
GWT with spring security not working on app engine live server.

I configured gwt with spring and spring security that works fine on local development server on google app engine. I deployed to the appspot but there it shows critical error when i see on the log. and on the browser side shows 500 server error. log error Uncaught exception from servlet javax.servlet.UnavailableException: Initializ...

What is this error Found widget <g:ListBox class='dropdownbx' name='deleteDigits' ui:field='deletedigs'> in an HTML context

I get this error when I run my Gwt app Found widget in an HTML context Here is a snippet of the xml that it complains about: <!-- ... --> <g:HTML ui:field="localPanel"> <fieldset> <legend>Local</legend> <label for="btn" >BTN:</label><input type="text" ui:field="btn" class="txtbx numeric" maxlength="10" na...

best way to update client site data in GWT application

When getting data from the server to the client side in GWT application we need to refresh every period of time to get updates for data, I think this is not a good method because if consume lot of time and resources, just thinking about another method is amazing :), any one get a good and effeciant idea ?? ...

Using Typeface.js within a GWT app

I am looking for some sample Java code demonstrating how to get AJAX content displayed into a custom font using Typeface.js within a GWT app. I have tried a little bit by calling the following native function native void Typeface_renderDocument() /*-{ $wnd._typeface_js.renderDocument(); }-*/; after having filled the...

Layout in SmartGWT

How to place a control at the center of a canvas? I have a main VLayout set to 100%width and 100% haight. I want to place a grid at the center of this layout, meaning at the center of the browser' viewport. How to do that with smartGWT layouts? setLayoutAlign(Alignment.CENTER) This places the controls center to the layout's breadth a...

Google App Engine/GWT/Eclipse Plugin Newbie Question- how to autobuild client side resources?

Hi there, I'm tinkering with the default GWT application generated by the Google Eclipse plugin when I click the Google "New Web Application Project" button in Eclipse 3.5. This will no doubt be familiar to many of you.. basically there is an h1 title stating "Web Application Starter Project," a text field, and a Send button. What I'...

GWT: Populating a page from datastore using RPC is too slow

Is there a way to speed up the population of a page with GWT's UI elements which are generated from data loaded from the datastore? Can I avoid making the unnecessary RPC call when the page is loaded? More details about the problem I am experiencing: There is a page on which I generate a table with names and buttons for a list of entiti...

How to redirect a GWT app from the client side?

Hello there, As you may know, res.sendRedirect(url) on the servlet side does not work because the GWT client does not process it. Does anybody knows how to do this? Thanks you. Daniel ...

Combing a gwt apllication with Dynamic Web Project aplllication

i have one gwt application and i wann combine this application with a dynamic web project which is already existing...... any idea how to do it....? ...

SmartGWT with Rest Data Source Error

I am getting the following error when retrieving data from a rest data source 00:00:52.439 [ERROR] 01:46:57.001:RDQ1:WARN:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_1 (created by: isc_CustomerDocGrid_0):get: invalid index -1 com.smartgwt.client.core.JsObject$SGWT_WARN: 01:46:57.001:RDQ1:WARN:ResultSet:isc_ResultSet_1 (created by: isc_CustomerDocGrid_0):ge...

How can I persist sessions between a Ruby on Rails mongrel cluster and a Tomcat server?

Title says it all. I have a hybrid Ruby on Rails/GWT system and need to persist session data between the two servers, such that when a user is logged into the Rails system they are "logged in" to the GWT/Tomcat system, and vice versa. Anyone know of a simple way to do this? ...

How to find out about the User Agent in GWT

I am trying to write browser specific code. Is there a GWT API to find out which browser the client is using? ...

Looking for substantial open source GWT/App-Engine project to use as reference

I'm working on GAE-J/GWT app, wherein a desktop app connects to the GAE-J component, and there is also a web-app component whose front-end is written in GWT, and the GAE-J backend supports both the desktop app and the web app. I have a good amount of experience with writing pure server code and desktop code, but not so much on the web-a...

How to add a gwt widget to a gwt Composite already visible at runtime using MVP?

Hi! I'm building an application whose menus depend on user roles. Once user is logged in and, therefore, her roles are known, I want to create the Hyperlinks related to the user and add them to the menu. I'm using MVP. Here's my code for the presenter: public class AdminMenuAreaPresenter extends WidgetPresenter<AdminMenuAreaPresenter.Di...

Wrapping pre-made elements using GWT?

Hi, I've been working with GWT for awhile, I can't find a way to integrate it with a preexisting website which is a real downer. My page content is already generated for me using jsp, like: <div id='A'></div> <div id='B'></div> etc. there is no way for me to do something like this though: public void onModuleLoad() { SimplePane...

Adding a click handler for an html element?

Hi, I have a page pregenerated for me using html, it looks like a scrollable list of divs, something like: <html> <div id="a"> <div>Item A</div> </div> <div id="b"> <div>Item B</div> </div> </html> I'd like to grab them in my entry point method, and add a click handler to each. I can't figure out how to do that. I h...

Using GIN and mvp4g

I'd like to use gwt-dispatch Command Patter implementation in my app. I'm using also mvp4g. How can I make DefaultDispatchAsync available to inject into my presenters using GIN or make it globally available, so I can access it from my presenters? ...

How to include external classes in a GAE deployment?

I am using the Google plug-in for Eclipse and have the following problem: The project (A) consists of a GWT based GUI talking to a server running on GAE and using JPA. Additionally there is a project (B) to migrate the legacy data to the new datastore. Since these both project use a common data model, I have extracted a set of interface...

How do I apply a servlet filter when serving an HTML page directly?

First off, I'm using Google AppEngine and Guice, but I suspect my problem is not related to these. When the user connect to my (GWT) webapp, the URL is a direct html page. For example, in development mode, it is: Now, I setup my web.xml in the following way: <?xml versi...

GWT: uiBinder-based widget cant be instanced second time

Hi. I created a widget using GWT uiBinder. It works fine, till the moment when I want to instance it second time. After i call constructor second time it returns only raw description from XML and statements in constructor (rootElement.add( new HTML( "panel1" ), leftId );) are just don't work. It throws no error or warning. Please help...