to the details page after login to the App. In JSP world, it...