
Problem with Google Calendar API "getTimes()" method

I'm trying to get several informations from google calendar's API in JAVA. While trying to access to informations about the time of an event I got a problem. I do the following: CalendarService myService = new CalendarService("project_name"); myService.setUserCredentials("user", "pwd"); URL feedUrl = new URL("

Google web Toolkit with monorail

Well the topic says it all. Can I use google web toolkit to generate my views to be used in Castle Monorail project and render it through nvelocity view engine. Is it at all possible? ...

GWT Compilation

Hi, I am facing problem while GWT compilation. I am using ANT build file in which i run 'build' target. when execution comes to 'gwtc' target the compilation sometimes stop or somtime it compiles successfully. Can anyone please tell me what i am doing wrong ? I am using GWT2.0 ...

gwt internationalization

Hello guys, there are three (open) questions about the internationalization of GWT, I have: 1) Is it a (huge) performance issue, to use only "Messages" for constant and parameterized text (that's possible), where you would use both "Messages" and "Constants" usually? 2) Is there a way to specify the original text in the source code, wh...

How to output formatted html in java

I'm reading an html file like this: try { BufferedReader bufferReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path)); String content; while((content = bufferReader.readLine()) != null) { result += content; } bufferReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } And I want to display it in ...

GWT + XML documents with namespaces

I'd like to get a quick overview of available solutions (libraries, ...) that allow me to work with XML documents with namespaces on a DOM level - in GWT's client side. Additionally, I'm looking for an XPath solution that can work on that DOM (even if it requires writing my own XPath Navigator). XML parsing and serialization isn't nece...

GWT forced height HTMLPanel

Hello, I'm developing a GWT project, and I encountered a problematic cross-browsering problem. When using firefox, there are problems with the display of all the pages. I found the reason why : In UIBinder, each of my pages are wrapped by a "g:HTMLPanel" : at start and at the end of the xml file, to wrap the content of all the pag...

In GWT, how to user Google account authentication along with RPC?

Hi there: I am using Google account as authentication of my application. I am trying to use a RPC call to retrieve the user information using So far I have something like: @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class MyAppImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements MyAppService { ...

GWT serialization issue

I am having a heck of a time returning an ArrayList of objects that implement IsSerializable via RPC. The IsSerializable pojo contains one variable, a String, and has a 0 parameter constructor. I have removed the .gwt.rpc file from my war and still I get: Type 'com.test.myApp.client...

How to keep statefull web clients in sync, when multiple clients are looking at the same data?

In a RIA web client, created with GWT, the state is maintained in the web client, while the server is (almost) stateless (this is the preferred technique to keep the site scalable). However, if multiple users looking at the same data in their browser and one user changes something, which is send to the server and stored in the database,...

How to get a Class literal from a generically specific Class

There are methods like these which require Class literals as argument. Collection<EmpInfo> emps = EmpInfo.class, "select * from emps"); or GWT.create(Razmataz.class); The problem presents itself when I need to supply generic specific classes like EmpInfo<String> Razmataz<Integer> The following wou...

Flex vs. jQuery vs. GWTvs./ Closre vs. Cappuccino vs. plain JS and HTML5?

Hello, I'm creating my first web application and I'm really confused as to what technology to go for. My application needs to look serious (like an application), it doesn't need many colorful graphical interfaces. It only needs a toolbar, a tab bar, a split panel (preferably 3 columns), an easily-formatable text field, and a status bar...

What web UI framework is most suitable for building dynamic pages / forms?

Hello, We are at a stage where we are considering different Web UI frameworks (most likely component based ones such as GWT, JSF, Wicket, Vaadin, etc). One of the main use cases / constraints is that it must support generating dynamic pages. I.e., the page/form layout and components is stored in a database and is changeable at runtime,...

Solution for Numeric Text Field in GWT

I need a text field very similar in behavior to Gxt's NumberField. Unfortunately I am not using Gxt in my application and GWT 2.0 does not have a Numeric text field implementation as yet. So that currently leaves me with an option to simulate a NumberField by filtering out non-numeric keystrokes using a keyboardHandler. Is this the th...

gwt typeahead missing

I have a GWT app with a bunch of textboxes. In firefox I would expect that when I type a word in a textbox that I have already typed in and submitted, that firefox would offer to autocomplete that text. But for this GWT app it is not happening. The ids and the name of the html elements are the same everytime. I don't know if it mak...

problem in using GWT TabLayoutPanel

Hi, I'm trying to use a TabLaoutPanel in a sample application. I've just declared a TabLayoutPanel as below and even that is causing problem when I run the application in hosted mode and trying to access the application (both in IE and Firefox): declaration in code: TabLayoutPanel p = new TabLayoutPanel(1.5, Unit.EM); Error stack ...

Preferred way of using UiBinder with multiple screens

We have a GWT app that has multiple screens, based off of a menu. So App loads user sees Do This Do That Each menu item loads a different screen. What is the best way to switch the screens. Right now what I do roughly is RootPanel.get(CONTENT).remove(menu); RootPanel.get(CONTENT).add(new DoThisScreen()); I ask this because it ...

GXT Performance Issues

Hi All, We are working on a rather complex system using GXT. While everything works great on FF, IE (especially IE6) is a different story (looking at more than 10 seconds until the browser renders the page). I understand that one of the main reasons is DOM manipulation which is a disaster under IE6 (See

Problem with GwtUpload on GAE

I'm using GwtUpload to upload images on GAE. The problem is that the images seem to get much bigger when I move them into a blob. I've noticed the same for simple text fields and in that case I've realised that some weirdo characters are being appended to the end of the field values (encoding right?). Can anyone help? public class Image...

ClickHandler on an existing element in GWT

I have an HTML document. In that document, there is an element (like button, div, a) with an ID. I know I can use: Document.get().getElementById("id"); to find the required element in the HTML file. How can I add a Click handler to it? ClickHandlers only seem to be available on the Button class. Thanks ...