
What are options for GWT to C++ communication?

I am looking for GWT to C++ communication solution. Currently I am trying to figure out how to run WSDL in GWT, but actually, have absolutely no experience in WSDL, and only little in GWT. So, my question is about feasibility of working with WSDL in GWT (and how?) and other approaches would also be interesting if exist. I am trying to...

Handling very large lists of objects without paging?

Hi, I have a class which can contain many small elements in a list. Looks like: public class Farm { private ArrayList<Horse> mHorses; } just wondering what will happen if the mHorses array grew to something crazy like 15,000 elements. I'm assuming that trying to write and read this from the datastore would be crazy, because I'd ...

gwt ajax ssl login

i have GWT AJAX code but server side is PHP not JAVA. Now i need to login to server side PHP server. but i need to connect with SSL. possiblity of solution i am thinking: change the http to https:// PHP server side LAMP or XAMPP must have ssl support. are they correct? if there are some missing configuration then can anybody inform...

CssResource examples?

Hi All, I am migrating to the use of the CssResource. However, I don't understand how to use prefixed styles :(... Something like: .prefix .label { padding: 10px; } .prefix .button { padding: 20px; } How must I transform this to the CssResource classes and use it in code :(... I was playing with @Import and @ImportedWithPrex, @Sha...

A Java-based marketplace application

I'm looking to build a marketplace on Google App Engine and was hoping there'd be an application I could build on (preferably a GWT app)? ...

Insane SmartGWT + GWT situation... Error on instantiating ListGridRecord?

Hi all, I am asking this here in the hope that someone has maybe come across this situation too... I have posted this on the SmartGWT forum: I am having an issue when trying to instantiate a ListGridRecord object on my server side. I am using the ListGrid on the client side, I want to use GWT's RPC to pass back an array of ListGridReco...

How long do you keep session cookies around for?

Hi, I'm implementing a web app, which uses sessions. I'm using GWT and app engine as my client/server, but I don't think they're doing anything really different than I would do with PHP and apache etc. When a user logs into my web app, I am using HttpSession to start a session for them. I get the session id like this: // From my login...

Problem with mysql character set & GWT

Hi I've a SmartGWT application which interacts with a mysql database using rpc services. Suppose it as a simple form with a textbox & two save & load buttons. My database & tables & all fields collation is utf8_persian_ci. All java source files & module html & xml files have saved with utf8 character set. & also I've a meta tag in module...

Serialization of generic types - GWT

I have an interface like this public interface IField<T> extends IsSerializable { public String getKey(); public void setKey(String name); public T getValue(); public void setValue(T role); } And a class like this public class FieldImpl<T> implements IField<T> { private String key; public String getKey() { return key; } public...

What advantages can GWT give me over Silverlight?

I am comfortable with both Java and C#. Both with Eclipse and VisualStudio. So except I'll have to annoy people with installing Silverlight, is there something that should make me use GWT instead? ...

org.restlet.ext.crypto not in Restlet Maven Repo

I cannot find the org.restlet.ext.crypto package in the Restlet maven repo Strange that the examples use it though its nowhere to be found in the maven repo. Anyone know why this is or have a similar experience. I am trying to fit Restlet into an existing GWT project using maven. ...

Entry points on different urls possible?

Hi, I've got a typical gwt project, but am using some url rewriting techniques such that urls entered like: all get served by my main entrypoint project.jsp file. This works great when deployed. When I'm running in hosted mode, it's a total bummer because changing the url in the browser ...

Groovlet not working in GWT project, container : embedded Jetty in google plugin

Hi, I am working on a GWT application which uses GWT-RPC. I just made a test groovlet to see if it worked, but ran into some problems here's my groovlet package groovy.servlet; print "testing the groovlet"; Every tutorial said we don't need to subclass anything, and just a simple script would act as a servlet. my web.xml looks like...

Read text file in google GWT?

Hello all, I am writing a webpage using GWT. Now I need to read a text file and display the content in the webpage but have no idea how to do that with GWT. It is very nice if there is any way in GWT that I can read .properties file. (Please note that this is not the properties file of localization that GWT has already supported ) Doe...

GWT: Select a TreeItem with right click

I'm capturing a right click event to show a context menu. What I haven't been able to figure out, is how to make the right click actually select the TreeItem, prior to showing of context menu. All help is appreciated. private Tree tree = new Tree() { @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (event.getTypeInt()...

How to get GWT 2.0 and Restlet 2.0 to play nice

Hello, I am having trouble getting Restlet to play nice with GWT in the same project. I have been trying the examples from Restlets website to no avail I am using Eclipse, Maven2 plugin, GWT, and Restlet GWT. I have never used server side code in this GWT project before and I know there is some custom setup involved. I am deploying loc...

Control serialization of GWT

I want GWT to not serialize some fields of my object (which implements Serializable interface). Normally, transient keyword would be enough. However, I also need to put the object on memcache. The use of transient keyword would make the field not being stored on memcache also. Is there any GWT-specific technique to tell the serializer t...

Handler for change of value using SliderBar in GWT

I'm using the SliderBar from the GWT Incubator in one of my current projects. I want to add a handler which fires whenever the value of the slider changes, but I'm not sure which handler I need to add to get this to work, or whether I need to write one of my own. Thanks ...

How to make a reference to a normal java class from GWT server side

I am building my project using GWT plugin for Eclipse Galileo. When I was done with RPC between the server and client, I tried to make a reference in the GWT project to a normal Java class in non-GWT project, but everytime when I create an object of this class I get a ClassNotFoundException. I did the buildpath for the GWT project, but i...

GWT tries to load a deleted module

I am using Eclispe with Google plugin for AppEngine and GWT. Recently I created a test GWT module, but eventually it has been deleted from the project and I can not find any sign of it in the project now. However, whenever I run the web app locally, I get in console the following message: Loading modules com.piq.exemity.Test [...