
GWT Internationalization Tool

Is there a tool for creating / editing the properties-Files (and [optional] the interfaces) for the GWT internationalization (i18n) with Constants and Messages? I found the i18n features of GWT Designer and IntelliJ IDEA, but they don't fit the requirements. ...

GWT requestbuilder with asynchronous servlet 3.0

I have example project StockWatcher using requestbuilder to communicate with servlet (this example). I want to make servlet asynchronous. I have added the following lines to the doGet method: final AsyncContext ac = request.startAsync(); ac.setTimeout(1 * 60 * 1000); ac.addListener(new AsyncListener() { @Override public void on...

Where to keep gwt-dispatch classes?

Where gwt-dispatcher classes (Action, Result, Handler) should be kept? I mean it should be all in client package or maybe shared or any other combination? How do You handle this? ...

Connecting gwt-dispatch with guice and mvp4g

I have some questions regarding gwt-dispatch and guice. I'm using Guice 2.0, gwt-dispatch 1.1.0 snapshot, mvp4g 1.1.0 and GIN 1.0 First of all, I have defined simple action, result and handler: public class ListContactsAction implements Action<ListContactsResult>{ public ListContactsAction() { } } L...

How to superpose two GwtCanvas ?

Hi, I'm trying to superpose two GwtCanvas (which use an Html5 canvas). I am able to get this effect by using an absolute panel. But by doing this, I can't get my object to fill my panel. I would like to this so I can do a whiteboard in GWT. So far, I'm pretty advance but I would like to have multiple canvas overlay to support undo or pre...

Let browser save username/password values in a login <form>?

Hi, I have a GWT app, and need a user login form. I want to let the browser save the username and password for the user. I believe I need to use a 'regular' form for this (not one generated by GWT). So I made a simple form: <form id="myform"> <input type="text" name="username"> <input type="password" name="password"> <input type=...

Can't install gwt developer plugin for IE 7 or 8

I want to install gwt developer plugin for IE (I already installed it on chrome and firefox without any problem). When i want to install it for IE7 (on both vista with sp2 & windows server 2008 with sp2), it says that plugin installed sucessfully, but it does not work & nothing adds under add-ons section. I upgraded my ie to latest 8 ver...

[SmartGWT] How to center a DynamicForm?

Hi there! I'm new in smartGWT and I'm getting problems designing my client. I'd like to know if there is a way to center a form. I have a TabSet in my page. I would like to make the first tab ("Welcome") similar to Google search engine, with the search box centered in the pane. The setAlign(Alignment.CENTER) method doesn't for this typ...

Java SSO with GWT: correct procedure?

We're using GWT and currently working on SSO support. My assumption is that we're able to somehow "grab" the user, domain and SSO sessionID from the HTTP request. That would allow us to validate this data against the SSO provider and i.e. grab the group list from there for valid logins. Unfortunately I couldn't find an example nor any o...

How to implement a login page in a GWT app?

My WebApp needs to authenticate user before allowing any sort of access. The scenario I'm trying to implement is a login page with username and password fields. Once user hits "send" button, a sign like "Verifing..." should be shown up while an RPC call verifies credentials. In case of success, load the main app screen. What is the best...

CellPadding on VerticalPanel (GWT)

I am trying to set a cellpadding value for my vertical panel. There is an API to set cellspacing (CellPanel.setSpacing()) but none for setting the cellpadding. How do I go about doing this? ...

why my website display in FB Login window After Login through facebook?

Hi All I am Integrating Face book application with Our Website. My Website is in Java's [Google Web Toolkit] Framework 2.0.1 When we press FB-connect connect then FB's Login window comes, after that user enters email & pwd. When user clicks FB's connect button then Our website display in that Login window. Authentication and ...

Including some static html files?

Hi, Where can we place static html files in our war file? For example, a default project has this: war/projectname.html I'd like to just make a few static folders with static pages that are like: war/projectname.html war/signup/index.html war/about/index.html so that my users can just hit those static pages like:

Can GWT's RPC be used in a chrome extension to talk to the server?

I would like to create a chrome extension with GWT. Is it possible to use GWT's RPC to communicate from the extension to the server? ...

Ext-GWT / GXT (Not So) Simple Layout Issue?

Hi all, I have posted this question on the Ext-GWT forums, I am just hoping that someone here might have an answer for me! I am struggling to do something I initially thought was simple but am beginning to believe is impossible... I have got a "layout template" of sorts - simply consisting of a few GWT DockLayoutPanel's within each ot...

Reslet with GWT and Tomcat Error

I am getting this error on startup I am using GWT 2.0.3 and Reslet RC3 type Exception report message description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request. exception javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet adapter threw exception

Running a method for infinitely in google app engine/Gwt

I am having a a method which listens continuously to a stream from a server and writes that data to datastore in google app which is later on retrieved by other methods. How can i do that in google app engine i.e calling that method one time during the starting of app and having it running for unlimited time without affecting other thing...

Java and Jasper

Hey Guys, I have integrated Jasper Reports on my netbeans platform and i am able to generate reports using the following code. Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("databaseUrl", "userid","password"); JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManag...

What is a good Javascript graphing library to use with GWT application?

Do you have any suggestions of graphing libraries to use with a GWT project? I need to graph a set of data points and several lines. Also some shading of the area under a line. I am open to suggestions of straight Javascript libraries or Java that I can just use with GWT. ...

How to sign in Chrome extension built with GWT using RPC.

I have an application built with GWT/Appengine/Jdo...and i am using Google User Service for authentication. Google Chrome Extensions can use OAuth...I don't really undestand OAuth yet.. Would GWT RPC have to be reworked to enable OAuth? Is there another way to authenticate users for Chrome Extensions? ...