
Download dynamic file with GWT

I have a GWT page where user enter data (start date, end date, etc.), then this data goes to the server via RPC call. On the server I want to generate Excel report with POI and let user save that file on their local machine. This is my test code to stream file back to the client but for some reason I think it does not know how to stream...

How to use AbsolutePanel in a UiBinder XML file

I would like to do absolute layout using said panel by only using ui.xml file however it isn't clear if this is possible since the documentation concentrates on the code and ignores the layout language altogether. I'm assuming, since the tutorial doesn't mention this, it is impossible but would like to know for sure. ...

Why does GWT's RichTextArea implement HasInitializeHandlers?

...and what can I do with my RichTextArea after the onInitialize method has been called that I cannot do before? N.B. This is a cross-post from the GWT Google group, which produced no response. ...

Problem connecting to Hsqldb via Hibernate when running a Eclipse GWT project.

Hi, I'm trying to run a simple GWT project where I'm trying to do a simple persitence via hibernate to a HSQLDB database. The database I'm using I have been using for at least 2 years with several osgi applications without any problems. So all I done is reused the same configuration and added a simple object mapping file. The problem I ...

Left-aligned tabs in GWT

I have a project in which I need a way to display essentially a list of tabs, each with their own content pages, down the left side of the page. I'm using TabLayoutPanels elsewhere to good effect, but after looking at how they are constructed it seems like it would be quite a bit of work to undo Google's carefully constructed layout and ...

GWT Browser mode debugging in IE not working

I am trying to debug my GWT application in IE but the page does not load. It works fine in Firefox and Chrome. In IE the browser keeps hanging. If you debug a extremely simple page it works in IE. But complex pages do not open up in IE. Can someone help me out. Versions: IE8, Windows XP. (tried in Windows 7 too but failed) Thankyou ...

Is there a recommended way to use the Observer pattern in MVP using GWT?

I am thinking about implementing a user interface according to the MVP pattern using GWT, but have doubts about how to proceed. These are (some of) my goals: the presenter knows nothing about the UI technology (i.e. uses nothing from*) the view knows nothing about the presenter (not sure yet if I'd like it to be model-agno...

Howto retain checkbox selections in pageable gridpanel

I have a use case that requires a data table that is pageable, has a checkbox selection per row, and needs to maintain the checkbox selections when paging. The best solution I could find so far is: Does anyone know a simpler solution? ...

Writing html tags in GWT client side

I have this code in my gwt client side: String out = result.getConsoleOutput().replaceAll("\n", "<br/>"); transOut.getElement().setInnerText(out); Basically what comes out of consoleoutput() is text from a telnet client and transOut is a HTMLPanel in a UiBinder. I want it to show up pretty so I tried to change all the...

Using GWT RPC from a GWTTestCase using Guice

I've configured my GWT app with Guice as documented here. With this setup the app works fine. However what I'd like to do now is get a GWTTestCase to call a service using GWT RPC. To this end I've done this, Updated my <app>JUnit.gwt.rpc so that the service URL maps to GuiceRemoteServiceServlet Added an init() method to GuiceRemoteSer...

GWT Anchor setHref wipes out urlencoded string

I am using GWT Anchor, but when I pass a url encoded string to the setHref function, the browser displays the link in a decoded format. What's the reason for this? Is there a fix for it? Anchor a = new Anchor();a.setHref(URL.encode(someString)); ...

GWT in its web-mode throws StatusCodeException but in its hosted-mode , it's working perfect

Hi to all, I am new to this forum. Actually I have an issue here regarding my application which is hibernate+struts based application. Recently we have decided to integrate GWT into our application. We are using gwt 1.5.3 build. We have set up everything exactly as we find in documentation and various blogs. Yeah I am now in a very ne...

GWT with JPA - no persistence provider...

GWT with JPA There are two projects in my eclipse workspace, let's name them: -JPAProject -GWTProject JPAProject contains JPA configuration stuff (persistence.xml, entity classes and so on). GWTProject is an examplary GWT project (taken from official GWT tutorial). Both projects work fine alone. That is, I can create EMF (EntityManag...

How can I turn an Eclipse GWT/GAE app into an Eclipse Tomcat/mySQL app?

Hi Everyone. Sorry in advance for the long post but the problem I am facing here is quite crucial for me, so here we go... I have a Eclipse GWT (2.0) Web Application using the the GAE and making transactions with its datastore. On the other hand I would like to make sure that I can also deploy this web application on another infrastruc...

How to load a file in GWT on the client side ?

I'm kind of new to GWT and I'm looking how to make a menu in my client app like File->Open .. that will actualy open an text file and let me edit it in some widget ? Is there a way to load files like that ? ...

Problem with Google Calendar API invocation at server side

Hi guys, I have problems with the invocation of the Google Calendar API at the server side (servlet) with Google Web Toolkit. I downloaded the library for java and I added as external JAR in eclipse the following files: gdata-core, gdata-calendar, gdata- calendar-meta, gdata-client-meta, gdata-client. Then, I created a the method as it ...

Hibernate Lazy initialization exception problem with Gilead in GWT 2.0 integration

Hello, I use GWT 2.0 as UI layer on my project. On server side, I use Hibernate. For example, this is 2 domains entities that I have : public class User { private Collection<Role> roles; @ManyToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, fetch = FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy = "users", targetEntity = Role.class) public Collection<Role>...

Detecting GWT RichTextArea 'dirty' state

I want to detect when the contents of my GWT RichTextArea become 'dirty' (have been changed by the user) in order to enable a 'save' button accordingly. I suppose I could listen for key presses that are likely to have changed the contents; but browser support for key presses is notoriously quirky. I suppose I could, before editing begi...

Making html tags selectable in GWT

I'm trying to display an html source ( without interpretation ) and I'd like all the nodes to be selectable (p, div, etc..). Something like in firebug where if I click on a node I can get it's properties. Does anybody have an idea how to do that or where to start ? ...

GWT uibinder composite

I'm creating a composite uibinder widget with a Label and a TextBox. The intented use is: <x:XTextBox ui:field="fieldName" label="a caption" > The text to be put in the box. </x:XTextBox> I've found how to catch the label with a custom @UiConstructor constructor, I might add another parameter to the constructor, but I would like ...