
Chat client with GWT

What would be the best way to create a JS chat client with GWT? The bit that I'm having trouble with is the persistence and transfer of the messages. Should I store the messages in a DB and check the db for new messages? Is there a much better way to do this? ...

Access public EntryPoint fields in GWT

In GWT is there a way for a widget to access a public member of the application's EntryPoint class? I want to store certain "application-wide" data in the EntryPoint class, and then have widgets access these fields and behave differently according on their values. In my mind it seems simple enough, but I just can't find the code for it a...

GWT and Panda Video Converter

I'm writing GWT application where I need to upload video file and encode that video into different video formats. I've decided to use Panda Video Converter. I was able to run panda on my EC2 instance (using their image) and I can upload video from Panda's test pages but now I'm trying to make same thing with my own application in GWT. Th...

Does business logic belong in the service layer?

I've got a set of classes, namely, a data transfer object, a service implementation object, and a data access object. I currently have business logic in the service implementation object; it uses the dao to get data to populate the dto that is shipped back to the client/gui code. The issue is that I can't create a lightweight junit test...

How do I structure a GWT project?

Hello, I have followed the basic GWT tutorial for creating a project in Eclipse. Now, I am trying to build off what I learned in the tutorial. I created a static utility class to perform some database connection logic. However, when I try to compile I get: [ERROR] Line 46: No source code is available for type com.sample.server.Connec...

How do I make a RichTextArea in Google Web Toolkit(GWT) Selectable/Highlight-able by a mouse but not Editable/Modifiable?

I'm currently making a GWT project where I display some HTML in a RichTextArea, and I want the RichTextArea to be selectable/highlight-able by a mouse but NOT be editable/modifiable by the user. In addition to this question, could you also tell me how to retrieve some highlighted text in string from without me having to add a text-backgr...

accessing widgets inside a GWT element

I want to access the text elements inside this textbox in GWT from the main method (where I call it like this) DialogBox aBox = newCandidatePop.buildNewElecPopup();; aBox.getWidget(); MiscUiTools.newCandidateHandler(aBox.firstName, aBox.surName); in newCandidateHandler i want to attach a click handler to th...

Devising a test strategy

As part of a new job, I have to devise and implement a complete test strategy for the company's new product. So far, all I really know about it is that it is written in C++, uses an SQL database and has a web API which is used by a browser client written using GWT. As far as I know, there isn't much of an existing strategy, except for u...

Which web application framework?

From the following list of frameworks, which one would you use to develop a rich web application and why would you choose it over the others? Sproutcore GWT ExtJS GXT SmartGWT Dojo / Dijit Flex Capuccino Grails ...

develop an Ajax client like google maps with GWT

Would it be possible (and recommendable) to develop an Ajax map client like Google Maps with GWT? Would it be easier to use something like JQuery? ...

GWT - How to define a Widget outside layout hierarchy in uibinder xml file

Hello, this is my first post. I hope someone could help me. I'm looking for a way to define a widget in UiBinder XML layout file separately, without being part of the layout hierachy. Here's a small example: <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui="" xmlns:g=""> <g:Label ui:field="tes...

GXT LayoutContainer with scrollbar reports a client height value which includes the area below the scrollbar

I have this code which sets up a "main" container into which other modules of the application will go. LayoutContainer c = new LayoutContainer(); c.setScrollMode(Scroll.ALWAYS); parentContainer.add(c, <...>); Then later on, I have the following as an event handler pContainer = c; // pContainer is actually a parameter,...

Java Proxy Servlet for submitting files

I'm attempting to use Panda with my GWT application. I can upload videos directly to my panda server using POST MY_PANDA_SERVER/videos/MY_VIDEO_ID/upload However I would like hide my panda server behind my J2EE (glassfish) server. I would like to achieve this: Start upload to some servlet on my J2EE server Authenticate user POST t...

Problem using in GWT project classes from other project/source folders

My project contains 2 source folder, one is generic J2EE application another is smartCleintGWT, I want to use some already existing DTO classes from first source folder (src) Note that class used on client side and on server side of GWT project! When I do that I getting error [ERROR] Errors in 'file:/C:/..Projects/Admin/DMX/src_conso...

Asynchronuos callback saves value but prints FAILED

Hi, I am using nested Asynchronous callbacks to save my front-end data to the back-end database. The data is being save into the tables the way i want them to, but it is printing that it failed. Here is the code: if(erasync == null) erasync = GWT.create(EntityRelationService.class); AsyncCallback<Void> callback = new As...

Resolve HTTP 304 - not modified in AJAX call made via GWT

We are using an application made in GWT with the server as tomcat. The project runs fine normally, however there are situations where the server is restarted. At such point of time, the ajax call made by the code below returns blank text with the status code as 304 RequestBuilder requestBuilder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, ...

GWT: How to access/style horizontal split view's split

I'm trying to set the style name of the div of the split between the two widgets of a HorizontalSplitPanel in order to CSS-style it. Is there any way to do this? ...

Get UiBinder widget to display inline instead of block

I'm trying to get my UiBinder-defined widget to display inline, but I can't. My current code is: <ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui='' xmlns:g=''> <ui:style> .section { border: 1px solid #000000; width: 330px; padding: 5px; display: run-in; } </...

Problem in GWT realex integration while registering new card

In my application I am using realex to pay amount.While doing that I registered new user with realex but after that when I tried to add new card then I am getting response from realex that Sha1 hash incorrect.I checked sha1 hash structure it is all right but still I am getting this error.If anyone know this so please tell me. ...

Problem calling Request using RequestBuilder

Hi My Code is String url = "http:,GeobytesCity"; RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, URL .encode(url)); try { Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { public void onError(Request ...